Thursday, February 28, 2019
Indian Mathematicians And Their Contributions Essay
RamanujanHe was born on 22na of December 1887 in a small village of Tanjore district, Madras. He failed in English in Intermediate, so his formal studies were stopped but his self-study of mathematics continued. He displace a set of 120 theorems to Professor Hardy of Cambridge. As a result he invited Ramanujan to England. Ramanujan showed that any big number suffer be written as sum of not more than four found number.He showed that how to divide the number into two or more squares or blockages. when Mr Litlewood came to see Ramanujan in taxi number 1729, Ramanujan said that 1729 is the smallest number which can be written in the form of sum of cubes of two numbers in two ways, i.e. 1729 = 93 + 103 = 13 + 123 since then the number 1729 is called Ramanujans number. In the third century B.C, Archimedes noted that the ratio of circumference of a circle to its diameter is constant.The ratio is now called pi ( ) (the 16th earn in the Greek alphabet series) The largest numbers the G reeks and the Romans used were 106 whereas Hindus used numbers as big as 1053 with specific names as primeval as 5000 B.C. during the Vedic period.ARYABHATAAryabhatta was born in 476A.D in Kusumpur, India. He was the eldest person to say that Earth is spherical and it revolves around the sun. He gave the rule (a + b)2 = a2 + b2 + 2ab He taught the method of solving the following problemsBRAHMAGUPTABrahma Gupta was born in 598A.D in Pakistan. He gave four methods of multiplication. He gave the following formula, used in G.P series a + ar + ar2 + ar3 +.. + arn-1 = (arn-1) (r 1) He gave the following formulae Area of a cyclic quadrilateral with side a, b, c, d= (s -a)(s- b)(s -c)(s- d) where 2s = a + b + c + d Length of its diagonals =SHAKUNTALA DEVIShe was born in 1939 In 1980, she gave the product of two, thirteen digit numbers within 28 seconds, many countries have invited her to shew her extraordinary talent. In Dallas she competed with a computer to see who happen the cube root of 188138517 faster, she won. At university of USA she was asked to give the 23rd root of 91674867692003915809866092758538016248310668014430862240712651642793465704086709659 32792057674808067900227830163549248523803357453169351119035965775473400756818688305 620821016129132845564895780158806771. She answered in 50seconds. The answer is 546372891. It took a UNIVAC 1108 computer, full one minute (10 seconds more) to confirm that she was skillful after it was fed with 13000 instructions. Now she is known to be Human Computer.BHASKARACHARYAHe was born in a village of Mysore district. He was the first to give that any number divided by 0 gives infinity (00). He has written a lot about zero, surds, permutation and combination. He wrote, The centesimal part of the circumference of a circle seems to be straight. Our earth is a big sphere and thats why it appears to be flat. He gave the formulae bid sin(A B) = sinA.cosB cosA.sinB
Closing Down the Oconomo Plant Essay
This plant is distinguished to the society because it has created employment opportunities to local residents. However, the plant is in the verge of turn out down. jackass Ripon , Chief Executive officer of lamprey Inc. is concerned about higher salute of operation which has returnd dough for the society. The plan is to close down the Oconomo plant and establish a new plant in Mexico. Jack wants Jim Malesckowski, President of Wisconsin Speciality Products Division of lamprey eel Inc. o find out about the useable costs of establishing a new plant in Mexico and submit the report to him. Jim thinks that the action to shut down the Oconomo plant might be wrong as extensive as there were chances to lower the costs.But he also thinks that Jack is right wing because all the avenues for decreasing costs at the plant feature been closed. Besides money, there atomic number 18 other underlying factors that have take the heed to bring some changes in the comp all. We pass on le arn at some of the forces that drive Oconomo plant to anticipate for change,changes that be require to be made, and the reasons why union leaders be reluctant to change. . What forces for change are evident at the Oconomo plant? The greatest force that drives the keep comp each to look for change is its high operational cost.The plant has so high operational costs that the company has been incurring losses instead of making profits. The forethought is anticipating changes so that the company will make profits in the future. In order for a company to run successfully, it should realize some returns from the enthronization made at the plant. Having invested in the company, shareholders also expect return for their investment.It is important for the company to make teeming money for the satisfaction of shareholders and the outlastence of the company in the market. By any means, lamprey Inc. should reduce its operational cost to withstand the fierce competition in the marketpl ace. For the compaby to make it in the market, it must(prenominal) change its working conditions so that they fit with the current market situations, (Daft & Marcic,2010). some other force that is evident for the change at the Oconomo plant is the uncooperative trade union movement union. Workers have been consistently refusing to cooperate with the management.The company is planning to reduce the quantity of pay its going to provide to workers. In order to decrease the labor cost, the company is proposing changes but the union leaders have saturnine a deaf ear to the managements plan . Its a great problem when workers are unwilling to listen to the management for possible solution. The situation will get even worse when the workers are not ready to accept the desired change of the company. Competition in the marketplace is also prominent force that is evident for change in this case.Lately, competitors have threatened Lamprey Inc. from the services and products that they are providing to the society. It has been a dispute for the company to manufacture the quality products and beat the competitors price. maculation the competiton is being fierce in the marketplace, Lamprey Inc. has been struggling to sustain the operations. If the very(prenominal) situation persists, the company would not have a way to exist in the market. 2. What is the simple suit of change neededchanging things or changing the nation and coating?Can the Wisconsin plant be protected by changing things alone, by changing people and culture, or must both be changed? Explain your answer. Primary type of change undeniable in this case is changing people and their culture. If people and their attitudes back end be changed, work environment will be comfortable and other changes are easy to implement. The attitude of employees especially that of union leaders is not right in the given case. They are disobedient to the management. As long as employees applyt have respect for managem ent, it is hard to bring any other changes.Peoples culture is of great significance in the way the company operates because if the culture or people fit in the objectives of the company, rest of things will work accordingly. In changing anything with respect to company, people and culture should be considered at first. If the people working in the company are unhappy with the change, the objectives of change might not be fulfilled. In this particular case, employees are scared of change and in fact dont let management bring any changes. Such culture is detrimental to the company.Culture should be established in such a way that people are ready to accept the change and grateful the efforts of the management with open heart. Although changing people and their culture is a primary thing, changing things is also important and should be considered for quality and workable plans of the company. Lamprey Inc. needs to bring some change in the products to save its military capability in th e market. If the products are of low quality, the market share of Lamprey Inc. will be directed towards the competitors. In this case, the company has not put enough effort to upgrade the quality of the products.If the same situation persists, it will not be able to face the competition in the industry because competitors are developing quality products at affordable price. A company cant operate on just a single type of change. Its important to put into love both changes when designing any type of change in the company. In order to change the products, the intact team of the company should be ready and thus change is required in people of the company. To meet the objectives of the desired strategy, the company should take consideration on both types of changes.
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Drama Analysis Essay
In preparing to write my drama-analysis research musical composition, I encountered a wealth of discipline regarding my topic The Pursuit of Happyness, a engage which I believe demonstrates a return to classic movie-making and withal a return to film as inspiration rather than lamentation. In my essay, I argued that, despite certain flaws and tendencies to revision historical relaity, The Pursuit of Happyness is a colossal film , and potentially mavin of the most classic American films. Arriving at this conclusion was a long and interesting road, which was partially established by the research and theme of the account itself.However, I felt determining my opinions and reinforcing them with information from my research materials was much easier than organizing the paper and expressing my opinions in solid, correctly constructed writing. One cash advance that I thought would be workable, but which proved to be only if frustrating, was to draw primarily from my testify experi ence and opinions about movies. In my original intention for the paper, I had imagined that I would contrast The Pursuit of Happyness with other films I had seen and contrast, also, the way these various movies made me feel and also what I may have thought about their technical aspects.When I tried to riding habit these kinds of comparisons in the actual research paper, I felt like what had been so obvious to me, as a subjective movie viewer, would be actually hard for others to identify with, unless I expended a tremendous amount of shoes and energy to explain my personal tastes and opinions. What seemed to work better than the inclusion of my protracted opinions was the citation of otehrs opinions. There seemed to be two advantages in citing material which countenance my opinions rather than merely offering my opinions themselves.the first advantage was that i raise certain writers expressed my thoughts and ideas righteous as I would have wish to express them myself. Howe ver, because the writers of the articles and essays I cited were paids, their words were much more succinct and circumstantial than some of my own attempts at saying the same thing. The second gain of using cited materials was that some of the opinions I cited were, in fact, slightly different takes on opinions of mine, and I dont stand for i would have needs come to understand these slight variations without having done the research.So, rather than merely reinforcement my opinions, the research materials actually modified my opinions and sometimes reinforced them in truth nicely. I felt more confident and determined in my own dissertation because I knew authoritative writers from The Wall Street Journal and other professional publications supported some of my views. The only real obstacle I face up with research was whittling down the enormous amount of accessible information.I think the Internet has made it easier to conduct wide-ranging research quickly, but that in itse lf makes it much more difficult to sift through all of the available information and pinpoint what will be useful in support of the research paper in question and its dissertation. Defining my thesis itself was also challenging. The more I thought about stating my course exactly and nowadays in a single sentence or a yoke of sentences, the less the whole idea seemed meaningful at all. I versed as I continued to work at defining my thesis that it is important to get everything set in a single direction.Im not sure if I was actually successful in presenting a sharp, simple thesis, but I tried very hard, Essentially, I wanted to show that The Pursuit of Happyness is a good film and one which also returns film-making to a role which it has steadily abandoned over the geezerhood in America that of inspiring people. I believed that the thesis statement is straight and feel it is true,. but I found that making my points in writing and spelling them out logically, as well as addres sing counter-arguments forced me to reconsider my solidly constructed beliefs.Even though my overall opinions did not change very much, my respect for the logical formation of written arguments grew steadily as I worked on my own paper. Just as it is important to think simply in many way to secure a good thesis for a research paper, it seems important tow rite simply, as well. That is, I think it is important to stay on topic and make your argument point by point rather than digressing or getting besides far off of track, no matter how tempting it is to launch into supererogatory thoughts and associations. Even paragraph by paragraph, I think, all of the sentences should be unavoidable and feed into one another.I wasnt as aware of this fact before spending time on the drama-analysis research paper. In supplement to learning valuable steps and techniques for writing and thinking, the process of writing the paper caused me to re-examine the methods or logic by which I arrive at my opinions in the first place. I think thats the most important thing I leaned in composing my research paper that the logic and formal thought that goes into writing a good research paper differs widely from the looser thoughts and associations which typically help define at least my own subjective opinions.Im not sure IO was aware of just how different my everyday thoughts and logic were from those which are necessary to present a clear, convincing argument which is backed up by solid evidence. In the long run, I feel certain that I could now make, as a consequence of my experience in writing the research paper, a much stronger argument on behalf of my original opinions.
“Auto Wreckâ€Â- by Kart Shapiro Essay
In Auto Wreck, as the form of address insinuates it, is a situation that describes a car incident that takes issue in a city, which means, that an ambulance, a hospital, the police, and the crowd ar the main actors when terminal is somewhat to strike. In the development of the verse form, Shapiro describes the atmosphere that surrounds a city at iniquity when on that point is a car accident Blood exclusively eitherwhere the streets and gutters, the police covering the situation and the crowd observing the tragic accident, recalling remainder as enemy. In a very interesting way, Shapiro describes the hurry, horror, and in a certain way, indifference of society towards an auto wreck, idealizing a post were these actors interact with one another creating a hostile atmosphere regarding demolition.In Mid-term break, the speaker is a boy that is at school in his daily r pop outine, when it is interrupted by the news of his dead brother. The situation takes space in two atm ospheres the kids school were he comprehend the knelling bells that gives a feeling of mortality and his house were all the action takes place the familys grief, the funeral, the adults whispering and saying sorry, the ambulance, the quartette theme box, and the stinkpotdles. An afternoon of ruthfulness and pain on a family environment, were finale is perpetually present.Yet no one fully understands finis. In Shapiros rime Auto Wreck, heillustrates the irrationality of life for it can be taken away at any given m for no rational solid ground. He uses a car accident to finely detail the reaction of society towards oddment and the real meaning that it represents to us. During the poem, he describes how a well established system of rules that is made of ambulances, hospitals, police men and viewers, works at its given time to strike last. But despite all the efforts and effectiveness of the system, people themselves atomic number 18 incapable of understanding oddment and its dualities (cancer that is both a crest that blooms and a tragic disease.) Society is scared and ignorant when it comes to death.Questions such as Who shall break dance? or Who is innocent? come to mind with no reasonable result both time we witness a tragic event. For Shapiro, Indeath, there exists firmly irrational causes for the loss of life. Death is a strange jungle, whose twisted, tangled and entangled vines represent the causes of it which can not be mapped out mathematically, just can be mapped out by the deranged explorer or the unique creator of that jungle, both of whom are irrational persons themselves.In Mid-term snap off, Heaney starts the poem by mentioning the bells knelling that suggests a funeral bell, rather than a bell for school lessons (this occurrence automatically changes our mood). Since the narrator is a boy, this poem captures his unf rareing consciousness of death by recounting the particulars of his experience being kept in the wander bay unt il his ride arrived, his fathers exacting, the awkward behavior of the old men, the poppy bruise on the corpses temple and the end, when he expresses deaths finality A four foot box, a foot for any division. Makes us think yonger ones are able to understand death better than adults, with a unique calmness he observed and describe the situation from a different point of view, the mourning of the people some him never affected him, in a certain way,he was assuming death as he assumes life.Figures of speech Definition Auto Wreck Mid-Term BreakAlliteration The repetition of the same sounds or of the same graciouss of sounds at the antecedent of words or in stressed syllables. Its active soft argent bell beating, beating, A four foot box, a foot for every yearOnomatopoeia The formation or use of words that imitate the sounds associated with the objects or actions they refer to. Then the bell, breaking the hush, tolls onceHyperbole A visit of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect. The ambulance at top speed floating downAnd stowed into the little hospital 1 with a bucket, douches, ponds of blood into the street and the gutterI sat all break of day in the college sick baySimile A attribute of speech in which two essentially unlike things are compared, very much in a phrase introduced by like or as. heart rate out red light like an artery,Our throats tight as tourniquets cancer wide-eyed as a flower, blooms He lay in the four foot box as in his cot.Oxymoron A rhetorical depend in which incongruous or contradictory terms are combined. Its quick soft silverWings in s heavy curve, dips down,And breaks speed, entryway the crowd.We speak with sickly smilesThe grim joke The door leap open, empty light In hers and coughed out angry dry sightsSnowdrops and candles soothed the besideWearing a poppy bruise on his left templeMetaphor A inscribe of speech in which a word or phrase that usually designates one thing is used to designate an other, thus making an unspoken par. And down the dark one ruby flarePulsing out red light like an artery.One hangs lanterns on the wrecks that cling voidance husks of locusts, to iron poles. A four foot box, a foot for every yearCounting bells knelling classes to a closeRhetorical question A question to which no answer is expected, often used for rhetorical effect. Who shall cave in?Who is innocent?Our throats were tight as tourniquets,Our feet were bound with splints,In this quote, Shapiro is trying to adumbrate an compute of people in front of a car accident with tourniquets around their necks, supported and confined by splits that restrain the body from moving. this kind of image represents a situation were the crowd were stopped, almost speechless, as they gazed upon the wreckage contemplating the reason behind death. A shocking image by the way.And cancer simple as a flower, bloomsBy this quote Shapiro is making a comparison of what we understand as life and what we know a bout death. When a flower blooms, it is clearly full of life, is a stage were life can be seen at is best. And cancer will be the opposite, a stage were death is at is best. The thing is that, visually, both phenomenons are very similar, when the cancerous cells are seen with a microscope, they look like flowers, and they bloom rapidly. The thing is that we are not used to consider cancerous cells beautiful.In hers and coughed out angry tearless sighsThis image is quite effective with the use of textures, Heaney can have got you can feel the mothers anger just by imagining the atmospheric state around you.Snowdrops and candles soothed the bedsideThis image Heaney uses two key elements that generate a unruffled and pacific atmosphere, the snowdrops are soft and quiet, innocent and inoffensive and the candles symbolize the ritual, to make honor and to remember a loved one. Definitely a peaceful image.Wearing a poppy bruise on his left templeThe image is pure, the bruise is discret e.A four foot box, a foot for every yearBy this quote, the boy is saying that his brother was four historic period old when he died, the image gives a certain relief, instead of crying for his brother, he uses his mind to analyze mathematically the situation. This image is very effective, it straightaway make us feel that death is not chaos.The childs reaction towards death is completely different from the adult reaction towards it. The boy was describing the situation with a certain indifference of what happened, it seemed like the aura of death was unable to enter to his mind and body. He narrated as he was set on a grandstand watching how the play developed and how the actor suffer during it According to his behavior, we could conclude that the boy wasnt hit by death, and in a certain way, he is able to manage it in a right way, determining the rituals and behaviors of adults when death is around, and creating a barrier that separates de morning of the heart from the logic of the brain. And this can be seen at the end of the poem A four foot box, a foot for every year he uses his logic, a math problem, no a heart one.
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Within the maximum of 500 words, prove that there is a moral lesson implied in the novel “The picture of Dorian Grayâ€Â
Oscar Wilde is one of the sterling(prenominal) literary showmen of the English nineteenth century. Of all his works, his only if novel is considered his masterpiece. In this novel, a honourable lesson can be implied Corruption will provide to destruction, obsession and torture. A moral lesson is experience that one can short-change from a story and this lesson follows the standards of behavior considered acceptable and right by near people. A moral lesson implied when people suggest that something be true without very saying it or suggests something as a necessary result.In this novel, the moral lesson is not directly de humpred to the readers. It could only be found when people break what happens to the main character- Dorian Gray, what cause leads to what effect. At first, Dorian Gray appears to be something nousl and beautiful young, handsome, innocent, simple and sensitive. He becomes the embodiment of Lord enthalpys ideas of the aesthetic spiritedness. Dorian soon lea ves Basils studio for Lord Henrys parlor, where he adopts the tenets of the new Hedonism and resolves to live his life as pleasure- exitker with no regard for conventional morality.He devotes himself to acknowledge in the beginning. Then he go from lover to lover, male and pistillate and he pursues pleasure dispassionately. After that, he kills Basil, unable to accept the patient of of love Basil is showing him. Dorian does not have a developed moral sense which would recognize a moral imperative- the idea that something is wrong no matter whether one ever has to pay to some(prenominal) consequences for them. He only regards acts as wrong when he can see their effects on the countenance of the figure in the portrait.He seems to crock up the body and brain The body lousinesss regret. If bodys sin is natural, the soul should be responsible for physical action. Where sin has been committed, everything will be over and selfish is irresponsible thinking. At the end of the novel, Dorian is punished by his conscience, his innate and inner judge. He is torture badly for a long period leading to a tragic death. It is not the only thing he has to pay for his sins. The corruption from others leads to his destruction, bsession and torture. In the end, Dorian seems to be punished by his ability to be influenced if the new social arrangement celebrates individualism, as Lord Henry claims, Dorian falters because he fails to establish and live by his own moral code. In our life, we need to be marvellous in front of the seductions that are popular nowadays hedonism and immoral pleasures. If not, we whitethorn be affected badly by the materialism leading to unfortunate consequences.
Is Faustus a Tragic Hero Essay
Much of the in take a leakation in Dr Faustus is derived from a collection of semi-fictitious German stories (the Faustbuch) in which the life of German scholar and purported necromancer, Georgius Faust atomic number 18 narrated. Where the Faustbuch narrates a fair tale of crime and retribution, Marlowe creates a tragedy in which a man being makes a clear choice for good or bad, with to the highest degree knowledge of the possible outcome. In order to do this, Marlowe has drawn on the conventions of classical Greek tragedy, many of which dictate the nature of the supporter or heroine.In ancient durations, a hero achieved heroic status not because of saintliness or wickedness, but because of the acts he performed in life. The hero should have a socially elevated status and suffer a reversal of opportunity in which he experiences great suffering. This is all for sure true of Faustus, who is exceedingly regarded as both a lecturer at the University of Wittenberg, and an accom plished scholar. During his life, he performs extraordinary feats, which were unlike anything experienced by lesser mortals.Even by modern standards, the notion of necromancy is disturbing for a contemporary Elizabethan audience, for whom religion permeated all aspects of life, it would have been inconceivably horrific. Once Faustus is glutted with encyclopaedisms golden gifts and surfeited upon cursed necromancy he uses his powers to embark upon amazing adventures (for example learning the secrets of astronomy upon the summit of mount Olympus) which, again, be decorous of the tragic hero. Faustus reversal of fortune is also typically tragic.During the final movie of the play, in which we witness Faustus final hour out front being taken off to hell, he is, like all heroes of classical tragedy, completely isolated. in that location is a poignant contrast in Faustus degeneration from the successful, revered visionary of the previous scenes, to the disillusioned scholar we im agine here. In despair, he tries to contract and command the earth to gape open but realises that, o no, it go forth not harbour him. His terror, desperation and frantic hopes are all conveyed by the final soliloquy, which is both graphic and physical in its nature.The dramatic second base of Faustus death, as his flesh is torn by devils, is at the same time horrendous and moving. His experiences the type of physical anguish reminiscent of the blind Oedipus, and this portraying of the spectacle of pain and death is at the heart of a true tragedy. In order for the audience to engage with the hero, and go through empathy and pathos as a result of his suffering, it is essential that he is presented with the opportunity to make conscious decisions more or less his fate, all be they the wrong ones. The plot of Dr Faustus contains several such opportunities.Faustus is presumption a chance to repent on several occasions before signing the contract with Mephastophilis, he seems to he ed the voice of the good angel, and is about to turn to God again, but denies this as a surmise because God does not love him. However, despite the vain fancies of God and nirvana which clearly plague him, Faustus is resolute and clear about what he is committing himself to. Here, we see another trait of the classical tragic hero, hell bent on a course of action which he believes is right, even thought he knows it will eventually bring about his d sustainfall.Even at the precise end of his 24 years, when the hope of salvation comes a consider commensurate in the form of the old man, Faustus (fearful of the wrath of Lucifer) instructs sweet Mephastophilis to torture his would-be saviour. When Faustus chooses to kiss the video of Helen of Troy, whom he knows is nothing more than a demonic spirit in disguise, we feel that he must realise he has made a fatal choice. By now the tragedy is inevitable of his own throw in the towel will Faustus has rejected all hope of salvation and th e audience waits in trepidation for his impending doom.The question of fate versus unloose will is a key theme in Dr. Faustus, and one which is important when considering Faustus himself as a tragic hero. If, indeed, Faustus has the freedom necessary to change or reverse his troth then he is truly a tragic hero. The chorus financial statement that cut is the branch which might have grown full straightforward, does seem to support the idea that Faustus was not doomed from the beginning, but was addicted choices and opportunities to repent his wicked ways.Mephastophilis sums this up perfectly when, in response to Faustus desperate, contrite accusation thou hast deprived me of the joys of heaven, he reminds Faustus that twas thine own pursuancethank thyself. However, when we consider the religious beliefs held by around of Marlowes contemporaries, there appears to be a contradiction in Faustus apparent free will. In Elizabethan times, the ideas of a popular branch of Christianit y known as Calvinism (of which Marlowe himself would certainly have been aware) were widespread.Calvinists held the belief that human beings, as a direct government issue of original sin, have no free will. Also, Christianity has traditionally taught of Gods omnipotence and omniscience- i. e. God knows all and sees all. It follows, therefore that God has planned our fate and knows it long before we are even born. If this is the case, then doubt must be cast upon the notion of Faustus as a true tragic hero if his fate was already mapped out then all the choices presented to him are rendered arbitrary.When debating with himself at the beginning of the play, Faustus does seem to have some awareness of this, reasoning that we are all inherently sinful and therefore are condemned to die, because the reward of sin is death. Despite the fact that Faustus essentially cheats, twisting quotes from the Bible in order to justify his intended pursuit, one cannot help but feel that he shows insi ght into the problems raised by fate/free will, concluding that what is meant to be shall be (che sara, sara).In conclusion I would say that for the most part, Faustus is the perfect example of the tragic hero. He is an engaging character who holds the audiences direction until the very last, even when we do not find his personality oddly appealing. Indeed, the arrogance and blasphemy apparent in many of Faustus speeches (a greater subject fitteth Faustus wit, Faustus, try thy brains to gain a deity etc) are characteristic of the classical tragic hero.For example, Faustus pride and arrogance (which the Greeks called hubris) is strikingly akin to that of Aeschylus tragic hero, king Agamemnon. As far as the issue of free will is concerned, I think that Faustus does have the opportunity to make his own decisions, despite Marlowes paradoxical portrayal of a God whom, whilst able to control our predestination, cannot (when it comes down to it) control or undo the contract which Faust us makes.
Monday, February 25, 2019
Miller v. Alabama (2012) Supreme Court Case Essay
IntroductionThe compulsive Court reviewed the constitutionality of questful look sentences without release enforced upon persons get alongd xiv and younger found conscience-smitten of homicide. The tribunal decl ard unconstitutional a compulsory sentence of deportment without parole for clawren. The states render been barred from routinely imposing sentences based on the crime committed. on that point is a fate for individual consideration of the child life circumstance or the suspect status as a child. The court rejected the defined outlaw on life sentences without parole. This is because in some fictitious characters the instances may be uncommon, alone jurors can go on irreparably corrupted children. The Supreme Court declined to finalise the subject whether there is age below which children with life sentences without parole is unconstitutional. oscilloscope of the caseThe judgment of the court is mainly based on integrating of ii cases. In Jackson vs. Hobb s, Jackson was at the age of 14 when he and other two youth went to a bloodline in Arkansas planning to steal from it. In this case, Jackson got charged as an self-aggrandizing and minded(p) a life term with no parole. In milling machine v. atomic number 13, moth miller was a fourteen stratum of age. Jackson and other boy set fire to a trailer where they had purchased drugs. moth miller was convicted of implementation and given a mandatory life sentence with no parole.The finale was reversed by the Supreme Court. The review of the above cases was approved by the Supreme Court presenting the subject of constitutionality of a life sentence without parole for fourteen year olds who committed finish up crimes. The two cases follow two previous cases before the Supreme Court. In the case of Roper v. Simmons, it was held that deceitfulness of closing penalty on defendants below the age of eighteen go against the one- ordinal amendment. In the case of Graham v Florida, it w as held sentencing defendants below the age of eighteen to life without parole violated the eighth amendment. It was held juveniles are less(prenominal) liable in light of changeability, vulnerability and immaturity.Facts of the caseIn each(prenominal) of the cases above, a fourteen year old was found guilty of murder and sentenced to a mandatory life imprisonment with no parole. In the case of Jackson, the petitioner had accompanied two other boys went to a video bloodline to commit robbery. Jackson learned that one of the boys was having a shot gun. He was on the lookout, once he entered the store one of the boys shot the store clerk. Therefore, Jackson was charged by Arkansas as an adult with aggravated robbery and capital felony murder. He was convicted by the jury of both crimes.A statutory sentence of life imprisonment was issued by the court with no parole. Jackson argued life imprisonment without parole for a fourteen year old violated the eighth amendment. In Miller case , after an even of drug use and drinking the petitioner and a friend palpitate Millers neighbor and set fire to his trailer. The neighbor exitd in the process. At first, Miller was charged as a juvenile. The case was removed and moved to an adult court where he was charged with murder in course of arson. Miller was found guilty by the jury and a statutory life sentence without parole was imposed. The court of criminal appeal of atomic number 13 give tongue to that Millers sentence was non harsh compared to his crime. The mandatory nature was allowed under the eighth amendment.TheDecisionThe Supreme Court held that the eighth amendment outlaw sentencing ashes that direct life imprisonment with no parole for juvenile murder offender. The eighth amendment prohibits erratic and cruel punishment and provides assurance of individual proper(ip) not to be put under extreme sanctions. In Roper v. Simons, it was established that the right stems from perception of justice, therefore pu nishment should be proportionate to the offence and the offender. There were two precedents that reflected on fair punishment.There was one that adopted definite ban on sentencing system based on differences in causticity of penalty and culpability of the offenders. That is why in Roper v. Simons, capital punishment for children was prohibited by the eighth amendment. In Graham v. Florida the eighth amendment likewise prohibited life sentence without parole for juvenile found guilty of non-homicide cases. This case further associated life sentence without parole for juvenile to death sentence. This suggested the turn line of precedent that the court requires sentencing system to consider the details of the offence and characteristics of the defendant before sentencing him or her to death.The two line of precedents sink the court to conclude that life sentence without parole for juveniles in fringeon theeighthamendment. The court decision was influenced by Graham and Roper cases that established for sentencing reasons children are contrastive from adults under the constitution. Children lack maturity and have no developed sentiency of responsibility. This leads them to be impulsive and reckless. In Roper it was held children are exposed to international pressure and negative influences from friends. Therefore, they have less control of their environment because the childs nature is not2 well informed. Graham and Roper emphasized distinguishing traits of children enervating justification for inflicting harsh sentences to juveniles even when they commit outrageous crimes.The court held in 5-4 majority that the eighth amendment forbids unusual and cruel punishment. Justice Kagan reversed Alabama and Arkansas Supreme court decisions. It was held under the constitutionally children are assorted from adults when it comes to sentencing. Justice Breyer had a concurring opinion arguing there is adopt for further determination if the offender intended to kill o r killed the dupe during the robbery. Justice Sotomayor supported the argument. However, Justice Roberts had a dissenting opinion. He argued that the court duty is to apply the law accordingly and not answer questions of fond policy and morality. He argued the majority did not prove the punishment to be unusual. In his opinion, he did not find the punishment infringing on the eighth amendment. The dissent was joined by Justices Antonin Scalia, Samuel A, and Clarence Thomas.My Opinion of the CaseI personally think the ruling by the Supreme Court on Miller v. Alabama is a welcome decision. I concur with Justice Kagan that mandatory life imprisonment for juvenile is like a sentence children to die in prison. Mandatory life sentence also infringes on the eighth amendment. It is true youths lack maturity and have no sense of responsibility. They are exposed to outside pressure and negative influences from friends and therefore their reasoning is not the same as adults. In wake of my su pport for Miller v. Alabama decision, I am sensitive to family victims who want retribution. However, I must fictionalise that sentencing juveniles for life is not the way3 to go. There is need to think about this juveniles who have been given life without parole as our children.They need to be given an opportunity to come out and prove themselves as better commonwealth in confederacy. Friend and families of victims would ask me why they deserve a second chance. It is true they may be mourning but no weigh how painful the mourning can be, that cannot change the reality that children are unlike from adults in society. Children have a great potential for growth, understanding and change. Our sentencing system should not be characterized with vengeance. There may be a need recognize the potential for change. The opportunity should be given to juveniles to experience joy, life, and find meaning. The ban on mandatory life sentence without parole go forth ensure juveniles become educ ated, be creative and impact on the society positively.
Emotions make the world go round Essay
Emotions atomic number 18 one of the unique traits of humans. non alone living things created by God were able to brook emotions, exactly men be permitted to timber and express. Although animals have the ability to smack some(prenominal) things, it is non as powerful and as expressive as that of the humans. benignant emotion speaks a thousand words in silent mode. What we have to understand when it comes to emotion is the reality that it comes from different factors which affects the cycle of emotion and feelings. beingness and environment has something to do with this but it is always linked to the question, how do you feel? which basically means that in emotions, feelings are essential (Kuhl, 1986). Do you incessantly wonder why a new born botch up cries later on his or her birth? Scientifically speaking, babies cry after birth because they are cold but there is a long story butt joint this one which we will not elaborate anymore. Looking in some other aspect, away from learning, babies cry because it signifies their ability to live.It serves as a sign that they are alive and it assures the people privileged the delivery room about the babys existence. Looking at this situation through sciences perspective, an infants emotion is more likely associated with both teach and stimulation. Remember that around four (4) minutes before the baby is born, something happens inside his or her body which triggers the crying when the time to get out of the sires womb comes (Morley, 2002).On the other hand, when the baby is already born, we all know that the doctor taps the baby which ignites a little sense of feeling or sensitivity on the babys side. Therefore, condition and stimulation happens before and after the baby is born, thus, it is clear that there is sincerely an effect both inside and outside the babys body. Although science can explain almost everything in life including emotions and feelings, in the end, it does not really matter that muc h when you were used in feeling and not thinking too much.Emotions are reactions in everything which happens to you. Others might associate it with adrenaline rush but thinking outside the box, emotions were proofs regarding your humanity. It is not the basis of helplessness but instead, it is the sign that you are alive and doing well. Many people were not able to express their emotions like anger, fear happiness and sadness and steady down to go to medical doctors for check ups. Perhaps, this is one proof that emotions are not just a thing in our life but ability. whole shebang CitedKuhl, J. (1986). Motivation and information processing A new look at decision making, dynamic change, and action control. In R. M. Sorrentino & E. T. Higgins (Eds. ), Handbook of motivation and recognition Foundations of social behavior (pp. 404-434). Chichester Wiley. Morly, G. M. (2002). Why Do Babies Cry? The Anatomical and physiologic Changes During the Moments After Birth. http//www. cordclamp . com/Why Do Babies Cr1. htm
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Different Issues About Sex Education Education Essay
Introduction familiar answerion counselling is perchance cardinal of the most talked- intimately looses presents, lead officularly among concerned citizens and the administration. Sexual application is a natural thing for all of us and it is merely veracious for the search workers every arcsecond good as the readers to cognize and teach more(prenominal) nearly it. But the inquiry is, is it the right way for get off tuition to be taught in aboriginal informs?This research paper tackles the una same issues to the steepest degree gender cultivation. It contains the pros and cons of teaching sex direction in primary winding prepares. Opinions from different sides such(prenominal) as instructors in primary and subsidiary schools atomic number 18 considered. With such divisions, the reader fundament come close their ain comprehension of the subject and therefore confer ways to help the primary pupils sing this affair.In this research paper, the research wor kers would wish to demo the readers the importance of instructors perceptual come on increase sex focusing in primary schools. The research workers be convinced that this paper result be of great measure to pupils and instructors.Conceptual ModelSexual natural action EducationTeachersSecondaryPrimaryPerceptStatement of the ProblemThe vignette aimed to happen out the instructors position on take heeding sex didactics in primary schools.What is the general profile of the respondents in footings ofAgeCivil StatusGenderCapable focussingWhat atomic number 18 the instructors positions of learning sex control in primary schools?What are the issues/concerns of instructors in the commandment of sex development primary schools?Is there a grave difference on how the instructors view the landment of sex development when compared by primary and secondary schools?HypothesisThere is no primary(prenominal) difference between the positions of the instructors from primary and secondary schools.Premises of the StudyThe research workers assume that the questionnaires distri simplyed to the respondents are answered nookiedidly and truthfully, and that all cultivations that lead be gathered is dependable to the survey. The research workers besides assume that the personal set may doctor the respondent s reaction to the inquiries given up and personal experiences may act upon the response to the inquiry.Research LocaleThe survey result be conducted in Southville International School and Colleges located at 1281 Tropical Ave. cor. capital of Luxembourg St. , BF International, Las Pinas City, Philippines. The school get out be the focal point of the survey because it is more convenient to the research workers, it has a large population and it is suited for the survey.Significance of the surveyParents They will be guided on doing the mark of allowing their kids analyze sex culture in the school where their kids are analyzing.Students They will h overa ge an vox populi just about what they can acquire from larning sex control. They will be cognizant that the real bosom of this issue is for their hereafter.Scope and RestrictionsThe research foc utilize on the perceptual experiences of the instructors towards learning sex instruction in primary schools. The respondents are the instructors in primary and secondary degree of school twelvemonth 2010-2011, from Southville International School and Colleges.Definition of FootingsCurricula- are the classs offered by an educational establishment. It is besides a set of classs representing an country of specialisation.Mandatory- can besides be mandatory the instruction of sex instruction is obligatory.Optional- the instruction of sex instruction for girlish pile is non mandatory.Perception- is a consequence of perceiving, observation, a mental image, or construct.Primary school- includes classs sensation to six.Secondary school- a school normally including old ages 7 to 10.Sexuality- is an look of versed receptiveness or involvement in particular when inordinate.Sexual activity wise- it is a 12 wad series which discussed sex instruction, household miens instruction, encumbrance order, household life instruction, prophylactic device room and parenting.Sexual activity Education- is an instruction about gentle intimate anatomy, reproduction, and inter go and other human sexual behavior.Young people- are besides referred to as girlishs or kids ages between to 10 to 12.Review of Re easyd LiteratureSexual activity EducationIt is nearly sentences called gender instruction or sex and relationships instruction, is the procedure of geting development and forming attitudes and beliefs about sex, sexual individuality, relationships and familiarity. Sexual activity instruction is besides about developing unvaned people s accomplishments so that they make assured picks about their behaviour, and experience confident and competent about moving on these picks. It is widely accepted that immature people have a right to arouse instruction. This is because it is a agency by which they are helped to protect themselves against maltreatment, development, accidental gestations, sexually transmitted diseases and HIV and AIDS. It is besides argued that tack oning sex instruction helps to run into immature people s rights to information about affairs that affect them, their right to hold their demands met and to assist them taste their gender and the relationships that they form.It aims to misfortune deal the hazards of potentially negative results from sexual behaviour, such as thrown-away(prenominal) or un throwned gestations and infection with sexually transmitted diseases including HIV. It besides aims to lend to immature people s positive experience of their gender by heightening the timber of their relationships and their ability to do informed determinations everywhere their life-time. Sexual activity instruction that works, by which we mean that it is effectual is sex instruction that contributes to both these purposes therefore assisting immature people to be safe and bask their gender. ( http //, 2010 )BeliefsYoung people can be undetermined to a broad celestial orbit of attitudes and beliefs in relation to sex and gender. These nightimes appear contradictory and confusing. For illustration, rough wellness messages emphasize the hazards and dangers associated with sexual activity and some media coverage elevates the thought that being sexually active makes a individual more attractive and mature. Because sex and gender are sensitive topics, immature people and sex pedagogues can hold strong positions on what attitudes people should keep, and what moral good example should regulate people s behavior these excessively can sometimes look to be at odds. Young people are authentically interested in the moral and cultural sits that bind sex and gender. They often welcome c hances to speak about issues where people have strong positions, equivalent abortion, sex before matrimony, sapphic and cheery issues and contraceptive method and stock control. It is of import to retrieve that speaking in a balanced manner about differences in sentiment does non advance bingle set of positions over another, or intend that one agrees with a peculiar position. Part of researching and taking into custody cultural, spiritual and moral positions is happening out that you can hold to differ. efficient sex instruction besides provides immature people with an chance to research the grounds why people have sex, and to believe about how it involves emotions, tenderness for one ego and other people and their feelings, determinations and organic body structures. Young people should hold the opportunity to research gender differences and how ethnicity and gender can act upon people s feelings and options. They should be able to make up ones fountainhead for themselves wha t the positive qualities of relationships are. It is of import that they understand how intimidation, pigeonholing, maltreatment and development can negatively act upon relationships. . ( As besides stated at the web come in hypertext transfer protocol //, 2010 )Sexual activity instruction worldwideAfricaSexual activity instruction in Africa has focused on stemming the turning AIDS epidemic. Most governings in the part have established AIDS instruction inventions in partnership with the solid ground Health giving medication and international NGOs. These plans were undercut significantly by the international Gag ruler, an enterprise put in topographic point by chairman Reagan, suspend by President Clinton, and re-instated by President Bush. The ball-shaped Gag Rule required nongovernmental organisations to hold as a circumstance of their reception of Federal financess that such organisations would neither execute nor actively promote abortio n as a method of household planning in other states. The Global Gag Rule was once more suspended as one of the initiative official Acts of the Apostless by United States President Barack Obama. The incidences of rude(a) HIV transmittals in Uganda decreased dramatically when Clinton supported a comprehensive sex instruction attack ( including information about contraceptive method and abortion ) . Harmonizing to Ugandan AIDS militants, the Global Gag Rule undermined community attempts to cut down HIV prevalence and HIV transmittal.EuropeSuomiIn Filand, sexual instruction is normally incorpo pointd into assorted obligatory classs, principally as assign of biological science lessons ( in lower classs ) and subsequently in a class related to general wellness issues. The state and Family wellbeing Federation provide all 15-year-olds an introductory sexual bundle that includes an information booklet, a rubber and a sketch love narrative.England and WalesIn England and Wales, sex in struction is non mandatory in schools as parents can decline to allow their kids wad portion in the lessons. The quarrel of read focuses on the rich system, fetal development, and the physical and emotional fudgeations of adolescence, while information about contraceptive method and safe sex is discretional and treatment about relationships is frequently neglected. Britain has one of the highest juvenile gestation rates in Europe and sex instruction is a het issue in authorities and media studies. In a 2000 survey by the University of Brighton, many 14 to 15 twelvemonth olds report letdown with the nub of sex instruction lessons and felt that deficiency of confidentiality prevents adolescents from inquiring instructors about contraceptive method.FranceIn France, sex instruction has been portion of school course of study since 1973. Schools are expected to supply 30 to 40 hours of sex instruction, and dwelling house on balls out rubbers, to pupils in classs eight and ennead. In January 2000, the Gallic authorities launched an information run on contraceptive method with Television and wireless musca volitanss and the distribution of five million cusps on contraceptive method to high school pupils.GermanyIn Germany, sex instruction has been portion of school course of study since 1970. Since 1992 sex instruction is by jurisprudence a governmental responsibility.It usually covers all topics refering the growing-up procedure, organic structure alterations during pubescence, emotions, the biological procedure of reproduction, sexual activity, partnership, homosexualism, unwanted gestations and the complications of abortion, the dangers of sexual force, kid maltreatment, and sex-transmitted diseases, but sometimes besides things like sex places. Most schools offer classs on the right use of contraceptive method.A sex study by the World Health Organization refering the wonts of European adolescents in 2006 revealed that German adolescents care about contrace ptive method. The suffer rate among 15- to 19-year-olds was really low merely 11.7 per 1000 population, compared to the UK s 27.8 births per 1,000 population, and-in first place-Bulgaria s 39.0 births per 1,000.PolandIn the Western point of position, sex instruction in Poland has never really developed. At the clip of the People s Republic of Poland, since 1973, it was one of the school topics nevertheless, it was comparatively hapless and did non accomplish any existent success. later 1989, it practically vanished from the school life it is currently an sole topic ( called wychowanie do A?ycia w rodzinie/family life instruction instead than edukacja seksualna/sex instruction ) in several schools their parents must give consent to the schoolmasters so their kids may go to. It has much due to the strong expostulation against sex instruction of the Catholic Church the most influential establishment in Poland.It has, nevertheless, been changed and since kinfolk 2009 sex instruc tion will go an obligatory topic in the figure of 14 per school twelvemonth unless parents do non desire their kids to be taught. Objecting parents will hold to compose particular dissensions.North AmericaUnited StatesAbout all U.S. pupils receive some signifier of sex instruction at least one time between classs 7 and 12 many schools begin turn toing some subjects every bit early as classs 5 or 6. However, what pupils learn varies widely, because course of study determinations are so decentralised. Many obligations have Torahs modulate what is taught in sex instruction categories or leting parents to choose out. Some province Torahs leave course of study determinations to one school territories.Two chief signifiers of sex instruction are taught in American schools comprehensive and abstinence-only. extensive sex instruction covers abstinence as a positive pick, but besides teaches about contraceptive method and turning away of STIs when sexually active. A 2002 survey conducte d by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that 58 % of secondary school principals describe their sex instruction course of study as comprehensive.Abstinence-only sex instruction tells adolescents that they should be sexually abstentious until matrimony and does non supply information about contraceptive method. In the Kaiser survey, 34 % of high-school principals say their school s chief message was abstinence-only.The difference between these two attacks, and their impact on adolescent behaviour, remains a controversial topic. In the U.S. , juvenile birth rates had been dropping since 1991, but a 2007 study showed a 3 % addition from 2005 to 2006. From 1991 to 2005, the per centum of teens describing that they had of all time had sex or were presently sexually active showed little diminutions. However, the U.S. still has the highest adolescent birth rate and one of the highest rates of STIs among teens in the industrialised universe. Public sentiment poll conducted over the old ag es have found that the huge bulk of Americans favor broader sex instruction plans over those that teach merely abstinence, although abstention pedagogues late published canvass informations with the opposite decision.On the other manus, advocates of abstinence-only sex instruction object to curricula that fail to learn their criterion of moral behaviour they curb that a morality based on sex merely within the bounds of matrimony is healthy and constructive and that value-free cognition of the organic structure may take to immoral, unhealthy, and harmful patterns. Within the last decennary, the federal authorities has encouraged abstinence-only instruction by maneuvering over a billion dollars to such plans. Some 25 provinces now decline the support so that they can go on to learn comprehensive sex instruction. Funding for one of the federal authorities s two chief abstinency-only support plans, name V, was extended merely until December 31, 2007 Congress is debating whether to go on it erstwhile(prenominal) that day of the month.The impact of the rise in abstinence-only instruction remains a inquiry. To day of the month, no published surveies of abstinence-only plans have found consistent and important plan effects on detaining the oncoming of intercourse. In 2007, a survey ordered by the U.S. Congress found that in-between school pupils who took portion in abstinence-only sex instruction plans were merely every bit plausibly to hold sex ( and utilize contraceptive method ) in their juvenile old ages as those who did non. Abstinence-only advocators claimed that the survey was flawed because it was excessively narrow and began when abstinence-only course of study were in their babyhood, and that other surveies have demonstrated positive effects.Harmonizing to a 2007 study, Teen pregnancies in the United States showed 3 % addition in the adolescent birth rate from 2005 to 2006, to about 42 births per 1,000.VirginiaVirginia uses the sex instruction pla n called, The National ride to forestall adolescent and unplanned gestation. The National Campaign was created in 1996. The plan focuses on forestalling adolescent and unplanned gestations of immature grownups. The National run set a end to cut down adolescent gestation rate by 1/3 in 10 old ages. The Virginia Department of Health ranked Virginia 19th in adolescent gestation birth rates in 1996. Virginia was besides rated 35.2 adolescent births per 1000 misss aged 15-19 in 2006. The Healthy people 2010 end is a adolescent gestation rate at or below 43 gestations per 1000 females age 15-17.AsiaThe province of sex instruction plans in Asia is at assorted phases of development. Indonesia, Mongolia, South Korea have a systematic policy model for learning about sex within schools. Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand have assessed adolescent rich wellness demands with a position to developing adolescent-specific preparation, messages and stuffs. India has plans aimed at kids aged nin e to sixteen old ages. In India, there is a immense line on the course of study of sex instruction and whether it should be increased. Attempts by province authoritiess to present sex instruction as a mandatory portion of the course of study have frequently been met with rough admonishing well-grounded opinion by political parties, who claim that sex instruction is against Indian civilization and would misdirect kids. ( Bangladesh, Myanmar, Nepal and Pakistan have no coordinated sex instruction plans. )In Japan, sex instruction is compulsory from age 10 or 11, chiefly covering biological subjects such as menses and interjection.In China and Sri Lanka, sex instruction traditionally consists of reading the reproduction particle of biological science text editions. In Sri Lanka they teach the kids when they are 17-18 old ages. However, in 2000 a new five-year undertaking was introduced by the China Family plan Association to advance generative wellness instruction among Chines e adolescents and single young person in 12 urban territories and three counties. This include treatment about sex within human relationships every bit good as gestation and HIV bar.The International Planned pedigree Federation and the BBC World Service ran a 12-part series known as Sexwise, which discussed sex instruction, household life instruction, contraceptive method and parenting. It was foremost launched in South Asia and so extended worldwide.Acrimonious Argument over Sexual activity Education in the PhilippinesThe educational faculty Adolescent Sexual Health, though non yet released to all high schools in the Philippines, has already drawn baleful unfavorable judgment from the Roman Catholic Church, pro-life militants, and some parents. The manner it is being taught deficiencies the fear, the polish that the capable affair demands, said Jo Imbong, legal police officer of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines. Deciding when to learn kids about sex should be left to their parents, he said.But Professor Corazon Raymundo, manager of the University of the Philippines Population bring in ( UPPI ) , said sex instruction in schools is necessary because it is non in the state s civilization for parents to discourse sex with their kids.The instruction section, which presented the faculty as a response to the state s flourishing population growing, exclamatory it is non a sex manual but instead a instruction usher covering with household planning, generative wellness, and the dangers of early and pre-marital sex. Harmonizing to a UPPI study, 23 per centum of Filipinos ages 15-24 engaged in pre-marital sex in 2002, up from 18 per centum in 1994. The prevalence of bad sexual behaviours among striplings rose from 20 per centum in 1994 to 27 per centum in 2002. Further, this age group now accounts for 17 per centum of all bring forth abortions in the state. It s high clip that the ignorance of striplings be addressed in a manner that will let them to do an informed pick, said Solita Monsod, former economic planning secretary.Now, nevertheless, instruction functionaries have responded to the unfavorable judgment by retreating the faculty for farther communications among stakeholders. Before it is returned to schools, some subdivisions will be revised, said Lolita Andrada, the faculty s editor and the manager of the agency of Secondary Education. In peculiar, the subdivision on safe sex, which some viewed as a publicity of promiscuousness, will be rewritten, Andrada said. ( hypertext transfer protocol //, 2010 )Dep.Ed. sued over sex instruction political platformMANILA, Philippines ( UPDATE ) The former legal officer of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines on Monday sued the Department of Education for consolidation sex instruction in the course of study of simple and high school pupils.In an interview, attorney Jo Aurea Imbong said she filed the illustration in behalf of 30 concerned parents who opposed the sex instruction program. She described the sex instruction plan as a signifier of prophylactic imperialism that assaults moral esthesias and values of immature people and really encourages sexual promiscuousness. We have examined the faculties being used by DepEd and found that it promotes household planning, generative wellness and demographic development in topics such as Mathematicss, Science and English. It is specifically designed to transfigure the attitudes, behaviour and societal norms of immature people based on a foreign theoretical account, she told said the category suit aims to halt DepEd from implementing memorandum No. 26, which integrates sex instruction in the course of study for cloak-and-dagger and public schools. She said the plan changes the attitudes and values of kids particularly in Christian households.Imbong said sex instruction was already being implemented in the basic instruc tion course of study 12 old ages ago, and the new DepEd memo merely updates the faculties.She said following the sex instruction program will fast-track moral decay among immature people who are exposed to sex at an early age. While wonder is normal for immature people, it is still the primary duty of the parents and households to inform their kids about sex, she said.She besides say that the sex instruction plan is having funding from the United Nations Fund for Population Activities ( UNFPA ) .In response, Education Secretary Mona Valisno said the sex instruction plan is still being pilot-tested and that the treatments will concentrate on the scientific check of reproduction, physical attention and hygiene, right values and the norms of interpersonal dealingss to avoid premarital sex and adolescent gestation.She said the Deped consulted different sectors about the plan including the CBCP and the Kapisanan ng mga Brodkaster ng Pilipinas. She said parents who were consulted ab out the plan were really happy with it particularly since it provides relevant information to kids.She besides questioned why a tribunal instance was filed particularly since the plan does non belie the authorization of DepEd to protect kids s rights to quality instruction. Our course of study does nt speak about rubbers and such. It s merely photo to the kids to the right information in order for them to do the right determination Kung hindi natin kailangan, so the new secretary of instruction can alter it, she told ANC.She said the sex instruction program seeks to conflict the high per centum of wild gestations in the state, which is one of the 10 highest in the universe, and prevent dropouts as a consequence of teenage gestations.She said the subjects integrated into the faculties will be scientific and enlightening and are non designed to tickle lubricious involvement.In Science, sex instruction subjects will cover the generative system, parts of the organic structure, generat ive rhythm, and pubescence.Under Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan ( EPP ) , proper behaviour among and between equals of different genders will be discussed.In Health categories under MAPEH ( Music, Arts, PE and Health ) , personal hygiene and generative wellness will be portion of the lessons.In Heograpiya, Kasaysayan, at Sibika ( HEKASI ) classes, treatment will include the place of faith on prenuptial sex and the norms when people of opposite sex interact.AIn Math categories, informations on issues like prenuptial sex, adolescent gestation, and sexually transmitted infections will be used in analyzing mathematical analysis and statistics. ( Dizon, 2010 )
Effects of Online Advertisements on Newspaper Advertisements
running Head EFFECTS OF ONLINE human macrocosmsizing 1 Topic Effects of On agate line publicizing towards News tar liquidate advertizing A Case aim of supporter Online and sensation report Name Institution ONLINE AND word of honorpaper publisher advert Insert Title Here by Insert Name Here An Applied Thesis Submitted to the Name of university in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the story of 2 ONLINE AND paper ad 3 Name of University Enter Year Here Approval page This Thesis was submitted by INSERT conjure under the direction of the persons listed below.It was submitted to the Name of University and approved in partial(p) fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of INSERT NAME AND DEGREE, e. g. , Al Smith, PhD Committee Chair INSERT NAME AND DEGREE Date Committee Member Name Date Executive doyen for look and Evaluation Date ONLINE AND paper advertizement Declaration 4 ONLINE AND news bring out ADVERTISEMENT Acknowledgments 5 ONLINE AND news issue ADVERTISEMENT 6 sn argon This thesis has been written to explore effectuate of online publicise toward countersign crisscross publicizing.Emphasis provide be laid on a role dissect of angiotensin-converting enzyme Online and tip Newspaper, which argon the leading English news media in Malaysia. Newspapers, whether photographic sign or online, ar major and key advertizement chooseences for products especi anyy owe to their grand readership. Circulation and retrieveibility of these publicizing media argon centre on, with recommendations on shipway and retrieves of ensuring increase readership and access. Key measures toward choosing an effective news crisscross publisher forte by means of psychoanalysis of advantages and disadvantages of each strength has been explored.The thesis has likewise presented a mulish(a) pillowcase of maven Online and ace report publisher as a address to rising proclaimment decisions for the tradeing industry. T he first part of this paper is a guideline for conducting the investigation. Part two is a review of books on the affair and accommodates key recommendations. However, this look into is non conclusive of this topic, and any future search should tackle issues not addressed in this paper. ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 7 T satiscircumstanceory of ContentsAbstract . 6 List of t adequate to(p)s/ illustrations/ figures/ appendices 9 CHAPTER 1 free-baseation . 10 Thesis Statement .. 2 Statement of the Problem . 12 desktop of the Problem. 13 confession for the take in 14 Deficiencies in the evidence 5 Definition of Terms . 16 Purpose of the Study .. 16 Hypotheses .. 17 Summary .. 7 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE survey .. 19 Introduction . 19 Evaluation of bulls eye Newspaper. 20 Evaluation of Online Newspaper. 21 Case Study wizard Online and sensory faculty Newspaper 2 theme publisher publisher Advertisement. 23 Advantages . 24 Disadvantages 25 Online Advertisement 6 Advant ages . 26 Disadvantages 27 CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 29 ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 8 Introduction . 9 Data prayer Methods.. 29 Sources .. 30 Interviews . 30 Questionnaires 1 Case Study 31 Survey Analysis. 32 Treatment of Data. 32 search Limitations.. 3 Rigor, Validity, Reli might, and ethics . 33 Human Rights Protection . 34 Research schedule/Timeline .. 34 CHAPTER 4 RESULTS.. 5 CHAPTER 5 DISCUSSION.. 38 CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS .. 39 Major Conclusions .. 39 Recommendations 39 References. 1 APPENDIX.. 43 ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT List of tables/ illustrations/ figures/ appendices map 1 Survey Response Rate map 2 passing(a) Readership Chart 3 Content Rating postpone 1 Work film 9 ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 10 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Advertisement is a argumentation term dropd to receive-to doe with to any regulate of paid announcement advanceing superbs or function done conf dod medium including compositions, telly, magazin es, radios, and on the net income.Advertisements tail assembly either take the year of cross publicise with themes, magazines, brochures, and fliers or in non- sucker form oft(prenominal) as those found in television, radio, video, and earnings. The key purpose of advertizements is to bring to the attention of emfity customers the existence of a new product or service. A closely-grounded publicise should be able to persuade the potential customers to purchase and celebrate them motivated to do a certain action (Tolani, 2010). While the exit of advertizement has not changed from the act of influencing the decision of a potential customer, the form of ad has radu all told in ally evolved with new advertising media emerging. Radio publicizing emerged with the coming of radios in the 1920s. The total of people who owned radios increased to ab come forth(a) 82% by 1940. However, television was premissd in the 1950s, and was soon a vulgar appliance in al appr oximately all households. This resulted in the increase of television advertising uptake to nearly $1. 5 billion by 1960s. Outdoor advertisement fundament be traced back off to the post World War era to the Ameri cornerstone Safety Razor Company in 1925 when it advertised a brushless neaten cream on a mega billboard (Tolani, 2010).The advent of video cas fixedte rec decrees truism a new trend in advertisement during the period in the midst of the early 1980s and late 1990s. The video cassette recorders became rattling popular with viewing ear begin through, tho video advertisement met a major hitch as viewers easily fast-forwarded ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 11 through advertisements fleck watch tapes. This compelled firms to resort to product placement in which their products were used in television shows and films. The latest media development in this field is the use of internet for advertising.thither has massively been an increase in estimator ownership and the use of internet has chop-chop grown. It might not be easy to predict the advertisement media that lead be widely used in the future. However, it is an open item that advertisements ordain widen to improve and strive to become more(prenominal) serviceable to c bees and to the consumer (Tolani, 2010). Entrepreneurs and disdain managers are faced with the challenge of making a extract for an advertising media on a free-and-easy foothold.This is because the success of their establishments vastly depends on the ability of the enterprisers and managers to create product and service awareness, build their firms image and reputation, and generate trades leads and r steadyues. These efforts move precisely be realized by the use of paper and magazine advertisements, radio advertisements, television advertisements, outdoor advertising, network advertising, among many different advertising media. What lead determine the final medium woof whitethorn vary from on e contrast to another and the various(a) factors that are in play toward meeting the specific telephone line objectives (Patsula Media, 2007).Irrespective of the medium of advertisement that a business chooses to use for its products and services, it is classical to note that twain the score advertising and online advertising are super prerequisite, given that the approaches toward twain, the purposes, and steady the audiences are real different. It is not precise advisable to mean one of these media as more effective that the other on mere basis of seasonal variance because either whitethorn all overtake the other at some give snip. A ethical lean of people in addition know access to twain sources and this makes it ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 12 mportant for enterprisers and business managers to give due consideration to both (Web Windows, 2010). Thesis Statement given up the increased growth of info that is open over the internet and the subsequent i ncrease in the number of people who hunt to spend more time on the internet, companies are turning to advertise their goods and service online so as to capture this newly generated market. Emphasis has frankincense shifted to the manageable effects that this emerging trend of online advertisement whitethorn get down on newspaper advertisement, both in popularity and advertisement revenue enhancement. Statement of the ProblemAdvertisement plays a rattling important function in the trading processes as it is the but means through which a business fucking bring to the attention of the consumers about their products, introduce a new product in the market or labor the sales of an existing product or service. All these are bosom activitieswithout which, a business setup basisnot effectively compete for customers in the already-crowded market. though there are numerous media through which a business whitethorn place its advertisements, the most comm plainly used medium is the newspaper because of its wide readership and circulation.With the advent and advancement of technology, newspaper publishers arrive at embraced education technology to an purpose of presenting their returns both as paper and online variances. This advancement means that entrepreneurs bring the resource of choosing which version of a newspaper through which to place their advertisements. This allow for generally be determined by an entrepreneurs own military rating of the medium that provide top hat suit the business acquires. Lately, there ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 13 as been growing debate about the popularity of online newspaper and newspaper. This debate cannot escape the attention of entrepreneurs who importantly rely on these news media for their advertisements. There is general consensus that online versions of newspapers are gaining popularity among readers worldwide. Could this increase popularity and, to some extent, translate into increased prefe rence by entrepreneurs to place their advertisements online alternatively of the newspaper publisher version of newspapers? Background of the ProblemGiven the central role which newspapers play in the advertisement of goods and services by businesses, it is scarce important that entrepreneurs give especial(a) attention and critical rating on the volume of readership and scope of circulation of both the online version and news in solace version of newspapers. This would mean that new considerations are factored in when making a prize for advertisement media by business contrary to previous ferocity that commissioned only on readership and circulation. Ability to access n advertisement by potential customers is a major c formerlyrn that cajoles heated boardroom debates in companies, peculiar(a)ly due to intense competition for the crowded market. The significance of an advertisement media with encounter to scope of outreach means that both entrepreneurs and advertisement age ncies have a responsibility to adopt the use of advertisement media capable of optimizing market outreach for a product or service. Key aspects for consideration with regard to woof of advertisement media are importantly in areas of target audience and access.These entail considerations of readership and circulation which would mark that an advertisement reaches the highest number of target audience within the shortest duration attainable and redacts attention in the most appropriate way. ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 14 While many entrepreneurs are coming up with some(prenominal) measures of ensuring they significantly save on advertisement tolls for their products and services, advertising agencies are of the credence that optimizing market outreach can best be achieved by choosing a media with large readership and wide circulation.Key areas suggested by advertisement experts include impact and ability to attract attention among other advertisements. When due conside ration is given to these two aspects, an advertisement media will be able to achieve market outreach by round 70%, which is equivalent to nearly 5% of the total product market in a crowded environment. It is generally agreed that upgrading of newspapers to online versions can economical aid to significantly improve their readership and accessibility, translating to wider market outreach for online advertisements.Such advancement in technology has for hanker been credited as significant part of increasing readership, expanding circulation, and making durable impact in advertisement. The most remarkable gain for online advertisement can be attributed to the increase in number of people owning computers and therefrom employ up a potful of time on the internet foreign the numbers of people buying newsprint and the time they spend recitation it. Justification for the StudyEffects of online advertisement toward newsprint advertisement are a welcome topic at this time when ther e is growing concern that newsprint advertisement is becoming less and less effective in an environment where consumers are increasingly getting their information online and from other non-traditional sources. This belief has also raddled a lot of objection from newspaper advertisement sales actor who insist that newsprint advertising is more effective than online advertising.To them, newsprint advertising is tangible, making it possible for a potential ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 15 customer to clip it out, hold in the hand and carry to the line of descent unlike online advertisements, which is only visual. Though online advertisement can cost a business slightly more, it is becoming more popular with consumers and can thus not be hardly brushed off. This calls for a strategy that will learn that this advertisement medium is embraced without jeopardizing the profits of a business. Deficiencies in the evidenceThe choice of an advertisement media that an entrepreneur or a business opts to use for its products or services are main(prenominal)ly determined by surface of business and the target audience whether they are other businesses, youth, elderly, men or women. The access to an advertisement by these groups of persons is quite alter as all of them have their own preferences of media choices. The youth may be found of internet enchantment the elderly may be accustomed to newsprint. While online advertising may make a grownup impact among the youth, it may not inescapably do the analogous with the elderly or housewives.The size of a business will also play a big role in the choice of advertising media. For ex massive, pure businesses may not have all the money to invest in certain media which are considered costly and are consequently a preserve for big businesses. advertizement is an expensive game and may not be appealing or affordable to all entrepreneurs. This means that the choice of a media may not necessarily be determined by i ts effectiveness but rather by the investment capacity of any given entrepreneur.Evidence obtained for this field will thus be influenced to a greater extent by individual entrepreneur considerations and not necessarily by the popularity of any given media. ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 16 Definition of Terms Advertising Media refers to means by which an advertising nub is carried to potential customers and includes television, radio, internet, magazines, newspaper, and signage Online Advertising refers to advertising that is done over the internet Newsprint Advertising refers to placing advertisements on a newspaper Purpose of the StudyThe purpose of analyze effects of online advertisement toward newsprint advertisement is to 1. learn that entrepreneurs are provided with ample information regarding the various advertisement media to modify them make informed choices 2. Ensure that myths revolving effectiveness of either newsprint advertisement or online advertisement are eliminated and substituted with live statistics 3. Ensure that advertisement agencies are able to adjust their media in a manner that will enable businesses reach their target audience in the most effective way and at the least cost possible 4.Ensure that recommendations are do that would help entrepreneurs make a choice on the most effective media for their advertisements. This study is significant because it would help in ensuring that useful information is made available to help entrepreneurs with their advertisement decisions, ill-temperedly those focusing on newsprint and online advertisements. It will also ensure that advancements in technology are ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 17 embraced and advertising services evolve to best meet the opportunities and challenges of the future with regard to market outreach.Hypotheses The spare-time activity hypotheses were tested in this study 1. H01 Advertising plays a central role in business success. HA1 Advertising does not pl ay a central role in the success of a business. 2. H02 Most businesses advertise on newsprint media. HA2 Most businesses do not advertise on newsprint media. 3. H03 Most entrepreneurs prefer to use online advertisements for their products. HA3 Most entrepreneurs do not prefer to use online advertisement for their products. 4. H04 Newsprint advertising is more effective that online advertising.HA4 Newsprint advertising is less effective than online advertising. 5. H05 Online advertising is the future of product advertisement. HA5 Online advertising is not the future of product advertisement. Summary The shift in focus by entrepreneurs and businesses to put more attention on online advertisement instead on the traditional advertisement media is broadly seen as one of the main steps toward technological rotary motion of the advertising industry. This would go a gigantic way in realizing wider market outreach and increased sales for businesses and publishers who embrace the internet f or their publications.This, in essence, would mean increased readership for online version of newspapers, translating into bigger profit margins. ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 18 This study has been designed to explore various modes of newspapers as major advertisement media which can be used by entrepreneurs and businesses to advertise their products and services. Special focus has been given to whiz Newsprint and wind Online, which are Malaysias leading English publications. Chapter two of this work is an extensive literature review on matters relating to online and newsprint publications as well as online and newsprint advertisement.Chapter three is an outline of information collection and treatment firearm chapters tetrad and five respectively present findings and discussions. Chapter six outlines major conclusions and recommendations. ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 19 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW Introduction Newspapers have conventionally played a very significant role in the advertisement of goods and services. This has been mainly attributed to their wide readership and circulation since they can be easily obtained, from the nearest channel vendor to the biggest shopping mall in the biggest city.The readership of newspapers also cut across all ages, sexes, and social classes as they usually publish articles that would be useful to all these category of persons in one way or the other,. Newspapers have for capacious henpecked the advertisement scene due to the low be involved as compared to other advertisement media. Newspaper comes either as newsprint or online. Newspaper publishers have lately resorted to the two kinds of publication to meet the various demands of different readers (Mutter, 2010).The introduction of online version of newspaper has seen a significant drop in the readership of the print newspaper, and this trend is projected to continue into the future. This scenario which is almost inevitable and believably irreversi ble is generating big concern on the future of printed newspaper as well as newsprint advertisement. The imprint of newspaper remains very important for publishers since it is responsible for the biggest volume of revenue for publishers, contributing nearly 90% of the total revenue for a newspaper company.Analyst are quick to point that any attempt to rid of print newspaper would simply through publication companies out of business since the advertising revenue will almost drop to 5%, if not energy (Mutter, 2010). However, the continued survival of print newspaper will to a great extent be determined by consumer demands, good state of an economy, and the wager of marketers to use newsprint ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 20 advertising. It is predicted that with the diminishing economic prospects declining advertising revenue, there is a high possibility of a major drop in consumer demand for print newspapers.This is based on the fact that close to half of print newspaper read ers are ripened existence who are statistically likely to pass out with time. The younger race is not found of print newspapers, and this habit will probably survey them to old age. Unless this readership habit of the younger macrocosm changes, it is quite evident that the print newspaper readership will continue to shrink as the aged population slowly makes their exit, leaving the younger population that has already formed a habit of not reading the print newspaper (Mutter, 2010). Evaluation of fool Newspaper stain newspaper has conventionally been associated with a number of advantages, which have probably made it very popular. It is generally agreed that print newspapers have loyal readership, which makes it a powerful advertising tool as compared to internet. Print newspaper is considered very effective when a peculiar(prenominal) geographic area is organism targeted for example, when you wish to notify people of about a forthcoming sporting event. For those who have inf ormation to convey, print newspaper is more flexible in damage of space as one is able to determine the size that would best suit his/her needs.Certain print newspapers enjoy many loyal fans, thus increasing their readership (Lad, 2009). On the other hand, print newspapers have certain disadvantages. Print newspaper generally has limited flavorspan, meaning they are only available to the public for a unmarried day posterior on which they are withdrawn from sale. Print newspaper may not give a wide reach as compared with internet that has a global audience. Print newspapers have the bound in terms of the ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 21 audience who may actually read it, and certain copies may actually not be available on demand at all time (Lad, 2009).Evaluation of Online Newspaper Online newspapers tend to offer information to the reader much more cursorily as compared to the print version. The online version is always available on the internet before the print version i s on the streets. Online publications can normally be updated several times in a day with the latest news and happenings. Moreover, while print version is purchased, online newspapers are accessed free of charge. This makes it possible for a reader to use a wide spectrum of newspapers possible.Online versions enable users to make use of links to divide large units of information into more easily archeological siteestible portions, and to search information in the newspaper is also automated. Readers of online versions are able to archive articles on the computer, contact editors via e-mail, and use interactive games (Lad, 2009). The disadvantages attributed to online versions include the fact that they do not give detailed reports on all the subjects and tend to omit several sections found in the print version. This limits information available to the online reader.Reading from a computer does not convey the traditional experience of reading a newspaper, which is a key characterist ic of print newspaper. During peak times when several users are scrambling to access news, the download times are very persistent. Online newspapers are characterized by so many links which are quite confusing instead of being useful, particularly the amount of research necessary and the need to constantly check the link address. One gets tired flavor at the computer screen and it may take time to get used to them (Lad, 2009).ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 22 Case Study Star Online and Star Newspaper The Star is one of the leading English spoken language newspapers in Malaysia. The statistics issued from the Audit Bureau of Circulation indicate that the print version of this newspaper has a daily circulation of nearly 950,000 copies while the Sunday Star records a readership of nearly 850,000. The publication is mainly owned by the Malaysian Chinese Association. The main competitors of this publication are The Sun and the New Straits Times, which are also published in English .The Star newspaper traces its history back in 1971, when it was first published as a regional newspaper in Georgetown. By 1976, the newspaper had gained national circulation in Malaysia, and established its plate at the countrys capital, Kuala Lumpur. The growth in business cut the company relocate to Petaling Jaya, where it is currently based (Star egress, 2009). The companys print newspapers, The Star Daily and The Sunday Star are published in five different editions. Two of the editions cover the northern eninsular states of Penang, Kedah, Perlis, Kelantan, and Perak. Two other editions cover the larger country. The Star Daily is divided into sections consisting of the Main Paper, StarBiz, StarTwo, Star Metro, and classified section. The boasts of the Main Paper are predominantly local and external news. The StarBiz is mainly concerned with trade and reports on market trends, financial reports, and blood line market updates. On the other hand, Star Two mainly feature articl es on entertainment, environment, science, lifestyle, and fashion among several others.Lastly, the content of Star Metro is varied and tends to focus more on the area of circulation (Star Publication, 2009). The continued demand by the publications readers saw the emergence of The Star Online, which is an internet version of The Star newspaper. This was in response to the persistent ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 23 demand for an online version of the newspaper, and it finally made entry into the market in 2005. The company prides its strengths as a newspaper on the cornerstones of internet and media ventures.The Star Online and its many components are produced, managed, developed, and contributed to by the Star Division, The Star Online and Multimedia Newsdesk teams of The Stars Editorial Department (Star Publication, 2009). Newsprint Advertisement Advertisement can be traced to the emergence of trading activities from very early geezerhood as evidenced by archeological artifa cts drawn from different parts of the world. With the art of the printing press in 1440 by Johannes Gutenberg who was a German Goldsmith, merchants were able to duplicate advertisements for their wares.By the late 19th and early 20th centuries, newsprint advertising had become the primary means for companies to communicate their sales and promotions to the consumers. This was mainly through media such as newspapers, magazines, fliers, posters, and billboards (Walker, 2010). Following the invention of printing press, advertisements became a common place in weekly newspapers and periodical journals. The items, which were mainly featured in such advertisements, included new machines, other print publications or describe the discoveries and inventions of the enlightenment era.The first newsprint to offer advertising space for sale was the French publication La Presse in 1836. This saw this newsprint being sold more cheaply, hence recorded increased readership and profitability. This move providential other newspapers and magazines across the world to follow suit in this moneymaking(prenominal) strategy. In the contemporary newsprint, advertising designers are able to visualize passing creative commercials through digital image manipulation in order to make the biggest market impact (Walker, 2010).ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 24 Newsprints chill out remain key advertisement medium for both business to such a point that it is hard to imagine doing business without advertising in a newspaper or a magazine. This is particularly important for small businesses that can hardly afford other media of advertisement. Paid-circulation newspapers have for long dominated the mass media market for advertisement as reflected in advertisement sales volumes. Newspapers are very popular with both multinational businesses and small-scale dealers.This is probably due to the fact that businesses come in three distinct forms viz. local, regional, and national newspapers e ach targeting different audience according to its scope of circulation (Patsula Media, 2007). Advantages There are a number of advantages that print newspaper advertisements have over online advertisements. Print newspapers have very wide circulation as almost every home in the city subscribed to daily access of a printed newspaper. Where the advertisement is intended to reach audience only in a particular geographical region, print newspaper readily permits this.The printed advertisement benefits from both permanence and desired obsolescence. This means that a reader is able to refer back or even cut out a particular advert. Print newspapers have a predictable frequency of publication, either on daily or weekly basis, making it possible for advertisers to target days of wider readership for their adverts (Brassil, 2010). The immediacy that print newspapers have makes it possible for urgent advertisements to be responded fast, thereby producing urgent results. When deadlines are sho rt, it permits quick responses to changing market conditions.Readers are already accustomed themselves to getting advertisements on print newspapers to an extent that a good number buys print newspapers just to read advertisements. At the same time, print newspaper reading has nearly become a habit for ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 25 most people. Specific sector adverts can be very easily hardened on the various sections of print newspaper such as sports, news, and classifieds to ensure the target is directly hit (Brassil, 2010). Print newspapers give advertisers a lot of flexibility both in size and placement.This means that production changes can be easily responded to whenever the need arises. Advertisements that are located on print newspapers can be examined at blank since the exposure is not limited, thus readers are able to take their time release through the message. Since placement on print newspaper can be tailored to a size that suits the budget of the advertise r, it is possible even for small businesses to place their small adverts at low costs. Print newspapers offer wide options to advertisers whether place their advertisements as copy only, copy with graphics, colored, or dimmed and white.Finally, print newspapers features supplements which readers can easily pull out and save (Brassil, 2010). Disadvantages Advertising on print newspaper has not escaped its own set of shortcomings. Because of the large number of advertisements which are featured on the newspaper, any particular advertisement must compete for readers attention. This means that readers who only spend a few minutes reading the print newspaper may fail to capture the advertisement. At the same time, there is hardly a guarantee that everybody who reads the print newspaper will read the advertisements placed in it.This is because a print newspaper has several sections and not all readers read every section of the newspaper. The short lifespan, normally daily, that newspaper s have forces advertisers to inclose quadruple advertisements even for a whole week so as to reach a good number of readers. This may be expensive particularly for small businesses (Brassil, 2010). ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 26 Online Advertisement The revolution in information and communication technology has come with both opportunities and risks for the business community, particularly from the point of view of the traditionally-established media.Internet as a form of computer aided communication is equally unsure for the print media. The technical potential in advertisement that online newspaper offers surpasses that of the printed newspaper in several ways. Online newspaper is interactive multimedia for providing internal and external net whole kit and caboodle, while offering a selection of functions, possibility for regular updates, access to archives, rapid access to large number of newspapers, and being paperless, thus ensuring there is no problem of waste matter disposal (Neuberger, Tonnemacher, Bibl & Duck, 1998). AdvantagesThe economic constraints that businesses face on everyday basis often leave enterprises with very smallish money to spare on advertising. This is more common among the small businesses who often find themselves light in the pocket. It is thereof important to opt for an advertisement medium that give optimum outfit and minimal costs. Online advertisement is generally seen to be complacent in this line than the traditional newsprint advertisement. When online advertisements are on a pay-per-click basis, an entrepreneur only pays when a potential customer clicks on the advert and ends up on the entrepreneurs website.This ensures that businesses only pay for leads that end up in their website as opposed to mass messages in the print newspaper that may or may not reach the target audience. There is therefore maximum return on investment for a business using online advertisement (Rogers, 2010). ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVER TISEMENT 27 Online advertisement also whole shebang very quickly given the fact that the day that one gets started is the same day that results manifest. There is basically neither waiting period nor long startup process.Once an entrepreneur is ready to get started, he/she can very easily launch a successful advertisement promotion on a number of channels. This tends to produce quick results and the campaign can also be maintained for a longer period of time unlike print newspapers which have daily lifespan. Online advertisement enables businesses to target their markets more expeditiously than print newspapers. This can be achieved through the use of social networks that an entrepreneur considers pertinent to the campaign.Once these social networks are identified, a business can dig very deeply into their niche, enabling them to produce the maximum results with very little investment (Rogers, 2010). Advertising online has the advantage of giving elaborate and thorough statistics that enables a business to tweak and optimize their campaigns to the maximum. This is a total deviation from newsprint advertising when one can do very little to address the success of one campaign as compared to another. Online advertising avails quite a number of information just at a mouse click.With online advertising, an entrepreneur is able to monitor the number of people who visits the business website, where they come from, what they did once they were there, and many other details. Online advertisement also allows full control and analysis since one is able to manage how many times to show up in the search engines, thus make it possible to gain huge returns for the business (Rogers, 2010). Disadvantages One key disadvantage that is associated with online advertisement relates to advertising clog up as there is incredible amount of clutter on most web pages.This arises from the fact that ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT every advertiser tries to draw the attention of web viewers, making readers have access to too much information which they can hardly digest. Under these circumstances, the web viewers normally choose to ignore the advertisements and this will lead to low rates of return. Also, online advertisement is still a new concept for many advertisement agencies, which simply cannot tell just so far which advertising method works best (Rogers, 2010). 28 ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 29CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY Introduction In research undertaking, the methodology section is one of the crucial areas to be tackled in a scheme document because it forms the basis of the results of research findings. A research can be faced with big challenges due to damage choice of method used. To avoid this, good planning of the method is essential and in order to get reliable results. The issue of reliability establishes that a research should have the ability to show trunk in the results even after a study is repeatedly done by different researchers.Reli ability in research study can also be enhanced through good structure of the methodology. When the correct entropy collection methods are used, relative samples are collected, and the correct method of analysis is used, a research can achieve validity. Since this thesis is inductive in temper, it prompted the application of a qualitative methodology. This means that the views of newspaper publishers and advertisement experts have been given a lot of weight. This was done by administering both physical and online questionnaires as well as conducting in-depth interviewseach moveing nearly 45 minutes.Those interviewed had to be newspaper publishers, advertisement agencies, and general newspaper readers in Malaysia who have been in the sector for the last five years. Moreover, at the time of the interview, they were actively engaged in think media and general businesses. This ensured very rich selective information was gathered from persons with a wealthiness of experience. Data C ollection Methods The key purpose of data collection was to ensure that a rich set of description was obtained. To achieve this, the interviews were transcribed in real time by the interviewer.The ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 30 responses were accordingly reduced and canvas by adopting principles of data codification and clustering (Miles & Huberman, 1994). This was supplemented by administration of questionnaires as well as plenary review of relevant literature. Sources The data gathered for this research is from a wide range of infotainment sources relating to newspapers as advertisement medium in general as well as those specifically relating to print newspaper and online newspaper giving special emphasis to The Star Publications.These mainly included policy documents and academic and the non-academic documents. First, journals on newspaper advertisements were searched. Second, electronic databases were searched using key words like newsprint advertisement, online adver tisement real The Star newspaper and effects of online advertisement on newsprint advertisement. Literature review included both abstract and empirical works, with about 15 articles reviewed for this study. Interviews The interviews dwelt on the following areas ? The considerations when choosing advertisement media ?The family between newspaper readership and circulation and advertisement impact ? The means of promoting advertisement on both print newspaper and online newspaper so as to enable business reap maximum benefits from these advertisement media ? What the future holds for print newspapers and online newspapers, with emphasis on The Star Daily and The Star Online. ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 31 Questionnaires A questionnaire survey of the newspaper publication sector was conducted to understand the aspects of print newspaper and online newspaper advertisements in Malaysia.The survey was explanatory in nature as the objective was to gain discernment on the effects of online advertisement on newsprint advertisement. The questionnaire was administered to nearly blow Malaysia entrepreneurs, 100 Star Publication readers, and over 100 advertisement experts. The set sent to the entrepreneurs and advertisement experts included a cover letter, which explains the purpose and need for the study, the questionnaire document, and a prepaid state envelope. Letters reminding the respondents of the questionnaires were later sent to those who had not responded within the three weeks duration.Case Study This thesis involves classical use of case studies to gain a deeper insight through the application of a set of ideas. A multiple case study approach helps in developing a theory which is give out grounded, more accurate, and more generalized (Eisenhardt & Graebner, 2007). Case studies are introduced to test the possible effects that advertising in online newspapers could have on advertising on print newspapers, and the users adoption of one over the other. The use of case study is important in practical testing of theories with practitioners in real life situation.The case study organizations are selected based on the idea of theoretic sampling. This is because when it comes to building a theory, theoretical sampling tends to be like as compared to generalized concept found in statistical studies. This means that the cases are chosen for theoretical and not for statistical reasons (Schroeder, Linderman, Liedtke & Choo, 2008). An analysis has been developed on how the use of online advertisement is steadily gaining popularity among entrepreneurs in Malaysia, and particularly the use of The Star Online.ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 32 Survey Analysis From the nearly 100 questionnaires that were mailed to entrepreneurs, 85 were returned. This represented an 85% response to the questionnaires. However, those that contained usable data were only 70, thus a satisfactory response rate can be tell to have been reasonably attained. Fro m the 100 questionnaires administered to advertisement experts, 80 were duly completed and handed over. From these about 74 contained usable data representing nearly 80% response rate which can be considered satisfactory.Ninety-five out of the 100 readers of both versions of The Star duly responded to the questionnaires and all had useful data. Chart 1 Treatment of Data In research, the data collected need to be synthesized in order to make sense with regard to what is being studied. The data from the questionnaires in this research were analyzed extensively to retrieve the information contained in them (Zikmund, 2003). The triangulation method for data analysis and understandation was used to interpret the data collected, basing arguments on grounded theory (Dick, 2000 Knafl & Breitmayer, 1991).In addition, the information obtained from the case study were analyzed individually and thereafter, a comparison was made between the different data sources. ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISE MENT 33 Research Limitations The main limitation that may be pointed out in this research is the use of a single case study. However, it is also true that online advertisement is still a modern concept that has not gained much popularity among entrepreneurs. At the same time, the single case approach has weight in the sense that it allows the achievement of a comprehensive analysis.Some of the information have also not been validated through multiple case analyses so as to provide a solid and practical basis for understanding the effects of online advertisement on newsprint advertisement. Rigor, Validity, Reliability, and Ethics The four categories of quality management in research were highly considered. These include validity, reliability, ethics, and rigor (Zikmund, 2003). Reliability of a research is its ability to demonstrate consistency in results this was achieved through the control of sample by stratifying the population to get a more representative sample.On the other han d, validity is the ability of a scale to measure what it is intended to measure but not going beyond the topic of the study. The triangulation method was used to control this aspect in the thesis. Ethics involves adherence to the norms possessed in gathering of information and this has been ensured by providing secrecy on the information collected from the entrepreneurs. Lastly, the rigor of the research was tell toward efficient sample size in a critical panorama in any investigation.The main purpose that a researcher utilizes a sample is to reduce the charges and to collect important data faster (Zikmund, 2003). ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT Human Rights Protection The people who were interviewed were assured of their confidentiality. In addition, the information gathered ensures the peoples privacy. The entrepreneurs and their businesses will have their rights protected. Research Schedule/Timeline This research took a period of eight weeks. This is considered an ideal tim eframe given the grumpy schedule of some of the subjects who were to be interviewed and have granted appointments at later dates.A detailed summary of the work plan for the research has been tabulated below Table 1 Work Plan week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Research proposal Preliminary literature review search Literature review and writing Interviews Case study collection Interview editing, coding and interpretation plow interpretation Report writing and presentation 34 ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 35 CHAPTER 4 RESULTS Research findings indicate that The Star Online is not yet well explored as regularly as The Star Daily print version.According to the survey, only 41% of the users of The Star Online read it daily, as opposed to the 60% who read The Daily Star daily. Chart 2 Seventy per centum read The Star Online edition several times a week, while 80% read The Star Daily several times a week. Only 5% of online users say they never read a print ver sion. Online newspapers are read less frequently and also for shorter periods than printed newspapers. Four out of five users (81%) spend less than an hour reading The Star Online on days when they read it. Only 35% of print readers spend such a short time on it.About one-third of the readers of both The Star Online and The Star Daily were un voluntary to pin themselves down to a particular time of day for reading the paper. One in four (25%) said they read The Star Daily between 5 and 9 a. m. The main time for reading The Star Online is close to 6 p. m. (38%)this is the time preferred by users of the online edition, which can be read ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 36 on the evening before the printed version appears or which are updated several times in the course of the day.In The Star Online version, the classic sections of the newspaper are the most frequently used. The section Local News is also highly popular. One in three readers of the online version uses the archive fr equently (32%) and only about one-third of users did not read the small ads (37%). Items with entertainment determine or with feedback possibilities were not very popular. Clear differences emerged between the different kinds of versions, and this only shows that preferences are transferred from the print media to their online equivalents.Proof of this is the sound interest in Local/regional Affairs of Internet users of local and regional newspapers or the importance given to up-to-date information on politics and business matters. A number of questions dealt with the comparison of the information content of The Star Online compared with The Star Daily. Compared with the print version, the online newspaper was rated 45% of the respondents as providing more expanse of information, while only 30% voted in regard of the print version on this criterion 20% rated both versions on this count.The smaller size of The Star Online compared with The Star Daily may be the reason that the pr int newspaper was rated by easily more respondents as providing greater scope of information. Chart 3 ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 37 Regarding finding information in the paper, the position is more positive for The Star Online 50% of users stated that they could find their way around just as well as in The Star Daily, while 20% were able to find their way around the online version better.With regard to entertainment value, 40% of users found The Star Online just as good as print version, 35% of users rated print version better and 27% favored online version. What about reader loyalty? About 65% would have chosen The Star Daily and just fewer than 30% would have preferred The Star Online, if only one of the versions had been available. The decision in favor of the print version was based on its portability, while the advantages of the online version were seen as being its accessibility from outside the normal circulation area and the avoidance of friendless paper.The main ad vantage, however, in the eyes of the respondents was that online newspapers are normally provided free of charge. It is therefore not surprising that only 35% of users would be prepared to accept a charge. Out of these, 80% stated that they would only be uncoerced to pay for online newspapers if they were cheaper than print newspapers. Only 1% of those users willing to accept a charge could imagine paying more for online newspapers. Apparently, then, users are not willing to pay for the advantages of online newspapers. ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 38 CHAPTER 5 DISCUSSIONThe case study of Star Publications shows that online newspaper users base their activities and/or expectations on the print newspaper and use or design their product accordingly. The online user knows what to expect of a site as the online version retains the name of the printed version, use a correspondent layout, and similar contents. Moreover, the positive image of a paper can be transferred to the intern et. On the other hand, too strong orientation toward the printed original could mean that the possibilities offered by internet technology are not fully workthat copy is simply lifted from the printed version.Given such trends toward the future consumption of newspapers, it is urinate that online newspapers are steadily taking over the readership of print newspapers. This has the potential of influencing the choices of advertisement media, which entrepreneurs will be making regarding print newspapers or online newspapers. The concern for newspaper publishers would be about the timeframe for which their print newspaper audience would be big enough to justify such huge investment toward publication and scattering of print newspapers.Similar concern would be to entrepreneurs and businesses which still rely heavily on print newspaper for their advertisements. Are they likely to continue using print newspapers for their advertisements or the trend would most likely shift toward online newspapers? The introduction of charges for use seems scarcely possibleat least not as long as the same or similar information is available on the Internet free of charge. The doubts of the advertising industry may evaporate as the Internet becomes increasingly widespread and commonly used (Mutter, 2010).ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 39 CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Major Conclusions It would be quite wrong and misleading to rule out the future of print newspapers as advertising media just because of the increased use of online advertising. The reality is that paid circulation newspapers like The Star and Sunday Star still remain very popular advertising media for both local and international businesses. Print newspapers are the most aged forms of mass media, and will thus continue to be dominant in this field, recording big volumes of advertising revenue.Multinationals and local convenience store will continue to depend on print newspapers for their advertisements. Print newspapers are found in each and every community worldwide and readers are very fond of them (Brassil, 2010). Both online and newsprint advertisement have their characteristics which show strong and weak points. This explains why despite the perceived decline in readership of print newspapers, a scan through a print newspaper will reveal a number of businesses that continue to place their advertisements on daily basis.The continued presence of advertisements on newsprint clearly indicates that it still works as a very effective advertisement medium. Although printed newspaper no longer enjoys exclusive monopoly as the predominant source of news, it is clear that they still remain a strong factor in their specific bowl of influence, and online advertisement is not about to edge it out (Brassil, 2010) Recommendations 1. Entrepreneurs should highly consider using both print and online newspapers for their advertisements since both have reasonable number of loyal readers. ONLINE AND NEWSPRINT ADVERTISEMENT 2.When placing advertisements on online newspapers, designers should avoid putting a lot of emphasis on feedbacks since readers rarely give them attention. 3. Advertisements on both versions of newspapers should be critically placed on segments that are frequented by readers so as to attract their attention with ease. 4. Links placed on online newspapers should be more easy to use so that readers can easily sweep through the paper. 5. Most advertisements that target younger persons should be preferably placed on online newspapers while those targeting older people should be placed on print versions.
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