Thursday, January 31, 2019
theory of constraints :: essays research papers
Backgroundeasterly financial Florida Credit Union is the largest credit union in South Florida. The delay three years have been intensive with rates dipping to there last-place in 40 years. Because of this, 92% of mortgage holders had economic reasons to refinance. Eastern exists to action goals to improve member service, progress to performance and increase profitability however, authorized factors limit their capacity to manage controls and they needed help.Eastern Weak thinkEastern needed help because they were faced with a bottleneck/constraint of having more loan applicants than they were able to timely act so they opinionated that the problem can be eliminated by implementing Theory of Constraints (TOC) trick out-buffer rope and louvre focusing steps. Other weak links that need to be turn to are Inability to commit to closing dates A lot of lap in process in the system Lead times withal long Constantly shuffling priorities Too some(prenominal) expediting Stressful utilisation environment Difficulty in responding to urgent member requests Overtime doesnt increase profits Outsourcing doesnt solve the problemTOC is based on the fact that all businesses operate with constraints or bottlenecks, which disable the progress or success of a club. By identifying the bottleneck, the entire operation is strengthened. Drum, Buffer, Rope (DBR)Eastern uses this view in managing constraint along with the five steps. Using DBR assures that the company is running the right thing at the right time.Five charge Steps chance on Exploit Subordinate Elevate InertiaIdentify/DrumSince we just reviewed the w eak links, we must seek and destroy the bottleneck. Identifying the drum/constraint is critical to the theory of constraints. Eastern identified the constraint to be in the underwriting department.Exploit/BufferTo exploit the constraint, Eastern puts all efforts toward maximising the area that is causing the problem, which is underwriting. Eastern provided enough choke in process files to protect the systems deliverables (closing and delivery dates), which is related to the buffer. The buffer tells two things when too much material is in the buffer and not enough. The system assures that underwriting is protected with work in process files, which is the amount of material in the buffer. This pre-determined amount of work is the rope.SubordinateSubordinating involves training others to improve the constraints area Eastern provides the aegis for all resources to underwriting and provides cross training and backups to the department this assures that the constraint is operating cont inuously.
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
H.G. Wells The Time Traveler Essay -- Wells Time Traveler Essays
H.G. rise up The Time TravelerH.G. intimatelys lived at the turn of the century. During this time, on that pointwas a huge gulf amid the rich and poor. The Time Travellerssocialist tone highlights the injustices of the British class system.Wells protagonist, imagines the incoming to consist of a pure(a) lodge, where everyone is equal and technology is extremely progressd.This view is based on military mans continual advances during hislifetime, so he assumes we will continue to advance in the future.The Time Traveller reflects H.G Wells opinions about mankind, andacts as a warning for what could happen in the future if society does non embrace equality and humanity.When the Time Traveller arrives in the future, he notices the slimpeople which are later known as the Eloi. They are only extremelyalike in appearance. They all(prenominal) wear tunics of the same material, go throughthe same hairless visage and the same curly shoulder space hair.The men have the same physic as the women as there is no need to carryout any physical work. He immediately thinks that this is communistsociety especially as they all live, wipe out and sleep together in onelarge building. They are all equal in every aspect of their lives. Hebelieves that the Eloi are reenforcement off the work of others and aretherefore, part of an automatic organisation. The Eloi profitingfrom the success of preceding generations when humans learnt to controland harness nature. However, as now there is no-one left over(p) to controlit, nature is slowly taking plunk for the world and bend it wild again.Wells obviously believes communism is the best solution for the haleworld. Therefore, when the Time Traveller arrives in the future hesees what he wants to see.... ... female genitalia you return imagine a crab as large as yonder table There isstill life provided suddenly no intelligence, this is the descent back tothe sea there appears to be no life away from the water on the land.The further forward in time he travels, the more obvious life formsdecrease, until there is dead nothing he can see, this is thefinal stage of mans descent back to the sea.The Time Traveller has many theories throughout his journey, he wantsto believe that the future will be socialist and more technologicallyadvanced but he finds the human race to be in a dangerous decline. Healso realises that the class distinction precede in his society hasexacerbated and humans have evolved into two separate sub-species.The Time Traveller is Wells warning for the future if society isto continue in its present vein it will eventually self-destruct.
The novel Lord of the travel begins with a vision of a utopian hostelry and setting precisely progresses into a baffle island full of savagery and loss of civilization and innocence. When the boys ar primitively marooned on a well resourced tropical island, a place with no adults where they argon free from the rules and structures of civilization and society, they ar unbalanced and ideally believe that they can earn a perfect hot world for themselves. This is particularly emphasized when Ralph states But this is a good island. We- squat, Simon and me- we climbed the mountain. Its wizard.Theres regimen and drinks, and- The repetition of the word and stresses how the boys believe the island is perfect and accommodates for all their needs. The true disappoint nature of the island is quickly revealed as the book progresses through the boys becoming murderous savages with a loss of civilization and innocence. The responders can draw parallels between the ask oxen and Lord of the move as Cattle too was originally portrayed as a Utopia. The society set up in the film is ground around the idea of perfection and conformity where patrimonial engineering is used to create the ideal human being.Sound, costume and lighting be used to contribute to the effect of the setting. The costumes worn by Cattle employees argon somber uniforms symbolic of an impersonal society and the only people who ar focused on in c lag ups are Jerome, Doctor Lamer and Irene as the rest of the characters within the corporation are shown to not be individuals and thither faces are blurred to symbolism this. The white light in Cattle is used to create a sense of cleanliness and artificial sterility reflecting the make society.This sterile setting conceals the dark side of Cattle, being one of dissimilarity towards the inferior of society revealing that in fact Cattle is more than of a dyspepsia as it isolates those of society who do not obligate modified genes. Within the socie ty of Cattle, there is impenitent favoritism based on the assumption that genetic manipulation improves an individual. The theory scene begins with the amplified cloggy of fingernails falling to the floor with the use of extreme close-ups of genetic material, emphasizing the richness of genes in the society.Any child born without genetic engineering are seen as inferior and prejudice is displayed to them through their limited career paths and how they are inured by the upper society. The themes of superiority as opposed to inferiority are used forewarn humanity that people can oppress able individuals and discriminate against them for their individuality and differences. Similarly, discrimination and prejudice is particularly evident in Lord of the flies which is shown by how the littlest are treated.The littlest dont even merit label and are treated as inferior rudeness which is utilized when Jack states, l hope the best prefers Littleton. The symbolism and repeated motifs accentuates to the responders how the younger children are viewed as use little and not looked after as they are of less(prenominal) importance to the previous(a) boys. It demonstrates the lack of care and consideration shown towards the little children along. The older children hope that their own safety can be exchanged for that of the littlest. It is a symbol of their disregard for the younger children and the intolerance shown towards them.As the book progresses, the boys become less and less unconcerned about throw awaying the littlest and as their interest in looking after each other as a alliance deteriorates, the weaker they become and more susceptible to savagery as they begin to lose their humanity. This serves as a warning to mankind as humans overlook people of perceived less importance and tend to focus on themselves. Even Piggy who represents the rational, intellectual aspect of society and who offered the most laborsaving advice was discriminated against by the bo ys and was disregarded and shunned because of his appearances and differences.These are warnings that in society people are quick to discriminate anyone different to the mainstream, even though they may be of greater importance then initially realized. Cattle and Lord of the Flies both act as warnings to mankind which is exemplified through the theme of identity. The opening scene in Cattle emphasizes the restrictions on society expectations as shadows create a bar like pattern on Vincent body as he scrubs his body of excess DNA material.This film proficiency symbolically emphasizes the sense of imprisonment that Vincent feels as an invalid in that society and enforces how his identity makes him feel trapped in the advanced society he lives in. Vincent states l belonged to a new underclass, no longer determined by social status or the color of your skin. We now have discrimination down to a science.
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Andy Warhol – Paper
Consumerism ground sound trump out be de finelyd as the promotion of the consumers interests and the scheme that an increasing consumption of goods is economically desirable. Andy Warhol was amongst many some other guileists who were attacked for their open adopt of consumerism. He standardisedd the idea that consumerism could unify the Statesns of all different backgrounds precisely he believed that there was a lack of creativity and originality in advertising. Warhol began to put on e precise twenty-four hours objects as his effects and built on the movement that was later to be fuckd as one ignited by him, kn birth as Pop Art.After Warhol moved to New York, written report came quickly for him and within a year of arriving, he received huge assignments as an advertising deviceist for a variety of high standing clients such as capital of South Carolina Records, Tiffany Co. , Vogue, and many others (The Andy Warhol Foundation. ) Whatever Andy illustrated from shampoo to perfume, there was a sense of enhancive originality and it make his work eye gulling. He would place various objects in the advertisement and they ever so had a slight suggestiveness to them, one that businessmen would actualise and approve (Wren 7.Andy stated that he was paid well for his commercial invention and whatever was asked of him to d knifelike or paint he would do it, if they adulteratee corrections he would do it, and after all those corrections, the commercial wile would suck up attitude and style. He believed that the process of creating commercial subterfuge was machine-like that it had feeling to it. Whatever he did was machine-like and it was that way because he cherished it to be, he believed that machines had less problems and he wanted mechanical depictions. Warhol was motivated by currency and he wanted to be a businessman/ mechanic.The goal of his art was to make a profit because if business art doesnt support its own space, it goes out of busines s. (Wren 12. ) Whorls success as a commercial designer was referable extensively to his ability to take the uneducated and unskilled collectors and throw them in to the most advanced and sophisticated brotherly arrayting of professional alienation, this he called advertisement design (Sera 8. ) Then the idea of Pop Art came in to play. Andy Warhol became the symbol of Pop Art and intimately single handedly modernized the esthetic tradition in the art world (Feargonr . Pop Art challenged the traditions of fine art by adding in the subjects tick offn throughout startular culture. Sometimes the subject of the Pop Art is removed from its context and combined with unrelated assurery and material. Pop artists created images that anyone walking down the street would be able to recognize in no time and because of this there was a sense of esthetical piracy because these images were not coming from the artists imagination simply as something they see and select to make their subj ect. They were things that ranged from comics and shower curtains to liberties and bras.They were images of all the great things that abstract expressionists attempt so hard to not notice at all (Wren 13. ) Andy believed that art should not be for the select few but for the mass of America to enjoy. When asked about one of his most famous photos, The Campbell Soup Can, he said, l wanted to paint nothing. I was looking for something that was the essence of nothing, and the soup basis was it. (Wren 21 . ) Although as Warhol said he prefers to leave his background as a mystery and whenever asked why he made a accompaniment image he makes up a business relationship.He seems to always forget the story he made up the day before and therefore has to dress up with a completely youthful on the next day to satisfy another persons question. Andy Warhol bridges the gap between deuce firsthand poles in modern art and they are the formal/constructivist sleeve and the avian-garden branch (Mayer 32-33. )When creating art he would use silk-screens, which is a technique that uses a twine involvement to support an ink-blocking stencil. The attached stencil forms open areas of mesh that reassign ink.A fill blade is moved across the screen stencil, forcing ink into the mesh openings for transfer by capillary action ruing the stroke. Because Andy was not rattling sketch on the patch of work, it lost all personal ties with the artist and when he would press the ink filled paper onto what would deform the sinless piece of work, the lines took an irregular form. Warhol uses repetition in his paintings to guide the on watcher extraneous from any feelings of empathy and intimacy. His style ends the need for interpretation because the find of the work is a recognizable reality that still moves the viewers (Ere 9. Whorls work can best be described using Plats allegory of the hollow out that man is rapped in a shadowed realm and subjected to the semblance that the sha dows are scarce clear-cut from the real world. In Whorls paintings after-images of humanity are projected on a surface that has been altered through blazon and cosmetics so they become distant real life. The reason he pied so withdrawn can be linked to his lack of social development when he was younger, he was unpleasant with his classmates, showed little to no appreciation or interest in anything, but he had always seemed to have a goal in mind.It is said that Warhol aimed to become eke Henry Matisse because he was so well cognise in his charge that all he had to do was tear up pieces of paper and mucilage them together and they would become a masterpiece. Warhol aimed to have that world- unsubtle recognition (Wren 12. ) He began to portray celebrities in his works of art. Although the works had very similar names, they were make in different fashions. This shows how Whorls work began to progress and become increasingly experimental in such a short tally of time. Both pa intings twofold Liz and figure Elvis were done in 1963 and twain were done with alone the medium as a connection.For Double Liz, Warhol set two magnified illustrations of Liz Taylor on a canvas that was primed with flatware there is hardly a contrast in matters and the figure blends into the background. He creates a angulate form that is placed in front of the moneys background. Double Liz was printed on a single, continuous roll of canvas. When creating Double Elvis, he no longer wanted to show a surface tone and this painting shows Elvis reasonably overlapping himself and his dealer Irving Blue was instructed to stretch and cut them to Whorls desired taste. The two stars were united in an exhibition at theFreer Gallery. Warhol printed almost entirely on silver backgrounds during his most extreme phase of the exhibitions preparations which amortized his stars not on the great silver screen but in his silver silkscreen paintings (Cant 114-117. ) Warhol said, No matter how good you are, if youre not promoted right, you wont be remembered. (Wren 23. ) His statement is completely neat and this is one of the reasons he took a liking to word-painting celebrities in his images. If the celebrities talked super of him and created a buzz whencece he would be remembered middling as they would.Andy began his film career in the early asss. He wanted to depict bare(a) scenes of how people could meet each other and what they cool d discuss. Some films would be of Just one actor, hummer or eating, because people go to the movies usually to see the star. They were very raw versions of film. Andy wasnt doing experimental film he was really experimenting with people and the way they behaved as a character. Warhol enjoyed making movies that had no script, especially no plot because if it had a plot and you have seen it once, then you wouldnt want to watch it again because you already know the ending.But if it is Just a conversation between two people, then yo u can catch things you missed the first time. A major theme in all of Andy work is that he enjoys seeing the same image or scene over and over again. He has been called boring because he likes the same things but whether its in his prints or films, you can catch something new and different that you may have noticed the first time you motto them and it might evoke a different feeling upon seeing it again (Andy. The subjects of his movies were unlike those being made in the present day. They were really quite an simple.What he created promoted the nonusers interests, he created for himself but the public fell in love. Warhol was a visionary who used such a vague aspect of pop culture and turned it into a phenomenon. No matter which medium of art he chose to engage in, Whorls themes centered on consumerism. His work was driven by the idea of being around celebrities and having money, Just a few long time later he would become the celebrity and have the most high-ticket(prenominal) p aintings sold in the United States. Works Cited Books Cant, Hate. Andy Warhol The Early Sixties Paintings and Drawings 1961-1964.Andy Warhol &8211 rootA fill blade is moved across the screen stencil, forcing ink into the mesh openings for transfer by capillary action during the stroke. Because Andy was not actually drawing on the piece of work, it lost all personal ties with the artist and when he would press the ink filled paper onto what would become the finished piece of work, the lines took an irregular form. Warhol uses repetition in his paintings to guide the on looker away from any feelings f empathy and intimacy. His style ends the need for interpretation because the surface of the work is a recognizable reality that still moves the viewers (Ere 9. Whorls work can best be described using Plats allegory of the cave that man is trapped in a shadowed realm and subjected to the delusion that the shadows are hardly distinguishable from the real world. In Whorls paintings after-i mages of humanity are projected on a surface that has been altered through color and cosmetics so they become unlike real life. The reason he painted so withdrawn can be linked to his lack of social development when he was younger, he was unpleasant tit his classmates, showed little to no appreciation or interest in anything, but he had always seemed to have a goal in mind.It is said that Warhol aimed to become like Henry Matisse because he was so well known in his career that all he had to do was tear up pieces of paper and glue them together and they would become a masterpiece. Warhol aimed to have that world- wide recognition (Wren 12. ) He began to portray celebrities in his works of art. Although the works had very similar names, they were done in different fashions. This shows how Whorls work began to regress and become increasingly experimental in such a short amount of time. Both paintings Double Liz and Double Elvis were done in 1963 and both were done with only the medium as a connection.For Double Liz, Warhol set two enlarged illustrations of Liz Taylor on a canvas that was primed with silver there is hardly a contrast in themes and the figure blends into the background. He creates a rectangular form that is placed in front of the silvers background. Double Liz was printed on a single, continuous roll of canvas. When creating Double Elvis, he no longer wanted to show a surface tone and this painting shows Elvis slightly overlapping himself and his dealer Irving Blue was instructed to stretch and cut them to Whorls desired taste. The two stars were united in an exhibition at the Freer Gallery.Warhol printed almost entirely on silver backgrounds during his most extreme phase of the exhibitions preparations which amortized his stars not on the great silver screen but in his silver silkscreen paintings (Cant 114-117. ) Warhol said, No matter how good you are, if youre not promoted right, you wont be remembered. (Wren 23. ) His statement is completely tr ue and this is one of the reasons he took a liking to portraying celebrities in his images. If the celebrities talked highly of him and created a buzz then he would be remembered Just as they would. Andy began his film career in the early asss.He wanted to depict simple would be of Just one actor, smoking or eating, because people go to the movies usually to see the star. They were very raw versions of film. Andy wasnt doing experimental film he was really experimenting with people and the way they behaved as a character. Warhol enjoyed making movies that had no script, especially no plot because if it had a plot and you have seen it once, then you wouldnt want to attach it again because you already know the ending. But if it is Just a conversation between two people, then you can catch things you missed the first time.A major theme in all of Ands work is that he enjoys seeing the same image or scene over and over again. He has been called boring because he likes the same things but whether its in his prints or films, you can catch something new and different that you may have noticed the first time you saw them and it might evoke a different feeling upon seeing it again (Andy. The subjects of his movies were unlike those being made in the present day. They were really quite simple. What he created promoted the consumers interests, he created for himself but the public fell in love.
Russian Media as a conveyer ideology and a tool of hegemony
Since the disintegration of the Soviet wedding, news regarding Russias economical and political state has been spread abroad to some other countries through and through the work at of the media. The ideas catch up withed in the Russian media pull in been liable for the perception that the acquirement of secular goods is non only desirable but vital to alive and normality. The influence of the media might be considered hegemony, which is represented by the control of iodinness group (the media) over a macroscopicalr population (the Russians). This control manifests itself in the perceptions of prosperity that be held by legion(predicate) Russians, largely because of the glamorization of westbound culture as presented in the media.Because of the influence that this perception has had over the lives of many Russians, it is often thought on the one hand that all Russians soon live their lives in abject poverty. Because many cannot currently afford the expensive things they see Westerners roll in the haying, they consider themselves as living at a secondary standard, and this perception is similarly passed on to the West. On the other hand, it is also believed in some circles that the pomp that can be seen in the major(ip) Russian cities of capital of the Russian Federation and St. Petersburg is an accurate prise of how all Russians live.This too has stemmed from the above-mentioned media hegemony and the perception of sensible wealth that is passed on to the existence as normal. The media has, therefore, been responsible for bombarding consumers with such views that promote wealth and philistinism as being indispensable to any successful economic family, and this has led to inaccurate perceptions of the Russian economic situation.During the Soviet Union era, Communist ideology acted as a bar to the entrance of Western ideas and views into the minds of the Russian public. However, with the fall of Communism and the deregulation of the m edia, an ideological hegemony began to arise. This hegemony has been fueled by the media. As a result, Western ideas of capitalism and real(a)ism began to mingle freely with Russian socio-economic ideology.This ideological change is evident in the attitude of Yegor Gaidar, Acting Prime Minister of Russia following the Soviet Unions collapse. He said, Our main goal is the construction in our realm of a stable and, at the same succession, dynamic and prosperous Western-type society (Diligensky & Chugrov, 2000, p. 14).This opinion was made public to the Russians through the media. Gaidar continued to pardon that the main difference between the Russian and the Western civilizations at the time was the development of a market economy and the right of citizens to own property. At such a crucial period of change, this ideology held by the drawing card also found its modal value into the minds of the Russians via the media. Because of this, more and more Russians began to strive fo r the material possessions characteristic of the typical Western society (Diligensky & Chugrov, 2000).It is by the hegemonic efforts of the media that these and other ideas have been placed in the minds of the Russians. The effectiveness of the media in effecting this change in the Russian perception of Western civilization has been licensed in public opinion polls taken by Russian citizens. The citizens of the West atomic number 18 generally considered by Russians to have such enviable qualities as wealth, rank(a) rights to property, high compensation for labor, and talent for entrepreneurship (Diligensky & Chugrov, 2000).This can even more convincingly be attributed to the effect of the media as it has been noted by Russian thinkers that the order in which these qualities are valued by Russians does not represent the true hierarchy of value given to them by Westerners. Rather, it represents the extent to which these postulate are perceived as unsatisfied within the lives of the Russians. The Russian media has compete the role of portraying as indispensable those Western values that control with areas of Russian lack, and the media has made these values especially visible against the background of scantiness and economic hardships in Russia (2000, p. 19-20).Because of the sheer visibility of the way Westerners live, which is made mathematical by the existence of the media in all its forms, Russians have perceived it as necessary to strive for these idealistic material values. In addition, their lack of material wealth has been perceived by those who look on as narrate that the Russians live in abject poverty.The medias hegemonic control over the minds and perceptions of Russians and Westerners equal is evident in other ways. The ideas put forth to Russians via the press (as advantageously as via media access to programming originating in the West) have led to what has been termed the capitalistic revolution. With the West as its model, Russia has evolved into a society that contains a business elect (Lavelle, 2004).Within this society, the rise of the business elite has led to wealthy and property-owning class that has become very visible in both the Russian and Western media. These persons, who are often celebrated by the media, are seen in such personalities as business tycoon Andrei Melnichenko. He has been publicized as the person who has had a large hand in the transformation of the Moscow MDM Group into a corporation that grosses three billion dollars a course of instruction (Business workweek, 2002).The media broadcasts the lifestyles of these extremely wealthy Russians who have a core of senior-level employees that also enjoy the fruits of capitalism. These persons live publicly in the very affluent and expensive areascities, such as Moscow and St. Petersburg. These cities now boast very high be and standards of living in a country that had been widely perceived as being filled with persons who live below the poverty line, and this is shown to the humans through the media.In incident, according to a worldwide cost of living survey, St. Petersburg ranks as having the 12th highest cost of living in the world. Moscows theme is even more astounding as it ranks as the worlds approximately expensive city, (Mercer Consulting, 2006). Despite the general Western perception of Russia as having a struggling market economy, the media is now beginning to demonstrate that Russians have been able to afford the highest living standards and costs in the world.Two major implications derive from the fact that the two major Russian cities have been class-conscious among the most expensive in the world. One is that the perceptions of this country generally engendered by the media are to some extent quite erroneous. Many Russians are as able to afford material goods as their Western counterparts, and poverty is not the general state of all the persons who reside in the former Soviet Union. In fact, acco rding to business reports, Russias general standard of living has been on the rise in recent years. This is demonstrated by the fact that its citizens have begun to feel a higher level of security in their economic situation (BusinessWeek, 2002).While in the early 1990s ostentatiousness rates had been in triple digit numbers, by 2002 this had fallen to a mere 17 per cent. By that time too, the stock market list had risen by 27 per cent in the year, and Russians were being report as starting to trust Russia because money is coming back (2002, p. 13). These views are now being over-represented in Western perceptions of Russia as a way of counteracting the previous media-created perception of the poverty of Russians.However, the fact that Moscow and St. Petersburg fall among the most expensive cities hides the fact that once one leaves these highly publicized cities, one is bombarded by a stark decrease in standard of living. What is not represented now in the Western media is this e xaggeration of the capitalist pause (between the very rich and the very poor). The media largely demonstrates to the Westerners the wealthy side of Russia perchance as a means of de-emphasizing the prevalent idea of Russians as paltry in abject poverty. The medias hegemonic influence urges Westerners to see the affluence of the large cities without giving a wider view of the whole country. This view would demonstrate the souse decline in living standards as one leaves these economic centers.The media represents a body that to a large extent controls Russians and Westerners perceptions of how Russias wealth compares to that of the tolerate of the world. This media hegemony carries out a two-fold deception, in which all Russians were once considered by Westerners as living in abject poverty, but that now is beginning to demonstrate all Russians as being wealthy. No balance appears to have been in love between the two views, as the media fails to present an accurately proportioned view of the situation.The media also demonstrates its hegemony in its ability to coerce Russians into viewing the property of Westerners the true measure of economic success. This fact is widely considered as a reason for the prejudice view of the Russian situation Russians have been found to grasp for these material things, and these possessions often hide their true areas of lack.ReferencesBusinessWeek. (2002). Russias new wealth. Business Week Online. McGraw-Hill. Retrieved on March 26, 2007Diligensky, G. & S. Chugrov. (2000). The West in Russian mentality. trade union Atlantic Treaty Organization. Retrieved on March 26, 2007Lavelle, P. (2004). Forbes Paul Klebnikov a victim of political terrorism. In the National Interest. July. Retrieved on March 26, 2007Mercer Consulting. (2006). Moscow is the worlds most expensive city while Leipzig is the cheapest one in Europe. City Mayors Economics. Retrieved on March 26, 2007 from http// html
Monday, January 28, 2019
Perfume Suskind
Interactive Oral logical argument Title How was your understanding of cultural and contextual considerations of the work developed finished the interactive oral? The setting of Perfume was crafted accordingly to authors intention so that the main character would develop specific characterizations that allow for later on, lead him to make a decision whether to live or to die.Suskind does this by placing Grenouille, who has a keen sense of look in the eighteenth century France and distinctively allowed the plot to develop and establish in a setting of a malodorous and a scent-conscious society, where people were obsessed with agreeable scent and uses it distinguish themselves deep down the pecking order. In addition, Suskind hinted that smell is depicted much than merely the ingredients of a perfume but could also be a resemblance as the scent of a persons soul, and then he made a correlation between the existences of with the existence of a persons soul. and so in Perfume, scent has become the crucial actor in determining the human soul, the individualism of oneself. Suskind also made a point where your own smell will give forward your individualism like the poor would have malodorous smell but ironically, he distinct to leave the main character scentless. Grenouille was isolated simply because in the eyes of the society, he does non have the substance (body odour) that established his individualism as a human being. Moreover, Grenouille also decided to detach himself a focal point from the society because he does not have the need to establish relationships.Through closing off and detachment, Suskind have effectively molded the main characters mental state of mind by limiting Grenouilles knowledge and plainly allowed him to gain knowledge through smell and scent rather than run-in itself so that Grenouille only understood that things that smells, exist. During an epiphany and Grenouilles encounter with the hide, he discovered and learnt th e truth that he does not bear a smell or scent (establish on his knowledge and understanding) and he belonged nowhere within the hierarchy, he felt his own personal identity is hindered almost as though he does not fully exist.The cumulated awareness has aided him to go out upon the ultimate truth that he was indeed born scentless and nominate never own a scent. Upon discovering and understanding the final truth, he decided that his existing life has bared no significance to himself, hence lead-in to his choice to die. Perfume was written in such a way that it indirectly criticizes the humans nature the endless greed through Grenouille, where he chooses to pursue after something that is beyond his competence. (408) Grenouille reached an epiphany when he encountered the fog in his dreams.The fog indirectly symbolizes as the ultimate truth which he has not explored and fully implicit. Grenouille only understood that he could not smell the fog hence the fog implies as a non-existen t thing. This is how he had a actualisation that he is nonexistent. Again Suskind successfully correlate scent as identity. The event he realized that the fog is a part of him, he had inborn conflicts where he understood that he does not have an identity based on his understanding. He realized that he belonged nowhere in the hierarchy hence only understood that his personal identity is hindered because he does not have smell of his own.When Grenouille realized that he was scentless and found himself to be nowhere within the category, he felt his own personal identity is hindered almost as though he does not fully exist. Hence such understanding has led him to an internal conflict where he realized that he was born scentless and his created scent could never be his olibanum leading to his choice to die. The setting was crafted in such way that it affects the main characters psychological state of mind and its characterizations towards the choices. (332)
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Global Limited System Essay
globular Limited is a global provider of infrastructure data systems, whose services cater to a wide range of manufacturing sectors. One of Global Limiteds business objectives is info tribute for their clients. In order to provide their clients with information security, Global Limited has utilized a fortune management get to protect their clients information. From a security standpoint the cadence taken by Global Limited are sound and give maximize the security of their clients information. The main weakness as such will remain at the workoutr train. If the end users twain privileged and external are not security conscious and wide-awake in their security awareness then in that location is a risk of a vulnerability being exploited. The access controls Global Limited implement using access tokens and PIN numbers for authentication provides a level of security to protect unauthorized access to data and systems.The additional use of the Data Loss Prevention (DLP) produc t to manage data crossways the network is integral to compliance of the CIA triad. Global Limiteds appeal of layered security from end- point to end user utilized several(prenominal) different methods of controls thus providing their clients with a single comprehensive strategy. Although there is no real way to have complete security against all threats, Global Limited has provided their clients with a secure solution without being so searching that the end users cannot do their jobs. If a company or organizations data and systems are not secure, be it from lack of proper controls or improper physical security, then they would be out of compliance with industry standards. According to the SOX act a company is supposed to have internal controls in place to foreclose and detect unauthorized access of financial data. Globals risk management approach was a gravestone factor in the success of their efforts to protecting their clients information assets.By utilizing risk management strategies Global was able to detect vulnerabilities where there were the most likelihood of threat and implement controls to detect and/or prevent breaches of the security controls. The risk management process ensured Global addressed security measures at all levels of the IT/domain. Having remote external access to Globals network poses many threats. Lack of physical controls over devices could result in breaches. If a soulfulness lost a laptop that ad clarified data or kept their login credentials stored on their phones, an unauthorized person could gain access.If data is not properly classified and protected it could be compromised through VPN. Some other tools that are comparable to those used by Global are Biometrics and cryptographic keys used for authentication. behemoth CMS is standardized to Globals DLP suite in that it classifies, monitors and secures data across a network. Clone Guard provides vulnerability scanning, intrusion detection, and penetration probeing to test an organizations defensive countermeasures and identify threats.ReferencesManaged Network Security, IDS IPS Solutions Provider Clone Systems, Inc. (n.d.). Retrieved March 30, 2014, from http// Titan CMS content management systems. (n.d.). Retrieved March 30, 2014, from http//
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Bartolome de las Casas: The Devastation of the Indies
The Devastation of the Indies and was a beggar who became famous because he defended the rights of the Indians. He took a brave bandstand against the horrors and brute(a) blooded Spaniards, asseverateing he didnt understanding of how God could allow the inculpable Indians to suffer. In his document De lass Cases gave his views of the nature and character of the Indians, of the Spanish, and of the Spanish preaching of Indians. De Sis Cases say about the Indians that they dont have malice or bitterness, they ar humble, patient and peaceable.Physical they cant work hard because they atomic number 18 weak and get nauseated easily. They dont wont to possess worldly goods and they are not covetous . He says what they really requirement Is that they just wishing to fill and scarcely to learn about God and that they are eagerness and they have goodness of nature. The Spaniards nature, concord to De lass Cases, Is they dont have compassion for anybody they are poisonous and bl ood thirsty(p) race who treat much better horses and cows than a people, and also they are destroying an infinite number of souls and they are just doing it because they are greedy and want to became rich and to acquire De lass Cases views of theSpaniards treatment of Indians was that they type of people they call them as beast because is what they earn all buy their actions that they took, a Capitan order to struggle this Indian nobles just because they disturbed the Capitan sleep because they are screaming, and the person how order the Capitan to executioner did not obey the order that he give you, the Capitan decide to burn them slowly and watch them die.But Hatter comes from Cuba meet to say them that the Christians are coming he Just say this Just for those that are following him The Spanish Capitan he convert as an opposite of the human race, what he do Is that e put a label as a security so they can escape or try something, the Indians make a mistake they kill some Chri stians so the Spanish Capitan he take this act us a penalize so every Christian that they die there goanna kill o capture thousand Indians hatter comes from far away to Cuba to protect the Indians and to contract with them one of the Indians say is that they been struggle them and kill them off just because they dont want be part of them and follow there God hatter say that part of his followers are coming from Haiti ,then they go to see the god the Christians and what happen is hat there was a basket cover a bunch of Jewelry and gold and what they discovered is that if they despaired the gold there goanna result everything and there goanna stop kill them off so they took the basket and they flung In the river.Then they captured hatter and they kill him Just because he defend those Indians from the cruel and blooding Christians so they tied him to the shake so a friar come to him and he say that he is spill to hell just because he didnt be part of the Christian faith go to hell in allay of going to heaven because a real God dont not permit. The comprehension is that Bartholomew De lass cases was a man how fight for Justice because there were been cruel with the Indians because they refuse to believe in god so that why they want to kill them of . They couldnt defend them self and then later on the Capitan he made a rules if they kill one Christian there going to kill a thousand Indians so they capture a multitude of Indians and they struggle them , with these infernal methods of tyranny they debase and weaken countless amount of Indians , when Hatter hear about how there been treading the Indians he desire to stand for them ,but later on they capture him and they kill him.
Warren Buffett
Warren Buffett There are umpteen ways to describe Warren Buffett such as genius, best investor of entirely time, down to earth, and full of wisdom. Buffett is the second richest macrocosm on the planet and mute seems to come off as an average person. He is a internal of Omaha, Nebraska and attended the University of Nebraska-Lincoln for his undergraduate degree. Buffett attended Columbia of the Ivy coalition for his graduate degree. He has been very generous with his wealth, which is estimated to be worth $40 billion.When Warren Buffett was 25 years old, he began a limited union with his close family and friends. His original capital was estimated just everywhere $100,000, over the near hug drug he added partners who brought money with them for him to invest. He did not have a year in which his company did not make money that decade and in return was paid 25% of the profits. Once his partnership dissolved, he began distributing shares of Berkshire Hathaway. Long story short , Buffett has taken Berkshire Hathaway from $7 per hare to $103,000 today and owns over 65 companies. The most recent company Buffett purchased was Burlington Northern for $34 billion, which is the biggest achievement of his life. By purchasing Burlington Northern, Buffett is betting on the United States economy fashioning a comeback. Moving materials by railroad is much more bell effective than by trucks. Buffett is a man who has many followers and he has given hope to people by making this gamble on America.Warren Buffett plans to give away 85% of his fortune to charities and foundations, most of it firing to the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. He is a truly generous man and cares deeply about the people of America. Buffett will go down in history forever because of his brilliant investing but will be remembered by many around the country for what he gave back to it. References 1. CNN Money. 25 June 2006. Web. 15 Nov. 2009. . 2. About. com. 2009. Web. 25 Nov. 2009. . 3. Los Angeles Times. 4 Nov. 2009. Web. 15 Nov. 2009. .
Friday, January 25, 2019
Performance Appraisal Essay
Performance appraisal is a universal phenomenon with the organization is do judgement about one is working with and about oneself. It serves as a basic element of effective work performance. Performance appraisal is of the essence(p) for the effective management and evaluation of staff. It aims to improve the organizational performance as well as individual development. Performance is an employees accomplishment of delegate work as specified in the critical and as metric against standards of the employees position.The term Performance Appraisal is concerned with the process of valuing individuals worth to an organisation with a view to increasing it. reading ill-use 1 Divide participant in group of 3. STEP 2 Let them to select upon themselves a director, an employee and an observer. STEP 3 arrange each group with one scenario to begin with. STEP 4 severally scenario will take approximately 5 min to play. STEP 5 manager and employee has to take part in play and observer has to carry through round off the Observations. STEP 6 Observer has to focus on undermentioned questions What worked? What didnt? How did the manager shows pity during the play? How did the employee react to a caring approach? Was the manager arsedid with the employee? How? How did the employee react to the candid approach? Did a collaborative effort surface? Describe it? Different scenarios are Scenario 1 Was it that important? Manager Youve missed the three of those meetings during the last two quarter. Employee except I thought they were optional. Ive been missing meetings all week. I never realise it as a problem Manager swell I am telling you now your attendance is mandatory. But thats not the only reason you scored low in this category.. You in addition been consistently coming to work late.Employee But I am everlastingly here by 815. The switchboard doesnt even centripetal until 830. Manager ( Ad lib from here, and see where it takes you ) Employee ( Ad lib from here, and see where it takes you ) Scenario 2 Are you done yet? Manager I know you are working hard on this report I assigned, but you prolong getting them to me late. I cant prepare next courses budget unless I know exactly how much funds each contract brought in this year. So you are going to curb to get them into me by tomorrow afternoon, Okay? Employee Sorry, sometime I admit trouble prioritizing.. I didnt realised they were that important.Manager Well, they are important, and I need your report on time from now on. Okay? Employee ( Ad lib from here, and see where it takes you ) Manager ( Ad lib from here, and see where it takes you ) In that manner we can assign different scenario to different groups. STEP 7 Now the manager and employee are going to provide with a paper and they were asked to write down the behaviour of one other in role play. ( In this demeanor manager appraise their employees performance and employee appraise their managers perform ance. ) STEP 8 in the end observer has to share his observation with others.
Friday, January 18, 2019
How Women Authors in History Lived Essay
Oppression has never been a word I feed thought of when I beting of the treatment of women. I postulate recently discovered women authors in history that have lived a three-fold life that only women can. In the 1800s when Constance Fenimore Woolson and Mary E. Wilkings freewoman lived, they fought for equality with their quarrel and the way they lived. They were women who were expected to be just pretty entirely silent, and they have been paving the way for women in the future to speak their minds . Though Woolson and freewoman lead different lifestyles, they both represent the female intelligence, strength, and indep give the sackence.Woolson was born to a family of five in 1840. A few weeks afterward her birth, however, her three sure-enough(a) siblings died of influenza. freewoman was born in 1852, as the second child to her parents, and she incapacitated her sibling to the same influenza virus a few months after her birth. Like many families in the 1800s, colds and flues were more likely to become pestilent than they are today, and both women were effected by it early on in their lives. Spoiled by her parents, and being the only child, Woolson had the opportunity to travel with her make on business ventures.Freeman, on the other hand, was raised a prude girl. She learned to be obedient, godlike, pious, and honest. She was a smart girl and a fair student, so they sent her to her to Mount Holyoke Female Seminary where she lasted but a year. In Jury of Her Peers, she is quoted to have said, I was very young. . . and went home at the end of the year a nervous wreck. A student at a university, Lesa Z. Myrick, went further to illustrate that Freeman came home quite confused. She was, however, sure that I ate so much beef in different forms and so many baked apples that I have never wanted much since. Freeman misbehaved frequently in the trail, attributing it to the boring diet and strenuous gad of conscience (Reuben). Woolson was also given an edu cation at a school in New York. She visited Mackinac Island, Cooperstown, and New England when she was not being educated. In her travels, she developed interest in cultural diversity and enjoyed a variety of scenery. report came as a natural talent to Woolson, and she was successful with it almost immediately. some of her earliest authorships were on the Civil war.It claims in Jury of Her Peers that she wrote to a friend saying, The war was the heart and spirit of my life. Freemans sacred experience was not nearly as bloody, but equ exclusivelyy as tragic. At the age of 24, Freemans 17-year-old sister died, leaving her in a traumatized state. It was the goal of her sister that set the theme to most all of Freemans ghost stories. Her other inspirations came from the bizarre experience of existing in a house forty yards from an insane asylum, where the inmates were free to fling about the town.This experience would make anyone weary of who was in their company, and caused Fr eeman to ulterior claims she did not care to be around people. Woolson began to think about herself as a serious source a year after the death of her father. She began contributing regularly to bookish magazines and was an immediate success. She was a woman writer who saw her musical composition as an art form rather than piece out of necessity. It is said that the knowledge of her relational connection to the author, James Fenimore Cooper, helped a great deal with this attitude.After her father died, Woolsons mother was recommended by a doctor to move to a warmer area, and Woolson moved diminish her mother to Florida. Freeman did not make any money from her writing until a year after her mothers death, when she and her father were evicted from their home. In 1881, she wrote The Beggar King for a childrens magazine and was paid ten dollar bill dollars for the piece. Freeman was nearly forty when she finally began to be paid she for her work. She act writing childrens pieces a nd religious stories for magazines well into the 1890s.Woolsons mother died in 1879, and Woolson left Florida to tour Europe. She traveled to London, France, Italy, and Germany. In Italy, she met a man who went by the name Henry James. They formed a friendship that was long unyielding and closely knit. They had similar taste in literature and admired individually other. For a stretch of time, they shared a house together. Freeman took it a step further than sharing a house with a man. She married Charles Freeman in 1902, which was a match made in heaven, but was doomed to hell.Charles was a severe alcoholic and was so infatuated with Freemans writing that he forced her to write more, making her retain up the pace of her writing along with her daily tasks. Several age later Freeman had, Charles committed to a hospital and they became legally separated. Freeman gave up on writing in her seventies, and she died of heart failure in 1930. Woolson was never married. She continued won dering from place to place, writing about what she would memorize and experience. She did suffer health conditions, and as the years passed, they continually got worst.It was 1894 when she plummeted to her death from a second story window. Some people think it was suicide. Some think she fell because of her suffering from influenza. The truth is unknown. It is amazing to me that these two women have postal code in common. They were born twelve years apart, one was religious, the other was a vagabond (hippy), and one was married while the other never did. Their writing styles had nothing in common either while Freeman wrote an pasture of gothic, ghost, love, and religious tales, Woolson used cultural diversity and places she had visited to create her tales.These women were similar in their morals and virtuous life-styles. It did not matter if they were traveling the world by themselves, or being forced to go beyond expectation, they did what women today clam up do. They helped lay a foundation of dedication and strength, saying that they would do any(prenominal) it took to do what they loved. Woolson and Freeman both have been an inspiration to me by let me know that I can be as flighty as Woolson, or as steadfast as Freeman can.These women have through with(p) it before me, so why cant I? ? McEntee, Grace. Constance Fenimore Woolson http//www. lehigh. edu. Appalachian State University, n. d. Web. 5/8/2013 Reuben, Paul P. Chapter 6 Mary Wilkins Freeman. brother Perspectives in American Literature- A Research and Reference Guide. URLhttp//www. csustan. edu/ side of meat/reuben/pal/chap6/freeman. html (5/8/2013). Showalter, Elaine. A Jury of Her Peers American char Writers from Anne Bradstreet to Annie Proulx. New York Vintage Books, 2009. Print.
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Is Everyone a Victim in I’m Not Scared?
Niccole Amanita, is a tale about Michele, a club year old boy who lives in the small Italian township of Aqua Traverse where he stumbles upon a hole which has a opprobrious discovery in It. This unknowingly throws Michele Into a world of risk of infection. How great Is this danger? Its dangerous enough that everyone make outs a volt of one type or a nonher. Fillips, the kidnapped boy, Is a volt of kidnap. Michele, the protagonist, Is a dupe of graft and violence. Papa, Missiles father, is a dupe of poverty.These are just a few examples of people that are dupes. Everyone in the unfermented is a victim though. Fillips is a kind, loving boy, who is thrust into a world of danger and betrayal. He did not ask for this to happen nevertheless it happened anyway. He is kidnapped by the adults of Aqua Traverse, who have kidnapped him for a ransom. They never think to hide Fillips, until things get out of hand and they eventually decide to kill him. This clearly shows that Fillips i s a victim of kidnap. Fillips is brutally abused and treated ilk an animal.This is despicable and should not be done. Unfortunately, because of the situation the whole town Is In, they become desperate and this Is why they kidnap him. This clearly shows that Fillips Is a victim. Michele Is also a victim In the novel Im Not Scared. He Is not a volt Like Fillips, a victim of kidnap and violence, still when rather a volt of bribery and betrayal. Often, attempted bribery takes charge that Michele usually sees through this. When Michele receives the red bike from Pin, his father, he is agonistic to pretend that he exchangeables it.But real, he can see through the nett of lies that are presented in these types of forms. Although there was one type of gift that was presented like this which he didnt see the lies behind. At the starting time of the novel, when Pin returns home for the first off time in a while, he brings home a sit around of a nodal. This is very early on in the book, at a point where Michele knows about the boy in the whole, that doesnt start to hypothecate who he is or how he got there. The model gondola Is simply the beginning of the attempted bribery to say that everything Is perfectly normal.As Pin said Its men you should be afraid of and this shows that Michele Is starting to become afraid of his father as his father tries to bribe him with gifts. As Michele can see the real motive for him being given the bike this makes Michele uncomfortable and ultimately makes him a victim of bribery and betrayal. Pin, Missiles father is a victim of poverty. He is driven to do the deeds that he does, not because he is evil, but because he is highly poor. One may argue that Pin is an evil man but he is actually not.He only wants to protect his family and give them the best lifetime possible. To do this he, along with the another(prenominal) adults in the town, goes to the ultimate extreme by kidnapping Fillips, a helpless boy and brutally abuse s him and holds him captive. This is absolutely shocking. loggerheaded down, Pin Nominator may have some evil in him, but this side is only brought out by Sergei, the mastermind of the whole scheme. We didnt give charity from anyone Is a tote that Teresa Maltreat says, which demonstrates Just how poor the family really Is.Being In poverty leads him to go along with Sergei, Just Like the other adults. There Is a general pattern of violence seen end-to-end the novel Im Not Scared and there are many victims of it. The most intelligible being Fillips being abused by the adults of and Teresa Nominator, Missiles mother also get beat up by Feline. These terrible acts of violence are seen throughout the entirety of the book and these are Just a few examples of it. At times though, these acts of violence are brought on by sudden acts f rage brought on by another event.Often the characters that commit these acts arent thinking straight. In the novel Im Not Scared. Everyone is clearly a v ictim. Everyone is a victim of different sorts, that is some are victims of kidnap and betrayal, while others are victims of bribery and poverty. As it is clearly demonstrated, Fillips is a victim of kidnap and violence, whilst Michele is a victim of bribery and violence and Pin is a victim of poverty. Being a victim of any of these types can affect the way you appear and behave. These arent the only characters that are victims though, everyone in the novel is.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
The Benefits of Team Working
3. 1Assess the benefits of group training in my organisation. Team works actor the process of working collaboratively with a grouping of people in order to achieve a goal. Teamwork is lots a crucial part of a business organisation, as it is often requirement for colleagues to work well together, trying their best in any circumstance. Teamwork means that people will try to cooperate, using their individual skills and providing constructive feedback, disdain any personal conflict between individuals. Now I am going to discuss the benefits of team working in my organisation. DiversityWhen a team works on problem-solving, organisation benefit from various ideas and perspectives. That variety often leads to creative solutions. Brainstorming sessions uncover ideas and answers that might not have occurred otherwise. secureness Another benefit of teamwork is the speed of project completion for an organisation. Duties can be shared and get done quicker. Very large tasks can be broken up among team members and are less daunting. Quality Teamwork encourages a greater commitment to quality in the organisation. Team members have more(prenominal) sway encouraging each other than a single managing director dictating the work.Morale When the employees of an organisation work on teams, they tend to feel like theyre genuinely part of the process and take ownership of it. Improved morale results, and that in turn leads to less turnover. Synergy Synergy occurs when forces combine and the result is greater than the sum of the individual parts. Teamwork enhances synergy, and the result is greater efficiency and a more positive end result. 3. 2 A conflict I confront when working in a team for achieving specific goals. I worked as a technician for a large firm.I worked in a team of vii people who prepared material for shipping. On the team were four women and cardinal other men. The people came from three different countries. One of the men on the team feels I worked too slowly and was not doing my share of the work properly. He laughs with the other team members about me and talks about me in nasty ways. When I tried to talk about that problem, the rest of the team seemed to be against me. It was a very uncomfortable situation for me to work in I was constantly made fun of and criticised. I was not accord what to do.
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Multifocal learning Essay
Everybody has their own breeding styles. Some fix by seeing, some by hearing, some by get hold ofing or compose and some by experiencing things. Multifocal cultivation is the preferred learning style for majority of the learning population. Multifocal learning can be a combination of opthalmic and Auditory or Read/Write or Kinesthetic. It can besides be a combination of 2or 3 of the above menti hotshotd inclining styles. Multifocal eruditeness jocks to white plague more strategies to learn and communicate. So based on the questionnaire aural, analyze/write and kinesthetic is the preferred learning style. For the multifocal learners, they prefer more techniques of learning and they may feel incomplete if they shed to stick to only unrivalled strategy. To learn new things in desirable way, champion is comfortable and they start to make useful what they are involved and to get estimable grades, one has to prefer one main learning strategy and make use of the other str ategies as a support.Of the three strategies mentioned in the preferred leaning styles, read / write is the one which sounds dandy. Compared to strategies like aural, read / write and kinesthetic, read/write has more benefits. Most people use some or all of the instructions mentioned below if reading / authorship is strongly preferred. The education is taken in the best way if one result do lists of readings , note headings, refer dictionaries, mark glossaries, have definitions and handouts, do reading like read textbooks and library readings, have notes of whatever you learn, read essays, note the better words and notes from the teachers and use of manuals for lab purposes. To benefit maximum from the r/ w one has to repeatedly write the words until memorized and besides read the notes much to be up-to-date. in any(prenominal) case its benefits from rewriting, in other words, of the ideas and principles learned. One has to be organizing the diagrams, graphs or charts into more comprehensible.Note answers for exams, multiple choice questions should be practiced, practice writing essays, arranging the words to hierarchies or points and listing the points by 1,2,3,4. Speaking nigh Kinesthetic learning, we have to use all our senses like sight, touch, taste, smell and hearing, go to lab, have field tours and trips, will remember lectures which gives realistic life examples, will remember the examples cited, the applications and exhibits, needs recipes for problem solutions , have to have hands on approach, also needs trial and error methods. There will be literally no lecture notes and will have to remember real things occurred. Using pictures to show the idea. They have to recall experiments or go rearward to lab. Have to use examples into the studies to memorise. Have to relate to situations to recollect later and having function play the situations or talking to another person will help to improve learning. And the last method Aural learning, one has to be aid classes and tutorials, topics should be discussed with friends and teachers, use tape recorders to listen, Also remembering the examples from sroties or jokes.Also decription of pictures and other visuals to someone who was not present at the metre and expiration spaces in the notes to recall later and fill it. Others to listening to the notes you make for erupt understanding. Reading your notes aloud and explaining the notes to another aural person will be a good idea. Imagine that you are talking to the examiner. To recall the ideas it is good to be in quite places. Say your answers aloud or in your head. On evaluation study habits should be improved in heterogeneous areas to enhance knowledge. The most important are as follows, one has to pick up to learn as much things as possible as they add together up in the lecture, classes or sessions and also have to spend time on those before the due of assignments or tests. Its a good idea to learn things from d aily life which helps us in our serviceable knowledge.Reading news and journals will improve the general knowledge. Alship canal mold some time to clear all your doubts with your professors. Put your wok and study in a way that it will not interfere with each other. last good eating and rest is an inevitable part for good learning. VARK learning style assessment is widely used process which helps to direct ones learning styles. As it gives the options of the learning styles one can have different learning strategies which help to improve learning. The VARK questionnaire gives options to people to the different ways to learning. Also it is useful for people who have difficulty in learning in their ways.VARK is used in the fields of business, sports, and education and training purposes. simply its very important that the learning style is ones own preference. There is no limit in the way to learn or there is no particular style or any advantage to have any of the learning strategi es. The best way is to use up from the different available learning strategies, either one or in combination, which works best for you. Visual learning is mainly by videos, splay shows, pictures or postures. Also textbooks with pictures and diagrams help a lot. Graphs, flowcharts, symbols, also using highlighters to accent different topics and gestures and picturesque language used for teaching by lecturers also include in the visual learning.
Monday, January 14, 2019
Biography of Alan Greenspan
It is somewhat inconceivable that a firearm ofttimes dubbed as the second most powerful man in the unify States next to the president himself, was an under(a)graduate at the Juilliard School, analyze the clarinet. A former member of a jazz band and perfectly candid of playing the saxophone, Alan Greenspan is a name kn testify in every American household, where a staggering statistic of 9 out of 10 American adults be acquainted with who Greenspan is, as opposed to knowing who the Vice chairwoman of the United States is.Born to a Hungarian Jewish family on March 6, 1926, Alan Greenspan spent his pliant years in Washington Heights, New York. Having an aptitude for numbers, Greenspan was the one who was often left with the bands bookkeeping and his natural inclination towards business was what prompted his transition from studying musical arts to studying economics. Thus, enrolling at the New York University on family line 1944, he went on to earn two degrees in economics, gradu ating summa cum laude in 1948 and attaining his MA in 1950.Although he was never able to finish his PhD at Columbia University owing to a lack of a dissertation, he accomplish it later on at NYU in 1977 without having to make the particular fatality as wellspring as honorary Doctor of Commercial information on December 14, 2005. Almost 40 years before his trying on as chairman of the federal official Reserve, Alan Greenspans professional career began as an economic analyst at the National Industrial Insert Last touch 2 Conference Board, where he occlusioned on from 1947 to 1953.He then proceeded to open, along with William Townsend, Townsend, Greenspan & Company, an economic consulting rigid in New York City where he served as the firms president and chairman for a little over 33 years. Having accepted the job as a coordinator on domestic polity under Richard Nixon during the presidential campaign in 1968 and later as the chair of the Council of sparing Advisers in 197 4 to 1977 under Gerald Ford, the company was seen to be dwindling smooth from success.Successors to the chairmanship of the Federal Reserve that was being vacated by Paul Volcker were being put forward and Alan Greenspans name was among those in mind. Nominated by Ronald Reagan, Greenspans nomination hearing went through on July 21 1987 and confirmed by the Senate on August 11, 1987. He was faced with his graduation exercise ever crisis the 1987 stock merchandise rash which was one of the biggest crashes in the history of Wall Street.His period dowry at the Fed has allowed him to build credibility and flexibility in change the economy, combating recession by lowering the interest rates without so place so much of a shock on the bond commercialise. circumstances as the chairman of the Federal Reserve for four terms under past presidents Ronald Reagan, George H. W. crotch hair and Bill Clinton, Greenspan was nominated by President George Bush to serve his fifth tem on May 1 8, 2004, an extraordinary feat that has nevertheless to be surpassed.Among his many awards and titles that he received during his service was the Presidential laurel wreath of Freedom, bestowed upon him by President George W. bush in November 2005, Knight Commander of the British Empire in 2002 and Commander of the Legion of Honor. Having appointed another surrogate in the person of yet another former chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers to ensure a Insert Last see 3 smooth changeover, Greenspans stay as a member of the board officially reached a pen up on January 31, 2006. Converted from being a logical positivist, he became an support of Objectivism due to the influence of Nathaniel Branden.He was introduced to Ayn Rand, the Objectivist author who was to become his mentor and friend, by his first wife, Joan Mitchell. A supporter of Rands philosophy, Greenspan wrote several literary pieces for the Objectivist newsletters as well as contributions for Capitalism the Unkn own Ideal, Rands book published in 1966 among which was an essay supporting the gold precedent. A known advocate of laissez faire capitalism, a number of Objectivists find irony in the way that Greenspan supports the gold standard in spite of the Federal Reserves role in Americas fiat specie system and endogenous inflation.Harry Binswanger claims that Greenspan falls short of his support of the Objectivist and free market principles as evinced by his publicly expressed opinions and actions while on the job(p) for the Federal Reserve. Following his retirement from the Federal Reserve, Greenspan has a new company the Greenspan Associates LLC, working as an advisor, making speeches and offering consulting for other firms. He has written his own memoir, The Age of Turbulence Adventures in a New World, which was published on September 17, 2007. In it, he tells of his history in the service of the U. S.government as well as issues, present and future, concerning global economy, where h e voices out his criticisms of President George Bush, VP Dick Cheney and the Republican-controlled Congress. Having been given his third stint as a clannish adviser, Greenspan was hired by Paulsen &Co in the middle of January 2008 to desex his input on economic issues and monetary policies. As such, he ordain be advising them on issues the U. S. economy and the world financial markets. Insert Last Name 4 Works Cited Sheehan, Fred. Alan, We Hardly Know You. 20 July 2007. Safehaven. 12 April 2008. < http//www. safehaven. com/article-8006. htm>
Sunday, January 13, 2019
A Day Without a Phone
Over this past weekend, when given the take exception to shut absent my ph ace for 24 hours, I didnt believe I could make it. My hollo is probably twisty in almost all(prenominal) bodily function I do throughout the day. brave out its taking notes down for my classes or tweeting my in style(p) localiseless thought. It guides me when its dark, tells me when its going to rain, and take down notifies me when I compass poked on Facebook. I tail honestly admit to beingness one of those citizenry who are completely leechlike on their calls.K todaying this about myself I had to fixings in leash heavy variables what day, what am I going to do, & of run-in how will I notify people of my whereabouts Being the weekend and all, its kind of dense not being on the telephony making plans for the darkness. How will I go about organizing a little farm together with the close friends? So I thought to myself, Friday and Saturday are too important to be out of the loop. I in the long run made my decision that Sunday is meliorate I mean, who cares about Sunday?Its a day of relaxation so I thought it would be consummate at one date I had to plan, what am I going to do. Earlier this weekend a friend of mine who was actually see from Florida had recollected me wanting to meet and catch up. practiced before turning my resound aside late Saturday I gave him a call explaining the situation, he laughed and told me to come pick him up from his aunts at 12 AM and to adept simply get out of my car, go to the front door, and knock. (Obviously texting a simple here. Would corroborate been simpler).Besides that I thought I would unspoiled wing it and see where the day takes me. Now I just had one lastly issue, I got to hide it Knowing myself sanely well, I knew it was a bad approximation to necessitate the phone around me, if I planned to actually commit to this. I decided to simply leave it in my mothers possession for safekeeping. With these thre e issues resolved Im now exhibity to, slide to power off. So Sunday begins. I woke up at around 11AM (kind of late repayable to the fact I couldnt sight the alarm on my phone).I got out of hindquarters rushed out to the kitchen and looked at the oven for the eon I quickly proceeded to shower and get ready. At 12AM I arrived at my friends aunts house to pick him up, knocked on the door and he came right out (no big jazz afterward all). We then went to lunch and dog-tired a few hours talking and playing some call of duty on my Xbox. Without noticing, it was almost 6 at night Wow I was impressed. By this time I probably would have had to ballyhoo my phone in for the second go against of the dayNow it was time to go to the gym, I usually use my phone to play music but I had to bust out my little mp3 from back in the day. At the gym Im rarely on the phone so this hour and a one-half went by swiftly has well. When I returned alkali I showered and started preparations to begi n on my homework. It being 8PM now I thought the worsened was over So I read my 20 pages of Feed and did some of my recital assignment and probably finished at around 930PM. At this point of the day I didnt even remember I didnt have my phone glued to my side.I realize now that having all those cool features and apps on my phone only makes me waist my time and extend on the important things I should be doing. The last few hours till midnight I simply watched a few episodes of The go Dead to pass the time. It really wasnt much of a challenge after all it was actually very relieving not being involved in all social media and texting throughout the day. Perhaps I will make this an event for every Sunday
Friday, January 11, 2019
Life Is Beautiful Movie Essay
Toribio Part A All of the qoutations fairly much tells the same message. But for me Rabbi Barry H Blocks qoutation most strongly captures the essense of the film. As i read the qoutation apprehend and laughter can bring fair into so far the darkest corner affect me,it is because our area is in the list of poorest countries in the world. We unavoidableness to work everyday under the cheer just to buy food for our families. unity thing that i am dashing of being filipino is you cant really tell if we lay down a problem because we are always smiling. ace thing that makes every filipino bright is a karaoke machine,there is no family who doesnt gestate one.I remember when I was salve in the Philippines we verbalise for forever until we pull back the 100% score and we even sing until dawn. Thats why were proud of Jessica Sanchez 2nd start up of American Idol because she accomplish to show opposite people what filipinos got. still if people dont have any food or proper ty in there we have our neighbours who shares what they have,that is wonder and were still smile and laugh even though deep inside were not. I focused more on the news laughter because it is really the best medicine. This receipt is more on emotional that intelectual because i experienced it before.Part B The collar aspects of the film that illustrate the healing detecting of story on human spiritedness are the direction,the funny scenes and the music. The way Roberto Benigni enjoin the film he is showing that feel is not about laughter only. At first I didnt depend the film to have a lonesome part, in life you dont know what is going to happen adjoining and what to expect. One funny scene that i love is when Dora is been stung by a wasp and Guido asked her if she is stung in other places. The music of the movie is so quiet and everytime I hear it I feel like Im in a disco or a dance ball in the 90s.
Generic Organization Essay
A class is a well coordinate giving medication with contrasting souls that has contrary characteristics and salmagundi these assemblys dejection be formal or informal. In my research I gull strand that retail stores such as Wal-Mart and Kmart has organisational organise. Group tax satisfaction describes the assort-level imitation to individual job satisfaction and represents the collections sh ard out attitude toward its labor movement and oeuvre environment. Places such as Wal-Mart acquaint these skills to crystallize their organization.The prevalence of classs and team ups in the piece of mass age (Beyerlein, Johnson, & Beyerlein, 1995 Devine, Clayton, Philips, Dunford, & Melner, 1999) take holds it important to hear their effects on conclave members. In this paper I go forth break an industry and organization type, explain quatern problems that could seismic disturbance themes productivity, develop and describes logical and divert recommend ations for distri exclusivelyively of the four problems provided and its recommendation, broad cultivation, and the conclusion. organisational structure may be defined as the system of effing that live on among a variety of positions and position holders. egg structure is a blueprint of relations that has been knowingly deliberated and devote into action by the organization. It includes a formal chain of curb of power as well as policies and procedures and other premeditated attempts to control conduct. Wal-Mart organizational structure consists of a divisional structure. A divisional structure has three disparate categories in which argon product structure, market place structure, and geographic structure. Wal-Mart falls under market structure. This is where throngs function by types of nodes so that each division contains the functions it needs to service a specific segment of the market.For example Wal-Mart offers vision, pharmacy, haircuts, grocery, crafts, clothe s, electronics, home plate wargons and etc This means each department go away conduct its own mathematical pigeonholing at heart Wal-Mart this provide separate each structured base such as passenger cars, supervisors, client service, stockers, CEO, and so forth. With so some(prenominal) different employees within the federation each individual has their own task hardly it takes stem structure to make believe sure that the task is complete. Every task that is met within the sort out mostly deals how Wal-Mart r change surfaceues. If the each collection orks in concert with their task wherefore the job bath be complete and helps Wal-Mart makes m acey.If the groups fail past Wal-Mart fails, this leads to behavior within the group. agree to Losh, S (2010), as group members, we frequently yield in ways that we do not as individuals. And our behavior as group members may fluctuate from group to group. Companies such as Wal-Mart want to be winning and a give away comp onent of more business linees is the creation and development of new ideas. streamlined processes or products and services, many quantify, come from the ideas of to a greater extent than one individual and generally concern teams or groups.Although teams and groups often ar inconclusive as identical units because they involve sixfold individuals however differ in leadership, decision-making, and accountability. some other aspect to consider with groups and teams is body of last innovation and its effects on these units and especially the kinetics of a team. According to Robbins and Judge (2009), a work groups of import purpose is to share information and make decisions that help other members of the group. drop dead groups way is on individual goals, holding themselves each accountable.It besides provides a platform for noesis and information sharing that would not otherwise be available to us. Group even provides an identity to its members. Still cooperative gr oup is something that comes with lot of exploit. For example a bursts at Wal-Mart goal is alike quickly and accurately process customers orders. If asked, he or she will share information regarding a impairment or item, but his or her primary(prenominal) concern is a balanced funds drafts soulfulness at the end of the shift. The abolish is not concerned about other cracks cash drawer even though each cashier is a member of a work group .A team is a small group of individuals with knowledge and skills that support the knowledge and skills of other team members. The work is interdependent. Team members actively interact in concert toward a honey oil goal epoch holding the team aggregate accountable. Work teams create synergy. Synergy happens when a teams result is greater than the tote up of the individual results of the members. Group behaviors trespass group productivity, by determining the outcome of the productivity. disconfirming group behaviors will produce forb id productivity and vice versa with positive group behaviors.There are four problems that goat impact group productivity shade, scrap, group diversity, group sticky, and characteristics. Culture in a work group behind impact a work group it corporation be either positive or contradict. According to Sergeant J, & Laws Chapman, C. (2012), teams that take in stressful environments are slight collaborative and more(prenominal) likely to make mistakes (Business in the Community 2009). Building activated resilience, therefore, throw out create healthier work kitchen-gardenings, reduce absenteeism, improve teamwork and raise morale. In some ways subtlety piece of tail be like personality.A person personality is made of values and beliefs, inte lodges, profound assumptions, upbringing and habits. Culture I am sure is influenced by leadership at Wal-Mart such as a manager or executive. With Wal-Mart being a crowing company and having so many employees you bear maybe eve n look at the managers desk and tell his culture and background. Culture may start out so dominant that employees and employers alike may brush aside unsloped ideas that seem counter to the organizational culture.Companies that do not have an clear-cut and flexible culture flush toilet reckon themselves losing a competitive edge because they do not adapt to the changes within in the market making it bad for the work. some other problem that fundament harm a group organization is conflict if you have an individual that disagrees with others idea then this causes conflicts. The differentiator of a successful group is that the group members share sense of trust among themselves as well as feeling of shared responsibilities however the one that is different from the rest of the group may not and this green goddess create problems in the group.Say for case if you have a employer at Wal-Mart that thinks that organizing diet cans and meat in a different order but you have more than one employee that is okay with what is being through with(p) this brings negative impact because then others deprivation to feel that maybe she is right then this may not be good for the employer. Diversity can take many forms namely age, race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, mental and physiological capabilities and ethnicity and culture are the main areas of diversity and have a continuous impact throughout our lives.Managing and valuing diversity is a key component of effective hoi polloi management, which can improve workplace productivity but sometimes it can create a problem. According to Diversity Takes Center stagecoach at Wal-Mart (2013) Reports on the effort of Wal-Mart Stores to use work diversity in its stores in the U. S. Remarks from Lee Scott, CEO of Wal-Mart, on the decline of bonuses if Wal-Mart does not promote women and minorities in the workplace Allegations against Wal-Mart for gender bias and unfair preaching of workers Information on the pa y structure implemented by the company.If employees feel that because of their culture race or religion are affecting them then nice times out of ten it would create madhouse in workplace such as Wal-Mart. Diversity can aid in bringing awareness of different cultures, races and age difference into a mix, but can have negative effects if people are not well ready in how to work in that environment. According to MacDonald, Lynne (2010), Companies put a great deal of time and effort in to load-bearing(a) employees to work effectively with their colleagues. If a company finds that workers have bonded in to a cohesive group, it should be a positive discovery.However, this is not always the case and it can spring up sour. While cohesive groups offer advantages in terms of social support for group members, they as well as present disadvantages for the employer. Low proceeding norms can be very injurious to group productivity meaning they will not make much effort to meet group dead line. Characteristics can also be a problem in workplace bad characteristics from an employee can make a workplace unpleasant bring down employees moral and productivity. Some employees cant find anything positive to say.They criticize their supervisor, the incorporated office, other employees and even customers. If you have a stock person operative at Wal-Mart the normally stock at wickedness but really hate the iniquity schedule and all the do is kvetch, complain this lacks enthusiasm from other co-workers around them. This can also make the group to become dishonery towards upper management in the facility. however having an am employee that gossips can cause conflict in the group because they are the ones who are always twisting the story and whole thing at this point is to put them on disciplinary action.There are many ways a workplace can operate across the negative impacts in a workplace by development action plan to address the negative Sometimes enterprise-wide sy stems and compensation schemes need to be revamp, but more often business performance and results are affected. Using customized come off this means getting employees thoughts and idea and appraise patterns and correlations that are effecting the company. Use open apt(p) questions asking employees if there is anything they would like to address putting everything on the table but in a professional manner. plane the company should sacrifice companywide training. Country wide training should be conducted not single for the employees but also for management such as managers CEO, human resource department, and also crew members. Despite the importance of training, a trainer can encounter bulwark from both employees and managers. Both groups may ask that training is taking them away from their work. However, a trainer can combat this by demonstrating that training is actually a all-important(a) part of employees and managers work, completing task and working well with others.These also open doors for employees to get to know other employees culture and background. result Group work is important because it helps influence problem and accomplish task in a workplace. running(a) in a group allows members to share responsibilities, rather than the brunt of the work falling in the hands of one person. Instead, group members can delegate tasks to individuals who stimulate the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to accomplish the task successfully.Because we are human beings we have our own characteristics, style, culture and diversity which sometimes can be a hindrance to a group but doing things such as companywide training can help every employee to mortify the power of being in a group in a workplace. Working in a group can help individuals build long-lasting relationships establish on trust and loyalty. As group members, people learn about the common things they share and differences, which lead them to seek group members they can build relationships with even distant of the group.
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
Composition and Seperations Essay
When a spunk of popcorn is heated up, pressure builds and, depending on the share of water in the center field, the summation pops unaffixed and popcorn is produced. The portionage of water in all(prenominal) affectionateness differs between home runs of popcorn. If the steam neat produced fails to pop the kernel, the kernel becomes hard and burns. The end of stir up 1, popcorn melodic theme, of the man and Separations Lab was to determine whether premium popcorn brands display desirable qua light upies when measured and compared with cheaper brands of popcorn. The data-based relevance of Part 1 of the try was to demonstrate the effects of water in a popcorn kernel when heated and converted to heat.Differences in water portionage determine whether or not the kernel pass on burst and create popcorn. In Part 2, Separating a Solid ad ad mixing, the purpose was to work with supplies in the research lab to demote a unhurt diversity of popcorn, moxie, salinity and urge on filings into the quaternion instigate genes to eventually learn the percent war paint of the immobile multifariousness. By developing a externalize to demote the admixture, the root should moderate ended up with four separate items with cant overs that added up to the accepted lading of the mixture. The try eruptational relevance of Part 2 of the essay was to learn how to separate separately component in a four part solid mixture from distributively other. social occasionIn part 1 of this workweeks lab trey popcorn kernels of a one brand were blow overn(p) to each gathering. A Bunsen burner was jell up by each group and the three kernels were each weighed separately on an electric balance. The Bunsen burner was hence lit following the instructions given. (ch185) A degree centigrademL beakerwas obtained and change with a half inch of clean back. The beaker was placed on a band stand and one kernel of popcorn was submerged into the sand. T he beaker was then c everyplaceed with a watch glass and heated over the Bunsen burner until the kernel popped. afterward popping, the kernel was removed and weighed and the wet suffice was measured. This influence occurred for all three kernels. After the wet subject of all three kernels were measured, an intermediate was deduced for the three and written on the board. case-by-casely of the other four groups also wrote their averages for their individual brand on the board to give the class a better brain of the going aways in wet content for each of the five brands. In part 2 of this weeks lab, a 50mL beaker was alter with a solid mixture consisting of popcorn, sand, common salt and iron filings.The group then got the quid of the entire mixture and began sketching a plan to separate the mixture properly into its original four contents. First the group conf riding habitd the popcorn from the mixture by victimization a drainer. The popcorn was then weighed. Second, the iron filings were uninvolved using a draw after pouring the remaining mixture onto a piece of penning. After the draw collected all iron, the iron was scraped into a beaker and the exercising slant was recorded. The third and final insulation used a beaker and a drop piece. The imbue paper was weighed and put into a drip that spilt into the beaker. The remaining salt/sand mixture was then poured into the filter paper using water to dissolve the salt.After the solution was put into the filter paper and the salt had dissolved, the filter paper and sand was dried and then weighed. After subtracting the filter paper cant from the weight of the filter paper and sand together, the weight of the sand was known. Once you had the weight of the sand, iron and popcorn, the weight of the salt was rig by subtracting the three combined weights from the original weight of the mixture. To run across the percent composition of each component, the weight of each was divided by light sp eed and, in the end, each components percent added up to ascorbic acid% of the sign mixture. Results/ Data/ CalculationsPart 1Each group unyielding the moisture percentage of their brand of popcorn. accede 1 shows the moisture content of each brand. confuse 1 moisture character of start outcorn BrandsGroup Number Popcorn Brand Used percent wet1 Act III 6.24 %2 Food Club 8.35 %3 tantalize Time 12.2 %4 Orville Redenbacher 7.47 %5 Pop Perfect 6.22 % moderately Time popcorn was measured for weight and the moisture content was then measured. Table 2 shows the initial weights, final weights, moisture contents and percent moistures of each of the three trials performed. Table 2 Moisture Percentage by metric weight unit of Jolly Time Popcorn messages Kernel Initial weight (g) Final Weight (g) Moisture glut % Moisture 1 0.105 g 0.086 g 0.019 g 17.8 %2 0.138 g 0.140 g -0.003 g -1.89 %3 0.113 g 0.106 g 0.007 g 6.55 % fair 0.109 g 0.096 g 0.013 g 12.2 % prototype CalculationsFind weight= (cupcake holder + kernel cupcake holder)= (.263 g .177 g)= 0.086 gMoisture Content= Initial weight final weight= 0.105 g 0.086 g= 0.019 g% Moisture= Moisture content x 100Initial weight of kernel= 0.019 g = 17.8%0.105 gAverage % moisture = 17.8 + 6.55 = 12.2%2Part 2The weight and eventually percentage composition was measure in a mixture of corn, iron, sand and salt and then with each component individually. Table 3 shows the weight and % compositions.Table 3 Percent composition of ruffleture genuine Weight (g) % CompositionFull Mix 42.2 g 100 %Corn 3.26 g 7.79 %Iron 19.0 g 45.0 %Sand 15.7 g 32.5 %Salt 6.25 g 14.8 %Sample CalculationsPercent CompositionInitial Weight x100 gibe Mixture WeightBeaker with nothing 59. 95 gBeaker with mix 102.1 gW/ Mix102.1 gW/O Mix 59.95g42.98 gDiscussionThe audition in part 1 was through with(p) to show that even slight differences in moisture content in popcorn make a big difference when it comes to the popcorns popping abilities. in advance the experimentation, the moisture content and its effect on popcorn were unknown. After the experiment each group left with the knowledge of moisture content in both favorite(a) brands and cheap brands of popcorn. This experiment gave insight into the splendour of exactness for popcorn companies pertaining to the moisture content in each kernel. The experiment in part 2 was performed to show that most(prenominal) solid mixtures can be separated if using the right tools. Each group had to propose a solution to separating the mixture and then weighing each of the four components afterwards to conclude if they added up to the initial weight of the solid mixture.This experiment allowed students to use their brains to separate any solid mixture that they come in contact with, which will be helpful for the future in this lab and others. Throughout the two part of this experiment several specific errors were found and dealt with. In part 1 of this experiment several popcorn k ernels were burnt and did not pop. These kernels whitethorn rent affected our experiment by giving us nonsensical data, as we did not include these kernels in any final data.With burnt popcorn kernels, we were shown that the moisture content in the popcorn brand given may have resulted in one of the cheap brands given. In part 2 of our experiment, the initial weight was supposed to be taken in front separating any part of the mixture. Unfortunately, the initial weight was skipped before the popcorn was separated. The popcorn then had to be put back into the mixture and the mixture was then weighed for the initial weight. This may have affected the final data, although it was a small error. In part 2 another error occurred when the group began to separate the salt and sand in an chimerical manner. This, however, did not affect final data, as the salt would have been eliminated anyway.ConclusionsThe goals in this experiment for part 1 were to determine the moisture content in a br and of popcorn, compare the given brand with others in the lab and then find out if moisture content affects the popping or corn and which brand or brands has a better likelihood of popping (i.e. best-loved vs. cheap brands). In part 2 of the experiment the goals were to separate a solid mixture and then find the percent composition of each of the four materials at bottom the mixture. The average moisture percentage for Jolly Time popcorn was 12.2 %. To get to this point, the group popped three separate kernels and found the moisture percentage for each and then averaged them. The percent composition for part 2 of the solid mixture was 7.79 % for corn, 45.0 % for iron, 32.5 % for sand and 14.8% for salt. These measurements added up to the 100% solid mixture and the weights added up correctly.ReferencesCh185. How to brightness and Adjust a Bunsen Burner. http// (accessed Feb 12, 2013). Composition and Separations. http// /184SP13/Download184_Labs/Composition%20and%20Separations%20Chem%20184%20Spring%202013.pdf (accessed Feb 12, 2013) Guidelines for Laboratory Reports http// (accessed Feb 12, 2013)
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