Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Family Observation Paper Essay
Adolescence, the period after middle childhood, is a very crucial time in the life of an individual. Adolescence (age eleven through nineteen or twenty) is the time between childhood and adulthood and is accompanied by major physical, cognitive, and psychosocial changes. For this observation, I will be observing my roommate, Amore, who is eighteen-years-old. Physically, I will be investigating puberty and health. Cognitively, I will be examining Kohlberg’s view on moral reasoning and influence on school achievement. Psychosocially, I will be analyzing identity and commitment. My roommate, Amore, also happens to be my best friend. We met in high school and both made plans to begin our adventure by attending FSU. For this paper, I observed her talking to one of our friends about her faith. It was a Friday evening and one of our friends had just broken up with his girlfriend and was very down about it so he had come over for some advice. She sat with him in the living room and took advantage of the opportunity to present Christ to him a real and powerful way. Amore is eighteen-years-old, about five foot two, and was wearing jean shorts and a plain white tee. Under the strenuous situation, she took the initiative to pray for him upfront, before she gave her personal advice. She spoke very maturely, but what stood out most about her conversation with out friend was how genuine everything she said was. As opposed to advice that seemed scripted and edged, you could tell that she was speaking from experience. Her eloquence and confidence seemed to greatly ease the pain and disdain that very evidently clouded the room. Her mannerisms and speech were so simple, yet so impacting. It was very clear that, after speaking with her, our friend felt at much better ease and was beginning to look at his situation from a different perspective. Physical development refers to the body’s development of different skills. Included in physical development are puberty and health. Puberty is the process by which a person attains sexual maturity and, thus, the ability to reproduce. Amore began menstruation at the very young age of ten. According to the book, factors present in her life at the time could account for such an early start. For example, statistics show that young girls who have absent fathers in their lives are likely to begin puberty at a much younger age than a child who had a present father. Similarly, girls whose mother’s are strict (many times, because they have to take on the role of both mother and father) are also more likely to menstruate earlier. Both circumstances were evident in Amore’s life and could thus account for premature puberty. Health is defined as a state of complete physical, emotional, and social well-being. In adolescence, physical activity decreases throughout high-school years. However, the opposite was true in Amore’s life. She began karate in middle school and, as the years progressed, her training intensified. Consequently, her high school years had the most intense physical activity. Poor sleep patterns, which include going to sleep late and oversleeping, are evident in adolescent years. This is true in Amore’s life. She goes to sleep very late, sleeps well into the later afternoon, and takes naps throughout the day. Memory, thinking, language, and perception are all components of cognitive development, a field of study in neuroscience and psychology. Included in cognitive development are postconventional morality and active engagement. Kohlberg’s levels of morality described three levels of moral reasoning, the last of which is postconventional morality. It is in this third level of morality that people follow internally held moral principles and can decide among conflicting moral standards. Amore shows that she has reached the third level of Kohlberg’s theory because she is able to recognize conflicts between moral standards and makes her own judgments accordingly. For example, when she was advising Edgar, she recognized that it isn’t okay to lie to your significant other, but given his situation, his actions were justified. Active engagement is defined as the attention, interest, investment, and effort students expend in the work of school. Amore definitely exemplifies active behavior in her secondary work-studies. Coming from a low-income family, she was taught the value and importance of going to school and making something of yourself. She is very attentive in class, punctual, and exerts maximum effort. Psychosocial development involves an individual’s interaction with their environment and their peers. Included in psychosocial development are identity and commitment. Identity is defined as a coherent conception of the self, made up of goals, values, and beliefs to which a person is solidly committed. Typically, one’s search for identity comes into play during the adolescent years. At eighteen years of age, it is clear that Amore is steadfast in her identity, knowing exactly who she is. As a committed Christian, Amore is able to identify herself as a child of God, confidently seeing herself through His eyes. Commitment is Marcia’s term for personal investment in an occupation or system of beliefs. According to Marcia’s identity status, Amore has reached identity achievement. There was a time of crisis where she gave much thought to what she aspired to be in life and how she could use God’s gifts and talents to reach others. She made the decision to use her life to help fight human-trafficking and has made steps to strongly commit to such an involvement. All in all, Amore displays a very healthy and mature standpoint in her adolescent stage. Physically, cognitively, and psychosocially, she excels in all areas. It is evident that her actions are very much in line with her developmental age. I believe she is developmentally on target and is on schedule for normal developmental growth.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Plato Essay Essay
1. a) Explain how Plato’s epistemological assumptions shape his metaphysics (Why does he think that there must be Forms? Hint: Plato says (in effect): â€Å"Since knowledge is certain, therefore the objects of knowledge must be unchanging. †). b) Define Plato’s Forms and present the theory of Forms by explaining the â€Å"divided line. †(You can use the visual image, but explain it. ) Plato was extremely devoted in answering the sophists’ skepticism about reason and morality. To do so, he spent more time than any philosopher before him studying knowledge, or epistemology. He realized that to answer the sophists’ skepticism he had to first solve the three main problems that earlier philosophers had left behind; the problems of change, the â€Å"one†and the â€Å"many†, and the problem between appearance and reality. Plato started where Heraclitus, who said that everything is changing, and Parmenides, who said that nothing ever changes, left off. He said that both philosophers were correct in their assumptions, for they were talking about different types of objects. Heraclitus is correct in terms of the sensible realm; it obviously exists, and is a flux that conforms to the â€Å"measures†as he suggested. Parmenides was correct in terms of the intelligible realm. Plato thought that beyond the world of physical objects in space and time is another world that is nonphysical, non-spatial, and non-temporal. He called this the world of ideai, or forms. These forms are nonphysical, non-spatial, non-temporal objects of thought that are more real than anything else. Whenever we are thinking, according to Plato, what we are thinking about is a form. For example, a triangle drawn on the board in class, no matter how perfect and real it may appear is merely a copy of the form of triangle; a plane figure enclosed by three straight lines. It is like a triangle and looking at it helps us think of the real triangle, but it only relates, or â€Å"participates†in Plato’s terms, to its’ true form. This theory applies to the entire sensible realm because everything changes and nothing stays exactly what it is. In the world of forms, however, everything is always what it is and never another thing. Plato believed that because the world of forms is Parmenidean, or eternal and unchanging, it is therefore possible for us to know it. To explain his theory of forms in depth, Plato used the image of the â€Å"divided line†. Take a line and divide it into two unequal parts, one part representing the physical world and one representing the world of forms. Then, subdivide these two parts in the same ratio, creating two sub-parts of the physical world (call them A and B) and two of the world of forms (call them C and D). Plato says let the first, or lowest, section of the physical world (A) stand for images, such as shadows or reflections. Let the second section of the physical world (B) stand for the actual objects that cast these shadows, like trees, humans, or desks. In the world of forms, Plato continues, let the first section (C) stand for the lower forms, or the forms of the objects in section B. The second section in the world of forms, the highest section of all, (D) then stands for the higher forms, or the science of first principles; the knowledge that, if possessed, would prove the basic assumptions of the special sciences. Plato believed that the nearer we are to the base of the divided line (A), the more conditioned our knowledge is. We can move up the line through dialectic, a process of questions and answer that utilizes hypothesis, criticism, and revision to move nearer to unconditioned knowledge. The higher we climb via this dialectic, the more we rid ourselves of conditions and the better we grasp the knowledge of the non-material abstract forms (D). According to Plato, these are the forms that possess the highest and most fundamental kind of reality. 2. a) How does the Form Man explain the existence of the many individual men? b) What is the nature of man and how is the individual man analogous to the state? c) What is virtue or justice in man and in the state? Plato’s theory of Forms led him to many assumptions, one of the most important of which is his view on the form of â€Å"man†and his relation to the state. He understood that no one man has ever been perfect and that each man participates in the form â€Å"man†to different degrees. Individual men are adequate copies of the true form of â€Å"man†. Plato believed that the men who participate in the form more fully are going to more real, and therefore better, then the men who participate less. This is better explained by his philosophy of the nature of man and his analogous relationship to the state. Plato recognized the nature of man as a psyche, or soul, that was grouped into three main parts. Each of these three parts have motions proper to them that he believed, if harmonized, would lead to eudaimonia, a total well-being. The first, and lowest, part of the soul he called the appetites. The highest part Plato called reason. The third part, between appetite and reason, he called spirit. He saw the state as having three main parts as well, each corresponding to one of the three parts of the human psyche. Every state needs a governing body, whether kings or congress, so this will be the first part. The second is reserved for the essential producing class, which includes merchants, industrial workers, agriculturists, and so on. Third, Plato held that every state needs a group, between the governing and producing classes, to maintain the state against enemies; this is the guardian group. The analogy relates the producing class to appetite in the individual, the governing class to reason, and the guardians to spirit. Plato wasn’t just satisfied with this, he wanted to know the virtues of these classes, in other words, he wanted to know what each could contribute best. Like organs in an organism’s body, Plato believed each part of the soul and state have a particular role to play in the whole; they were not discrete and complete in themselves. He thought that the function of the members of the producing class was to provide themselves and the nonproductive classes with the necessities of life, such as food, shelter, and clothing. He realized that if everybody were to be provided for sufficiently, some of the producers would have to put up with having less than others. They would have to be ready to â€Å"restrict one’s own consumption for the sake of achieving some sort of balance in the state as a whole†, thus their virtue is moderation or as Plato called it, temperance (Jones 169). The guardians, who make up the second class, must be courageous when defending the state against its enemies, thus their virtue is courage. The governors make the highest decisions in the state. They determine war or peace, educational and economic policies, and so on. To make correct decisions they require knowledge; this is their virtue. A state in which each class is performing its function is just state. Only when the rulers are making wise decisions that are executed with courage and loyalty by the guardians, and the rest of the population is exercising some restraint in its pursuit of material well being, will the citizens of the state be happy. Since the state’s three classes exactly correspond to the three parts of the soul, we are able to understand what Plato took to be their respective virtues. Just like in the state, every individual has producing part that keeps them â€Å"alive and active, a rational part that is intended to guide and direct the energy produced by the body, and a spirited part that is intended to help keep the body in order†(Jones 169). Just as the functions of the soul correspond to the state, so do its virtues. A virtuous man is temperate in satisfying his various appetites and lives a life of reason that is supported by his spirited elements. 3. a) Use the allegory of the cave to illustrate Plato’s political views. In doing so, you should b) explain how the theory of forms supports Plato’s favored form of Aristocracy (to begin with, recall the relation between individual men and the Form of man) and c) explain how the theory of Forms grounds his criticism and rejection of democracy (where in â€Å"the cave†are the Athenian democrats?where are they on the divided line? ) As we have seen, Plato uses myths and methods such as the divided line to explain his views on certain things; this is the case, too, with his views on politics. To understand these views we must examine his allegory of the cave. He said to imagine there was men in a dark cave that were chained by their necks and ankles in such a fashion that they could not move their legs or necks and could only see what was in front of them. These men had been in this cave since childhood. Higher up behind them is a fire that is separated from the prisoners by a sort of puppet-show screen. This fire and screen were used by people carrying various artificial objects, such as figures of men, animals, and other materials, to project the shadows of these objects onto the stone in front of the chained men. It was so dark that these prisoners had no clue they were not alone and if they spoke to each other, they assumed they were speaking with the projected images. Plato goes on to say, imagine if one of them were set free and forced up the steep ascent into the sunlight. He would realize that what he experienced in the cave was not as real as what actually existed. Nature and the sun would enlighten this man and therefore he would gain true knowledge of the world as it is. Plato reasoned that these men, the ones who make it out of the cave, are the men who should rule the rest. His politics were based on man being a social animal, with desires, not only for sleeping or drinking, but communicating with his fellow men in the community. Therefore, he thought communal life is good and all other human goods depend on it for any sufficient satisfaction; an individual, who is really part of the larger state, is neither complete nor himself in isolation. If the good life for the individual is possible only by community, then there must be some sort of government to give direction to the numbers of men and women who live and work together. Plato believed that the few who are wise and good should rule the many. As his theory of Forms suggests, all men participate to the form of man to different degrees. He thought that the few men who participate at the highest levels of the form, the most knowledgeable that have exited the cave and been enlightened, are the ones best for ruling, and doing so rationally; the many are lacking in knowledge and virtue. Plato favored an Aristocracy ruled by these knowledgeable philosopher-kings who would impose the temperance on the producers through selective education and controlled propaganda. Each person, in his view, would find their happiness by playing the part in the state that their degree of participation to the form of man best suited them for. Plato therefore criticized democracy because instead of philosopher-kings who have true knowledge, the rulers are chosen on irrelevant grounds. The art of ruling, which he thought to determine what is best, became in democracy the art of appealing to the masses with flattery. Plato believed that in a democracy it is impossible to exit the cave or rise to the highest section of the divided line because it is powered by rhetoric. Rhetoric works at the level of opinion and only invokes belief by emotional mean, rather than operating at the level of knowledge, where analyzing the forms allows us to discover the truth.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Specialty Hospitals and Community Hospitals Essay
Specialty Hospitals and Community Hospitals - Essay Example For instance, some cardiac hospitals had a tendency of treating cases that were more profitable as compared to the cases that community hospitals dealt with, whilst there was no conclusive determination as regards specialty hospitals dealing with surgical cases. Another realization of this analysis was the higher satisfaction from patients who received their treatment from specialty hospitals compared to other hospitals (Li & Wang, 2008). The conclusion drawn from this study was that specialty hospitals delivered care that was less uncompensated. However, the compensation of these costs came from payments done to corporate and property income taxes. Another mode of compensation was the failure to receive a disproportion share of hospital payments. On the other hand, the department of health concluded that some physicians usually referred patients to their private hospitals whilst still taking emergency calls from their departments in order to maintain their bases for referrals. These studied failed to identify a significant impact differential on both utilization and quality, and as such, recommended a modification on the prices of DRG in order to reflect costs much closely, as well as, eliminating any incentives provided. According to the studies and reports, it was impossible for MedPAC and the department of health to come up with a conclusive decision about the performance and activities of specialty hospitals. However, it was necessary to come up with a solid decision in order to determine the right position of specialty hospitals within the community. For instance, the CMS came up with certain decisions at the end of August 2006. It decided to follow up the recommendations made by the MedPAC in order to revise payments made to DRG for them to be much closer to other hospital costs as compared to hospital charges. In addition, it also seconded the proposed rule whereby specialty hospitals were to accept transfers of patients
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Colorado Department of Education Website Search and Critique Research Paper
Colorado Department of Education Website Search and Critique - Research Paper Example The pages "For Educators" and "For Administrators", on the other hand, contain almost the same information such as educator licensing services, information on early childhood, K-12, and adult education programs, and links to outside resources. Finally, the "For Parents & Students" page offers information on district schools, state & federal grants, and home schooling, among many others.  Helpful Information Overall, I think the website offers a holistic picture of the current state of educational system in Colorado. Through data and statistical reports, one can get a glimpse of how schools and students perform well or poorly. This constant monitoring of performance serves as a reminder for school administrators to maintain or improve their performance. Parents and students, meanwhile, can readily access a wide variety of information that can guide them in making education-related decisions. The website offers information on district schools, their performance, a nd programs that enhance student learning. Finally, the public is kept updated on latest developments through the news and announcement pages. Missing Information I'd like to find information about the department's future plans and directions.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Conflict Resolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2
Conflict Resolution - Essay Example Conflict is ideally one of the greatest challenges in organizations if not tackled appropriately and in the appropriate time. The conflict could indeed be an element of developing a healthy environment. As such, organizational conflict plays a significant role in an organization, whereby its impact depends on the manner of its management. Such roles include the provision of an opportunity for organizational management the working style of the employees as well as aspects pertaining to culture. The conflict also provides an opportunity for employees to drain their feeling and associated emotions in addressing various aspects of differences in an organization. Additionally, organizational conflict provides an opportunity for the employees to learn more about themselves and others, and appreciate the diversities that exist amongst them. As such, conflict proves to be a significantly important aspect of the operations of an organization by influencing changes directed towards improving t he working conditions in an organization as well as a means of addressing differences.On a similar perspective, competition has a substantive role that it plays in an organizational setting. One critical aspect of organizations is the fact that they work for survival purpose in the highly competitive market environments. For an effective competition, every organization must streamline its operations to better standards as compared to the competitors, in order to capture a wider market and enjoy a better competitive advantage for success.
Friday, July 26, 2019
Human resource management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Human resource management - Essay Example The Rasch Model, in accord with item response theory, is specifically recommended as a means of identifying candidates. Compensation is examined with recommendations for the Belgium operation being the implementation of a bonus system in accord with Maslow’s theory of motivation; with the Netherlands operation a bonus system in accord with Herzberg’s theoretical perspectives is recommended. The report further considers management, communication, and motivation. It argues that a charismatic model be adopted to improve motivation and avoid the challenges posed by employees refusing to work overtime. In addition to these changes, the report explores the notion of organizational culture and thematically argues that Manners Europe must increasingly attenuate itself to European society. Introduction Manner’s Europe in many ways has experienced tremendous success in its expansion processes. In the last two years total sales from the four stores in the Netherlands and th e three stores in Belgium rose from $1.5 million to $10 million. Specifically, the building supplies and home improvement outlets have experienced the greatest expansion success. With the rapid expansion of Manner’s Europe, however, primary challenges have emerged that distinguish the American foundation and organizational culture from its European counterparts. ... Background Manners Europe is the wing of the United States operation. The company has experienced tremendous growth in recent years, expanding from $1.5 million to $10 million in sales. Specifically the building supply and home improvement stores have constituted the largest areas of growth. While the company has been successful, a number of challenges have emerged in recent years. Notably, the stores in Belgium and the Netherlands have faced a variety of human resource and cultural issues. Human Resource Planning Within the context of Manner’s Europe one of the primary considerations is the recognition that human resource planning needs to assume a more central position within the broader spectrum of the organization. While Manner’s Europe recognizes the importance of human resources, as evidenced by challenges posed by the recent employee practices, this report argues that human resource planning must constitute a larger focus within the organization’s strategy . Berry (2011, p. 66) argues that, â€Å"by linking HRD solutions to specific business results, such as revenue- related metrics, senior management will begin to see us as a source of competitive advantage.†This approach has been embraced by a variety of other theorists (Elwood 1996, p. 7; Spector 1985; Breaugh & Starke 2000, p. 305) The underlining argument in these regards is that while organizations have traditionally viewed human resource development as a necessary cost, instead it should be situated as an economic value add (EVA). Within the context of Manner’s Europe, this report recognizes that human resource planning has largely been situated as a cost concern. One considers that
Health Care Administration Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Health Care Administration - Research Paper Example It is important to identify the individual strengths within a healthcare team that can contribute to the success of the group and also to define specific areas of expertise required from different healthcare provider roles that are critical to teamwork. Healthcare management education programs stress the important skills and competencies necessary in healthcare management. These skills are essential for accreditation and also provide an organizational superiority that affects the reputation and effectiveness of a healthcare institution. Health service managers define different sets of competencies for management teams. Among the important teams involved in healthcare organizations are human resource management, operations management and organizational learning. Each of these organizational units plays an important role in defining the work structure, the coordination and the effectiveness of healthcare delivery services. In regard to management teams, the areas of expertise that rank the highest generally are the commitment to teamwork collaboration, a strong motivation to achieve positive patient outcome, and a strong commitment to the healthcare organization. Important environmental components that support effective healthcare management teamwork include an environment that is perceived as comfortable and safe, one that encourages high level involvement at all levels of management and a system that supports high standards for performance among team members. Management employees who are committed to the success of the team and to enabling the success of others within the team represent effective organizational approaches. Best practice human resource management promotes the strengths of the individual as part of an effective team. . This is an important goal for healthcare management education. It is also important for the
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Contract law exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Contract law exam - Essay Example Mistake is another vitiating factor and it has be operative in order to render a contract void or voidable At common law it will render the contract void ab initio and nullify any property passed or obligations created.Mistake at equity may make the contract voidable for mistake which means that the contract has an option of being avoided and will be The law relating to mistake is not statutory and can be inferred from a number of case law.It has often been stated that the categorization of the types of mistake etc is confusing and should be reformed.The effect of mistake is that if the contract is void at law then the there is no remedy of specific performance available either.(Nutt v Read (1999) The Times, December 3.) Consideration is an integral part of a contract essentially what really makes an agreement a fully enforceable contract.It has been defined in many case law authorities such as the statement of Lush J. in Currie v Misa (1875) LR 10 Exch 153: " some right, interest, profit or benefit accruing to one party, or some forebearance, detriment, loss or responsibility given, suffered or undertaken by the other."Another has been given by Frederick Pollock, approved by Lord Dunedin in Dunlop v Selfridge Ltd [1915] AC 847, is as follows:"An act or forebearance of one party, or the promise thereof, is the price for which the promise of the other is bought, and the promise thus given for value is enforceable." Consideration is called "executory" where there is an exchange of promises to perform acts in the future and if one party makes a promise in exchange for an act by the other party, when that act is completed, it is executed consideration.The court will however not inquire into the quantity or value of consideration here (Chappell & Co Ltd v Nestle Co Ltd [1959] 2 All ER 701.).Secondly the law as it stands requires that the consideration must move from the promisee or that it was provided for him.Finally it does not have to move to the promisor.(Price v Easton (1833) 4 B & Ad 433). . Books consulted Gibson, A & Fraser, D 2007, Business Law, 3rd edition, Pearson Education, Australia D.G.Cracknell(2001)Obligations; Contract Law ,Old Bailey
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Critical Incident Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Critical Incident Management - Research Paper Example One of the methods that help justice and security organizations to be firm on its certification of public safety is scenario-based planning (Eppen, Martin, & Scharge, 1989). Scenario planning is â€Å"a comprehensive planning tool that some of the dedicated firms make use of to achieve their long-term goals†(Eppen, Martin, & Scharge, 1989). Scenario-based planning ensures the management of civil liberties in justice organization that they unintentionally compromise fulfilling other duties. It also makes sure that the organizations do not forget public safety while satisfying other demands. The role of scenario planning within these organizations is to minimize or control these risks (Tibettes, 1998). Many security and justice organizations have policies that make them implement on the actual rules and regulation of these companies. To understand this clearly, example of use of force is appropriate. The policies regarding use of force describe an increasing sequence of actions that an officer can take to handle a situation (Tibettes, 1998). This sequence usually has many levels of intensities, and there is a strict instruction for officers to use an appropriate level of intensity of force, keeping in mind the present situation. This also allows an officer to shift from one level of sequence to another without much difficulty. In law enforcement, there is a huge carefulness which makes it very important; police discretion refers to the autonomy of a justice agency or individual officer working in that or any other justice agency to choose to involve in a certain situation to handle it or not (Tibettes, 1998). The implementation of scale of discretion by an office is when an officer arrests a person for a DUI (Driving under the influence); there is a low discretion in this incident in the name of public safety. High discretion is observed when as officer issues a citation on a driver failing to signal a lane change. In particular, the â€Å"amount of effo rt required by police to compel compliance from an unwilling subject is legal definition of use of force†(Tibettes, 1998). Officers should not use any force if they find no conflicts, fights or battles, in other words, no force if there is no resistance. As an example, the sequence of intensities of force starts from officer using verbalization for controlling a situation; if situation does not come under control, he can go for Empty Hand Control. Even when the situation gets worse, an officer can go for Soft Hand Technique, then gradually Less Lethal Method (Surette, 2010). If the situation cannot be controlled with any of the above methods, officers can have an impact on it with the use of weapon, then chemical spray, and then finally the use of lethal force. There are many debates regarding the use of force continuum. These are regarding the convenience of techniques or tools under this continuum. Should the law include this method in the policies and would they might incr ease the liability? Use of force is not appropriate for every situation because not every situation can convert into a continuum (Tibettes, 1998). The law enforcement and other criminal and justice agencies need to structure their organization in a way that everyone can openly share their ideas and opinions; there is no fear of saying anything even if it is wrong. Most importantly, veterans should give
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Cyber Schooling in Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Cyber Schooling in Education - Essay Example Because of these drawbacks, Boards of Education should place limitations on the extent of cyber schooling. One of the biggest problems with cyber schooling is that there are not many opportunities for students to interact with others on a daily basis. This interaction plays a large part in student completion of school, as those who feel that university is not offering them anything is likely to drop out. Students want a "sense of belonging to a larger university community, rather than simply being ... a statistic" (Lee & Chan, 2007). Several surveys have reinforced these suggestions, and have attributed the fact that "distance learners have the highest risk of dropping out ... to the isolation experienced by these students" (Lee & Chan, 2007). In addition to contact with other students, people who are enrolled in online courses miss another vital interaction: communication with their teachers. Because teachers cannot see their students, they cannot pick up on whether their students are interested in the class or losing interest. Since face-to-face interaction can reveal emotions related to learning in a traditional classroom setting, this gives distance students a disadvantage (Lee & Chan 2007). Especially in classes where some students are learning online and others in person, there can be "serious concerns of fairness and equity" (Lee & Chan, 2007). So it can be seen that cyber schooling does not give students equal footing with other students learning in person because they cannot be getting the same kinds of attention as those other students. This means cyber schooling is linked to dropout rates. Furthermore, there is mixed evidence that cyber schooling can be effective as a method of education, especially when compared to more traditional face-to-face methods of teaching students.Â
Monday, July 22, 2019
The British Government Essay Example for Free
The British Government Essay Censorship played a vital role in hiding the negative effects of the war and controlling public opinion. Censorship is hiding or deleting parts of information. Photos, texts, statistics and information were all edited. The government had overtaken the media and carefully selected positive information and sometimes-irrelevant information to mislead civilians and control peoples opinions. Censorship was a strategic military action to mislead the enemy into thinking Britain was winning. The most important factor for censorship was to prevent the enemy from getting too much information. It was used to boost civilians morale because if they knew the truth, they might riot in the streets, forcing the government to surrender. One of the most significant and successful methods of censorship was the use of the radio. Many people had radios. It broadcasted happy and patriotic songs to keep up the morale. Demoralizing information was censored and statistics were exaggerated to their advantage. A good example of the need for censorship is the Bethnal Green Tube station incident where 173 people suffocated because a woman fell over. They censored information similar to this because they didnt want people to stop using shelters and people dying, if they died trying to reach safety, they might feel nowhere is safe and it would lower morale. If it wasnt censored, the Germans would exaggerate it to be a huge victory and the British would assume they were losing. The government blamed it on the bombing reassured people that it was safe. Censorship didnt quite boost morale but it definitely kept it from going down, propaganda was used mainly for boosting morale. Propaganda is information that is spread to promote a cause. The most important reason for propaganda was to boost morale in times of hardship. Also, it was used so people would contribute to the war effort. Even though sometimes the items werent used, but it made people feel as though they had done their bit. It was used to pressure parents to send their children away to the countryside. Most propaganda was positive and mostly funny also, to keep spirits high and to show the enemy they were surviving. It was also funny because it was uplifting and not to frighten people. Some propaganda used fear to make people do what the government wanted such as recycling. Propaganda was suitable for everyone and gave instructions incase of attacks. Another important use of propaganda was to make people obey the governments advice for example building a shelter or a wartime garden. Propaganda was also used to ensure civilians to use resources sparingly so that Britain could be self-sufficient because sailors getting the foreign goods were often at risk. Propaganda was shown in many ways such as films, the radio and posters, which were everywhere. The most significant and successful method of propaganda was posters because they were everywhere and it promoted safety precautions. They were designed to have catchy phrases and made people laugh, this would make them remember the message within the poster. Propaganda also promoted unity so that people wouldnt turn on each other. Normal life was also promoted so people didnt panic and cause riots. The duty of women was emphasized because they were important in keeping the family together. Stories were invented and victories of the R. A. F were exaggerated to again, boost morale. Statistics were also exaggerated, perhaps in an attempt to trick the enemy into believing they were losing.
The Introduction To The Education System Education Essay
The Introduction To The Education System Education Essay In my previous workplace and among the colleagues, we would talk about our children and their learning experience and share notes and tips base on our personal experiences. There were really no major challenges. It never occurs to me that there are still many children who are not in the most favorable condition to learn and to be what they can be. Being in the school has allowed me to interact with the children and learn more about the challenges they face every day, at home and in school. I was bought up and educated in the old days where it was very teacher directed on the blackboard. Our knowledge was learnt from textbooks, enhanced through pen and paper practices and drills and instructions were duly completed due to fear of being punished or ridiculed. There were no special need students, just naughty and lazy students whom the teachers gave up trying to teach them anything. The education system now is very different and my son, who is currently in Primary Six, is going through it. The current system aims to provide education equality, providing students of different learning ability the opportunity to be the best that they can be. It is no longer through pen and paper only, different types of manipulative and technologies come into use. Being untrained, I wonder how I am able to face and teach a class of 40 children, with different learning abilities and from diverse background. Before coming into training, I had practically little or no knowledge of the jargons, pedagogies or methodology used in education. I was not sure whether the method I was using to impart knowledge was applicable in the current context. I believe that the children will be able to feel if a teacher is sincere or not and they will be on task for the teacher if they can feel that sincerity. When I was a new student in a new secondary school at secondary two, the teacher-in-charge of the National Police Cadet Corps (NPCC), Mr Yang, made sure that I was on par with the rest of the cadets and that I was not left behind. That gave me the motivation to excel and I was awarded the Best Unit Cadet in secondary four. This has also given me the passion to continue to serve in NPCC in Junior College, University and even until now, I am still an adult volunteer in a secondary school as an Honorary Officer. I understand how a teacher can affect the students motivation and passion. I believe that different children learn at different pace and in different style and are able to excel in different areas. I like the quote by Albert Einstein, Everybody is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, itll spend its whole life believing that it is stupid. In Singapores Education System, every child is given equal opportunity for an education. And because every child is different, the resources required to help each of them would be different. The high ability child should be stretched further while the lower ability child must be given more support. Being untrained, I gave extra lesson to the weaker children before and after school as I was not sure how to carry out differentiated learning in class. I wonder if there is a different way of doing this, especially for some of the children who have learning difficulties. As a Physical Education teacher, I enjoy physical activities and sports and I believe that children learn through play because it is enjoyable. But playing the game and teaching the game are totally two different things. Being untrained, I have limited resources and much time was spent on the internet looking for suitable activities for the children of different levels. I also need to ensure that the activities are conducted in a safe environment with the appropriate equipment. I once read a book Change Your Questions, Change Your Life: 10 Powerful Tools for Life and Work by Marilee Adams. It changed the way I ask questions. Instead of asking why it happened, whose fault it was and what was wrong, I ask questions like how it can be done and what was working. By changing the questions, we direct our attention to positive feelings, possibilities and solutions. In school, I would sometime hear remarks like they are unable to excel because of their family background or they are at a disadvantage because other students are smarter or richer. I would ask them to change their questions. Instead of asking why they cannot do it, they should ask how they can do it which would direct them to search for solutions that would help them achieve their goals. I believe that by getting the children to have the right mindset and ask the right question, they are able to resolve challenges and achieve our potential. After coming into National Institute of Education (NIE) for training, my philosophy has not changed. Rather, it has been further enhanced and strengthened by the knowledge and skills gained through the different academic and curriculum subjects. Teaching and Managing Learners has provided valuable knowledge and tips about effective communication, classroom and sitting arrangement and classroom management so that learners with different learning abilities or special needs can learn together. For meaningful learning to take place, the environment has to be safe and inclusive. From prior knowledge acquired in the Education Psychology module, I can better understand the psychosocial challenge or crisis faced by the learners in the different developmental stages (Erikson, 1968). So as a beginning teacher, I need to know what kind of safe and inclusive environment is best so that everyone can learn and achieve their own best; an environment that the learners can learn without fear and at their own pace. It was interesting to see how each group present their own ideas during class. Some did it through picture, some through words and the music teachers did it through music. All these give me ideas on how I can create such an environment. But most importantly, the environment has to be owned by the students. The whole class has to agree to a set of acceptable behaviour and consequences. This will set the ground rules and routines for a constructive learning environment. As there may be learners with different learning or physical disabilities, I must ensure that the classroom arrangement is such that it would accommodate the special needs of the learners. Learners with hearing impairments must be placed in front and conscious effort must be made to pronounce the words carefully. For learners who are easily distracted, they should be seated away from areas of high activity like the door and windows. And for learners who are left-handed, they should preferably sit on the left hand side of the table arrangement. Besides academic, learners also need to learn proper social behaviour and values. Learners see teachers as their role models. So, if the teacher is sensitive and caring to the children, they too will learn how to show care and concern to each other. And through activities like collaborative learning, peer teaching, think-pair-share, the children learn about sharing and cooperation. These are values which are important to their future and can be taught through daily interaction and activities with the learners. Hence, meaningful lesson plan is very important. As learners may come from diverse social economic background, I need to ensure that each is given opportunity and access to the many different technologies and gadgets. With a well-planned classroom layout, different activities can be carried out simultaneously and smoothly. I can make the classroom more efficient for activities to encourage differentiated learning. Learners with learning disability also learn better through interactive and interesting computer games and gadgets. So together with knowledge learned from the ICT for Meaningful Learning module, I can better use ICT to enhance the learning experience of the learners. A good classroom layout also facilitates smooth transition of one activity to another and great classroom management skill. Besides the learning environment, the teachers ability to deliver the content is also very important to their learning. Teachers should not just teach content, they should also check for understanding while teaching. To check for understanding, the learners must be able to explain with new examples and apply the concept in other areas. This understanding process is a continuous one ((Blythe Associates, 1998). Managing small-group and independent work is an important skill for the teacher so as to ensure that the lesson can be carried out smoothly. I know that praise is important to learners as it reinforces good behavior and reaffirm their effort in learning. Through this course, I also realize that there are different types of praise. Ginott (1965) divided praises into evaluative and appreciative. He suggested that appreciative praise should be used as it affirms their effort and achievement. Evaluative praise should be avoided as it places a burden on the learner that he is no good if certain thing is not done (Manning, 2007). Communication is another important factor to encourage teaching and learning. While we want to build rapport with our learners, we must also be able to assert expected behaviors from them. This course also provides tips on how we can use positive and effective communication to create such an environment that encourages learning. When we have understanding and open communication with our learners, they are more willing to keep on learning. Punishment should be discouraged as it only tries to avoid future punishment instead of learning self-discipline. Sarcasm and ridicule should also be avoided as it destroys their self-confidence and self-esteem. Besides the teachers, other partners like the parents, caregivers or tuition teachers also play an important role in the learners learning process. Communication and collaboration among these parties is crucial regardless whether the child has any learning disability or special need. It is very important that all parties monitor and intervene or seek help from experts should they notice that there is little progress in their learning. When there is communication and common understanding, a common approach can then be used at home, in school or in the tuition agency. When the learners are not confused, they can learn better. As a PE teacher, not only do I need to maintain a great learning environment in the classroom, I also need to have great management skill outside the classroom. Through the other PE modules like Principles of Games, Instructional Methods and Instructional Strategies, I now have a vast repertoire of activities and variations that can cater to the different learners of different ability. Activities can be differentiated to suit the different skill level of the diverse learners. Activities can also be modified to cater to the learners with physical disabilities. I am now more confident to be able to conduct meaningful and enjoyable lessons which train their fundamental movement skills crucial for their growth and development. I believe that every child wants to learn and can learn, especially if it is fun. So with the training in NIE, I am able to create an environment that is conducive and fun for learning, a place where the learners like to come to learn and share. I can design and plan lessons that are both meaningful and fun and cater to the differentiated learners in the class. I hope to be able to equip my learners with the necessary skills and correct mindset to succeed and be the best that they can be. (Word count: 1999)
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Importance Of Product Strategy Marketing Essay
Importance Of Product Strategy Marketing Essay This chapter gives an overview of the dissertation and the importance of the subject matter. The importance of product strategy, the textile industry and a brief introduction on the Diesel Jeans sector will be presented. Problem formulation, research questions, hypotheses formulation, research aim, research objectives, reasons for choosing of the topic, previous studies, and format of the study will be spelt out. The research is focus on the product strategy implemented by Diesel Jeans in Mauritius. 1.2 Importance of product strategy The value realised by a firm from selling its products is determined to a large extent by the strategy that is used to bring the products to market (Chesbrough, 2003). Organisations that launched flourishing products such as Apple and Microsoft have been credited with adopting the right product strategy for their products (Wall Street Journal, 2006). Consequently it is imperative for firms to recognize the impact of the product strategies formulated. A product strategy is the critical vision of the product and affirmed where the product will cease. When a product strategy is developed, it becomes easy for firm to determine the direction of the product efforts. The product strategy forms the basis for executing a product roadmap and consequently product releases. However company is able to concentrate more on a target market specifically and set feature. Bantel (1997) suggests that particular product/market strategies are effective at achieving particular performance goals to the exclusion of others. The role of product strategy is to make an association between the companys product development and its business strategy (McGrath, Anthony, Shapiro, 1996) and according to McGrath (2000) it guarantees that the firm and its products is engaged in the right markets from a strategic viewpoint. Product strategy is referred as the consequence of making important decisions in managing new product development (Krishnan and Ulrich, 2001; Mintzberg, Ahlstrand, and Lampel, 1998). The product strategy process involved the process of decision making within a company. 1.3 Textile Industry in Mauritius The textile industry is among the most significant pillars of the Mauritian economy. In the earlys 70, the government created the Export Processing Zone (EPZ) in order to fight unemployment. Many changes have occurred almost forty two years of its existence. Mauritius manufactures products of quality like Boss, Ralph Lauren, Next, Gap, Mark and Spencer and others trade mark for export towards the Europe and USA due to the high skilled labour force and efficient management practices. According to the Mauritius Export Association (MEXA) report 2012, the export sector contributes around Rs 45 billion revenue to the Mauritian economy representing around 14% of GDP and generates approximately 60 000 direct jobs. It has been resilient to the difficult global economic situation and has achieved a modest growth of 7.8% during the year 2011. Table 1.1 below shows the domestic export of textile products through the year. Table 1.1: Domestic Export of Mauritius for year 2008 to year 2011 Domestic Exports 2008 2009 2010 2011 Cotton articles not knitted Mens trousers 6576 7126 6395 7507 Mens shirts 11796 10742 11017 13691 Womens trousers 2043 2722 3445 2971 Womens blouses 886 1170 968 931 Cotton articles knitted Mens trousers 444 217 363 177 Mens shirts 6384 3671 3883 4010 Womens trousers 622 1226 1779 2495 Womens blouses 2081 1170 968 937 Source: MEXA Report 2012 1.4 Diesel Jeans in Mauritius Based on a report of the Diesel Heritage web site, Diesel is viewed as an innovative international design company, making a wide-ranging collection of jeans, clothing and accessories. Diesel is a leader in pioneering new styles, fabrics, manufacturing methods and quality control to assure an excellent product. The company is present in over 80 countries with over 5,000 points of sale and more than 300 monobrand stores (200 of which are company-owned and the rest in partnership with local distributors). Diesel operates through franchise in Mauritius since 1994, and now runs three shops on the territory. The company imports its entire ready to wear products from its country of origin, that is, Italy. Diesel expanded its design to bags, watches, footwear, sunglasses, belts, to bring more options to the customers. Lately more diversified designed products have been added to its portfolio for example designer helmets for motorcyclists and earphones. Competitors of Diesel in Mauritius are Calvin Klein, Guess, Celio, and Levis and the target market of these competitors are the same as Diesel. They are still expanding their branches simultaneously with building close relationship with customers. Figure 1.1 shows the number of products that the Diesel Jeans imported to Mauritius and those products are classified into two seasons, that is, Spring Summer and Fallwinter. Figure 1.1: The import of Diesel Jeans products from 2008 to 2012. Source: Fieldwork 1.5 Statement of the problem The rapidly changing culture, politics and economics of modern life deeply influence the industrial environment, particularly consumer industries such as textile and clothing (Lowson, King and Hunter, 1999).The problem is that nowadays the consumers control the marketplace in order to customise the style, fit and colour of the clothes to purchase, and require high quality personalised products at low prices. Therefore many organizations adopt aggressive product strategies to survive and maintain market share and surpass their competitors to satisfy consumers. However, seasonal and highly volatile market industry is always vulnerable to the concept of fading out and sometimes difficult to survive. Meeting multicultural consumer requirements by supplying the right products and services in a global market is an ongoing challenge for marketers, retailers, and suppliers. Now, various clothing industries due to the effect of globalisation, were keen to benefit a larger market, within their country of origin, and also in other markets with high potential. (Kim, Forsythe, Gu Moon, 2002) Moreover the Diesel Jeans is a global brand and it should seek to become part of the local culture and difficulties may rise according to the new designs and new collections of clothes that the organization brings to the Mauritian culture. Hence it would be worthwhile to study the product strategy of Diesel Jeans in the context of Mauritian culture. 1.6 Research question The research question of this project is Whether the product strategy of Diesel Jeans suits the Mauritian market? 1.7 Hypotheses formulation Five hypotheses were formulated to test whether there is any difference between product strategy and customer satisfaction in Chapter five under section 5.5. 1.8 Research aim To study the product strategy and it dimensions for customer satisfaction. 1.9 Research objectives The main objectives of the project are as follows: To review the literature on product strategy dimensions. To assess the product strategy of Diesel Jeans in Mauritius. To measure customer satisfaction. To make recommendation within the context of the study. 1.10 Reasons for choosing the topic The reason why the topic was chosen was the authors interest in product strategy adopted by a global branded clothing industry. The author has chosen global industry to show how the brand integrates the lifestyle of people and fashion in Mauritius. In order to be successful a global brand should seek to become part of the local culture, adapting to the unique needs, values and desires of the targeted group. 1.11 Previous research Table 1.2 Previous studies of the subject matter Title Author University/ Institute Year Product strategy in response to technological innovation in the semiconductor test industry. Robert W.LIN Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 2004 Product strategies under durability, look-in and Assortment Considerations. Sreelat Jonnalagedda University of Texas at Austin. 2009 Enterprise Product strategies and employer Demand for skills in Britain. Geoff Mason National Institute of Economic and Social Research 2004 Source: Fieldwork 1.12 Format of the study This study consists of 6 chapters and it is organized as follows: Chapter 1: Introduction This chapter provides a background of the textile industry in Mauritius and the study the importance of product strategy. The research question, problem statement, reason for choosing the topic and previous studies on the topic are cited. Chapter 2: Literature Review This chapter reviews theoretical view on product strategy. Chapter 3: Company Profile The chapter provides details on the company. Chapter 4: Research methodology This section will mainly describe all the methods and tools used in carrying out the entire research. Chapter 5: Data Presentation and Analysis It provides presentation of the data collected through charts, tables and graphs for better understanding. Chapter 6: Recommendation and conclusion The final chapter will make necessary recommendations and the conclusion of the dissertation related to the findings. 1.13 Conclusion This chapter has given an overview of the business climate in Mauritius. A brief detail is given on the Diesel Jeans Company in Mauritius and on the textile industry which is one of the main pillars in Mauritian economy. Furthermore the problem statement, the research aim, research objectives and the research question are spelt out for the purpose of the project. The next chapter will review the literature about product strategy and its dimensions. CHAPTER 2 Literature review 2.1 Introduction The aim of this chapter is to provide a detailed explanation of the product strategy concept and how it evolved. Firstly, the marketing concept and product is well defined. Furthermore the review describe the important aspects in the product strategy for the success of a product such as the market segmentation, product development, product differentiation, product attributes, brand strategy and brand awareness , product packaging, product quality, product price product diversification and customer satisfaction. Textbooks and Journals were used for the study and are considered as secondary information sources (Schindler and Cooper, 2001 p.166). 2.2 Marketing concept According to Kotler, Armstrong, Wong and Saunders (1996) the marketing concept is a philosophy. However the central attentions of all activities of an organization are the consumers, as no organization can continue to exist without the support of its consumers. The marketing concept asserts that the organization should make every effort to satisfy the needs and wants of the customers at the same time meet the companys goals and objectives set. The needs, wants, and satisfaction of all customers should constantly be the first concern for every manager and employee. Marketing is not a function of business, but a view of the entire business seen as the economic organ to provide goods and services (Drucker. 1954, p.38-39). In other words, it is important to understand that the marketing concept refers to sell satisfaction rather than to sell a product or a service only. Kotler (1998) stated that the marketing concept is based on the following pillar, target market, customer needs, integrated marketing, and profit through customer satisfaction. In line with Kotler, Walker, Boyd, and Larreche, (1992, p.22) asserted that the marketing concept is a useful way of getting a competitive advantage and to achieve company objectives that set off the planning and coordinating all activities for satisfying customers requirements. In summary, marketing concept can be viewed as a consumer focus characterized by the capacity to identify basic requirements of targeted customers. And satisfying them by constantly providing and bringing superior value supported by a firm which deeply involved it efforts of all practical areas within the organisation by reaching long-term goals and objectives. 2.3 Dimension of Product A product is anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use or consumption that might satisfy a want or need, which comprised physical objects, services, persons, places, organizations, and ideas (Kotler and Armstrong, 1990, p 226). Consequently a product is the main element in an organization and without a product there is no place, no price, no promotion, and no business as it refers to the most important ingredient of the marketing mix. Similary Assael (1993) asserts that a product is the most fundamental component of the marketing mix. Kotler and Keller (2006) define a product as a bundle of attributes and benefits provided to satisfy the customer. Kotler and Keller (2009, p.358) defined five levels a product. Figure 1.2 illustrates the five levels of a product. Figure 2.2: Five levels of a product Source: The core product is the main benefit, service or need satisafaction, required by the customer. The basic product is the physical product, made up of the core product or service and includes all physical aspects of the product or services that are brand name, packaging, styling, features and quality. The expected product is a common set of attributes and conditions where buyers expect when they purchase a product. The augmented product is the consumer services and benefits added which exceed customer requirement such as installations, warranty, after sale services and delivery and credit services. And the potential product cover all the possible augmentation and changes the product might experience in the furture. 2.4 Definition of product strategy In order to launch a product in the marketplace firm needs a well-established product strategy. The executed product strategy must include all that is required in planning, manufacturing, advertising, selling and distributing the product from production to customer service. According to Teece, Pisano and Shuen (1997), a strategy is the technique that an organisation used to positions itself, in order to get a competitive advantage on the marketplace. However the achievement of a strategy is to assure the success of the firm by executing specific tasks at a right time and it should acquire the significant purpose of the product. The term product strategy attempts to capture the decisions made by organisations about product within particular markets. Product strategies are decisions settled to improve products to satisfy market requirements and determine in which way to gain competitive advantage for products (Steinhardt, 2010, p.50). Kotler (1991) asserts that product strategy is the heart of the marketing mix. However product strategy formed part of the product management process. Thus McGrath (1995) states that product strategy is involved in the decision and management of the different levels of a product, product platforms, product lines and individual products. And according to Lehmann and Winer (1994, p. 205-206) the main function of a product strategy is to supply managers the path to pursue for running a business. Taggartand, James and McDermott (1993) asserts that product strategies are composed of the categorisation of a differentiated product by the organisation in respect of the needs and wants of the customers and the satisfaction they aim to obtain from the product. For a product strategy to be successful, it should facilitate the classification between different aspects in a way to make a product successful. In addition, within an organization a product strategy aids to depict in what way resources should be allocated and demonstrates how products may reach a high market positioning. Handscombe (1989, p.234) insists on the point that a product strategy should essentially describes the firm that the set of product represent. Following this further groundwork is required for single product decisions, the plan for product development, marketing strategies and development of manufacturing strategy. However assigning resource for particular product, and to segment the market and areas, the product strategy should be able to recognize the priorities of the market. McGrath (2001) broadly describes product strategy and according to him a product strategy is opened to a core strategic vision that demonstrates the directions that an organisation takes. A product strategy is the result of the strategic vision, the platform strategy and the product line strategy and lastly the new product development. However the product platform strategy is obtained from the core strategic vision and the product line strategy referred to the product offering for a specific product platform. And the new product development determines the capabilities for new product offering that is suitable to the product line strategy. The core strategic vision sets the answers to the strategic questions such as, where are we going? How will we get there? Why will we be successful? The first question requires having a balance between the goals and short term objectives. The main purpose of the goals is to set the general directions of movement, whereas objectives state the specific measures of accomplishment. The goals refer to profit, growth, and market share, which potentially can be conflicting. Therefore, the product strategy normally focuses on only one of the goals respectively (McGrath, 2001). The second question refers to the core of the product strategy which involves elements like customer targets, competitive targets, and differential advantage. Besides the choice of customer targets depends on the nature of the goals and objectives selected when answering where an organization wants to go. However, as Krishnan and Karl (2001) assumed that the aim is to boost up the market growth and therefore the targeted group should be from a new segment of population. The third question three is the most important question to be answered for a competitive product strategy, as the answer is related to the differential advantage aspect of the product positioning. A solid product strategy is required to provide concrete arguments for the reason of its success in the light of customers preferences and competitive targets. All the definitions demonstrate that product strategy is a set of decisions or processes that aim at making the product flourishing. Hence the product strategy should always take into account the market and current state of the company when making the decisions. A product strategy is a management process, consequently a product strategy cannot be dependent on individual manager, it must become a systematic way of working. Hence, product strategy process must be an integrated process within the organization. 2.4.1 Scope of product strategy The level of product strategy referred a set of decisions; the product platform determines how to develop the right platform for a global market. Generally different products with attributes are derived from the product platform and they are developed for a product line. Subsequently the product line from the product platform, defines the width, length and depth in every line. And there is also the individual product with its classification and packaging features (Gabrielsson, 2004). According to Meyer and Lehnerd (1997, p.39), A product platform is a set of subsystems and interfaces that form a common structure from which a stream of derivative products can be efficiently developed and produced. The function of a platform strategy is always essential for the purpose of a successful implementation and development of product lines. 2.4.2 Product line Product line is a group of products that are closely related because they function in a similar manner, are sold to the same customer groups, are marketed through the same types of outlet, or fall within given price ranges (Kotler, Wang, Saunders and Armstrong (2005). According to McGrath (1995, p.61) product line strategy is describes as a temporary time-scaled plan for the chain of developing products within a product line and the strategy is based on four primary functions. The first one describes products variations designed to an explicit segment from a market. The following one, attempted to support strategic advantage for a firm compared to its rivals, to be the first one to launch a product at a particular moment within a lifecycle of a product line. The third one brings direction for product development department and made successful productive response to the requirements of particular markets. Finally, product line strategy facilitates in scheduling the introduction of product development and provides the apparent time and setting up of each product. However because managerial and financial resources are restricted, the number of product lines are limited as well (Gabrielsson, 2004, p.35). 2.5 Market segmentation Smith (1956) first established the concept of the market segment that turn into an essential part of the modern marketing. Market segmentation means dividing a market into distinct groups of buyer who have different needs, characteristics, or behaviours, and who might require separate products or marketing programs (Amstrong, and Kotler, 2011, p.78). Another definition Kanuk and Schiffman (1994) state that market segmentation is the method of partitioning a promising market into different subsets of individual with familiar needs or behaviours and choosing one or more segment to target with a separate marketing mix. Furthermore market segmentation is a driving force that leads an organisation effort towards the utmost opportunities. The function of market segmentation is to recognise the taxonomy of consumption pattern by dividing a market into several uniformed sub markets. Markets can formulate product strategies, or product positions, tailored specially to the demands of these hom ogeneous sub-markets (Lin, 2002, p.249). Based on Pollock, Jones, and Brown (1994) point of view, market segmentation should be describes by four primary categories stood on the types of variables applied to define submarket like socio-demographic segmentation, geographic segmentation, product-related segmentation, and psychographic segmentations. There are a number of different ways for segmentation, and the three conventional approaches employed to segment the market are mass marketing, differentiated marketing, and niche marketing. Mass marketing is a segmentation strategy for which the market is treated as one segment. Mass marketing is mainly suitable for commodity products but, it is rare that a firm employed this approach (Ferrell, Hartline, and Lucas, 2002). Since mass marketing is built on a single product or services, however it is not a simple task for firm, since markets contain many different consumers. Differentiated marketing is engaged in partitioning the market into homogeneous submarket which stand on customer requirements and addressing specific marketing plan to the homogeneous submarket. To succeed for a differentiated marketing strategy the behaviors and requirements of consumers for each submarket in particular should be familiar since simultaneously having different needs and characteristics across the different groups. Meanwhile differentiated strategy is the offering of a firm as an original product on the market by evidence that it gives a different advantage over its competitors. Companies that applied this approach must develop an original marketing mix for every subgroup recognised within the market. According to Ferrell, Hartline, and Lucas (2002) both medium and large firms applied differentiated marketing strategy, for the reason that they have the resource needed to provide various products and promoting many marketing mixes that are not common to reach the requ irements of several segments. Finally differentiation is viewed as an art to plan a bundle of significant distinction to differentiate the offering of the organisation from those of its rivals. Kotler et al, (2005) state that niche marketings focal point is to find subgroups of customers. The niche marketing strategy is based on merely a single segment and builds up a marketing plan that matched for the specific subgroup. The niche marketing strategy necessitates an absolute consideration of the requirements of the segment matter because the possibility for the market share to increase in this market gap can surpass the small size of the market. 2.6 Product development Littler (1984, p.20) states that product development is ascertaining the attributes that target customers seek in products and developing products to meet the market requirements. However product development leads to modify an existing product or its presentation, or formulation of an entire new product that satisfies customer or market niche. Product development is critical for the performance of many companies. The success of product development efforts can determine the viability of companies and economies (Ulrich and Eppinger, 2000). Product development consists of three critical elements, namely strategic processes to specifically address the effective management of product development assets, the selection of a target market and a structured product development process. (Bean and Radford 2000, p.3) According to the above definition there are different levels at which the product development process takes place. The purpose of the process is essentially to identify the market needs and the development of the products in order to suit potential customers. The product development process includes a set of activities required for the formation and design of a product, from the detection of a market opportunity to its delivery to the final client. The main focus of the product development process is to convert customer requirements and needs into a design solution. The purpose of the product development process is to make a recipe to produce the product (Reinertsen, 1999). The recipe includes the product, manufacturing process, supply, distribution, and the support systems. (Browning, Deyst, and Eppinger, 2002) The success of product development is vital to the performance of any organisation. And Ulrich and Eppinger (2004) points out that fast and novel product development may be a critical competitive advantages to firms. In addition a successful product development process requires the effective control of the work developed by the persons involved. There are a variety of methodologies for understanding and improving the effectiveness of the product development process. Smith and Morrow (1999) defines product development as a method to transform any objective and market requirements into the information needed to how a product can be manufactured. Even that each product development process is distinctive there are still familiar characteristics that are administered among different tasks. 2.7 Product differentiation Lancaster (1990) asserts that product differentiation study has drawn significant interest in economics and marketing. Product differentiation is concerned to alter the marketing mix of a product so as to differentiate it from what the competitors is offering. Scheuing (1974) defines differentiation by, adding variations of one product which will compete with it within the same market. According to Kotler (1998) differentiation is the introduction of differential features, quality, style or image of brands as a basis for commanding a premium. A product becomes different at the consumers eye when it has some features, which make it different from others products and services offered by competitors, of course the product should be unique and difficult to imitate (Murphy, 2007). Firms that employed product differentiation strategy form a perception between some target groups of the product or services offered by the company. And therefore assured that the products or services are somehow different with the value added that is not available from competitors. Consumers may perceive the product sold by an incumbent firm to be superior to that offered by prospective rivals. Based on this perception consumer is willing to pay more for the incumbent firms product (Browning and Zupan, 2003, p.314). Product differentiation is classified into three categories such as, vertical differentiation, horizontal differentiation, and mixed differentiation. Vertical differentiation arises in a market where various goods which are present can be ordered according to their purpose quality from the highest to the lowest. And horizontal product differentiation is termed as products that have different features which cannot be ordered in an objective way. Features for horizontally differentiated products are often based on colours, styles, and tastes (Piana, 2003). Mixed differentiation is described by vertical and horizontal differentiation. Consequently, mixed differentiation includes products that have distinct quality dimension which is similar to the vertical one and are included diverse characteristics like colour, taste, shapes as well as styles which relate to the horizontal differentiation. And customers pay attention to these prominent aspects when buying a product. Product differentiation is particularly important to undertake any kind of business, because of the economic principles that have been demonstrated time to time again in nearly every market place. If the public perceives no difference between two competing products, then the only possible means of competition is through pricing. 2.8 Brand strategy and Brand awareness The American Marketing Association (AMA) definition of a brand is a name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of them, intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competitors(Keller 2004, p.3). Within this view the author asserts that a brand refers to a product and that each new feature or benefit added in order to differentiate the brand somehow from others products designed to satisfy the same need. According to the definition a brand can be seen, as simple and clear function identifiers. Supporting Kellers view of a brand linking it to the tangibles of the brand, Doyle (2002) states that brand is a particular name, symbol or design or generally an amalgamation of these that is utilized to differentiate a specific p
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Structure, Themes, and Motifs in Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman :: Death Salesman essays
Structure, Themes, and Motifs in Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman At first glance, Arthur Miller's play, Death of a Salesman appears to be a simple story of the tragic life of an ordinary man. Through a few flashbacks, it would seem that his whole dreary life is told and that is about it. However, this can not be the case, as we know that Arthur Miller is one of the greatest playwrights alive. After reading the play for the fourth or maybe fifth time, I became fully aware of the intricate structure, many themes, and different motifs that Miller used to make this play a classic. In the case of this work, the title would just about sum it up. It is about a salesman, Willy Loman, who is quite ordinary and very unsuccessful. In the end, to no ones surprise he kills himself. The play takes place in the span of three days (including the funeral) and revolves around the return of Willy's two sons who are grown up. He has worked for decades traveling all over New England selling goods for a firm and seems to think that because he is well liked (which really isn't all that true), he is successful. He wishes that his sons too could be like him while they know that they will never be decent businessmen. This is a source of major conflict between the brothers, Biff and Hap, and Willy. Linda, Willy's wife, is very naive and thinks that her husband is just an innocent confused old man and faithfully loves him. She can not stand to see her sons argue against their father even thought they often are right. Through flashbacks and events in the play, it is apparent that Willy, at least subconsciously, believes his life has been terrible. He wishes he could have been as great as Uncle Ben, who made his fortunes in the African diamond mines and not on the rice patty. Willy was having an affair with another woman in Boston and Biff found out about it after his last year in high school. Incidentally, this event probably led to Biff's failure to complete math in summer school, which led to him not graduating high school. Willy tried numerous times to commit suicide with his car and the gas furnace. In the end, the salesman became convinced that he was worth more dead than alive and finally succeeded at something, killing himself with his car.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Putting A Price on Students :: essays research papers
Putting A Price On Students Summary     The state has taken on the obligation of providing budget funds for the education of each individual student at an institute of higher learning if he or she has passed the unified state exam. Russia continues to experiment with its educational system. Five Russian regions used unified state exams last year. Two Russian regions decided to continue the experiment by introducing state-issued vouchers (GIFO) this year. Reformers who tend to modernize Russian education believe that both experiments are necessary to produce the right effect. If everything is more or less clear with the unified state exam, the GIFO is still a mysterious and unknown phenomenon. The only thing that is known about the GIFO is that it comes from the state budget.      The reasoning behind the vouchers is a better education chance for all. Now students will be able to control their debt which will be owed at the end of their matriculation. Educational Impact     The funding of Russian institutes of higher learning could, without exaggeration, be called equalizing. Today, each university or institute draws up an estimate according to which it receives its share of state funds. In doing so, no one takes into account the category of the particular institution, whether it is prestigious, strong or weak, what kind of experts and specialists it actually trains. In other words, there is no incentive to improve the quality of education. Fifty-one percent of first-year students who were admitted to institutions of higher learning last year had to pay for their education. Secondly, parents spend about one billion dollars to prepare their children for university exams and to ensure their admission to institutes and universities. Most of this money circulates in the shadow sector of the Russian education system. The Russian Education Ministry believes that this situation reveals the inefficiency of financing Russia n education. A state that increases spending on education, including higher education, could expect maximum efficiency and the best performance. Analysis     I support the idea of the GIFO because it seems to give every student an equal opportunity for education. But I wonder how many times can a student take the unified exam since your amount of state support depends on your score. And I also wonder if you can take the exam more than once will your support increase? The plans sound good on paper but I wonder if only the gifted or upwardly mobile students will be the only ones who are helped by these vouchers. Putting A Price on Students :: essays research papers Putting A Price On Students Summary     The state has taken on the obligation of providing budget funds for the education of each individual student at an institute of higher learning if he or she has passed the unified state exam. Russia continues to experiment with its educational system. Five Russian regions used unified state exams last year. Two Russian regions decided to continue the experiment by introducing state-issued vouchers (GIFO) this year. Reformers who tend to modernize Russian education believe that both experiments are necessary to produce the right effect. If everything is more or less clear with the unified state exam, the GIFO is still a mysterious and unknown phenomenon. The only thing that is known about the GIFO is that it comes from the state budget.      The reasoning behind the vouchers is a better education chance for all. Now students will be able to control their debt which will be owed at the end of their matriculation. Educational Impact     The funding of Russian institutes of higher learning could, without exaggeration, be called equalizing. Today, each university or institute draws up an estimate according to which it receives its share of state funds. In doing so, no one takes into account the category of the particular institution, whether it is prestigious, strong or weak, what kind of experts and specialists it actually trains. In other words, there is no incentive to improve the quality of education. Fifty-one percent of first-year students who were admitted to institutions of higher learning last year had to pay for their education. Secondly, parents spend about one billion dollars to prepare their children for university exams and to ensure their admission to institutes and universities. Most of this money circulates in the shadow sector of the Russian education system. The Russian Education Ministry believes that this situation reveals the inefficiency of financing Russia n education. A state that increases spending on education, including higher education, could expect maximum efficiency and the best performance. Analysis     I support the idea of the GIFO because it seems to give every student an equal opportunity for education. But I wonder how many times can a student take the unified exam since your amount of state support depends on your score. And I also wonder if you can take the exam more than once will your support increase? The plans sound good on paper but I wonder if only the gifted or upwardly mobile students will be the only ones who are helped by these vouchers.
Accounting Essay -- essays research papers
Revenue Recognition Policies The purpose of this paper is to compare the revenue recognition policies of two companies in the search, detection, navigation, guidance, and aeronautical systems industry. The two companies I have selected are Aerosonic Corporation, and Esco Electronics Company. Esco Electronics Company is engaged in the design, manufacture, sale and support of engineered products. These products are used principally in filteration/fluid flow applications, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) testing, and electric utility communications and control systems. The filtration/fluid flow and EMC testing products are supplied to a broad base of industrial and commercial customers worldwide. At the present time, electric utility communications systems are marketed primarily to customers in North America. The four primary industry segments of Esco are Filtration/Fluid Flow, Test, Communications, and other. In order for Esco to conform with generally accepted accounting principles, management must make careful estimates in preparing the financial statements. These estimates are for anticipated contract costs and revenues earned during the life of the contract. These amounts affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities on the company’s financial statements. Actual results could differ from these numbers. Revenues are recognized on commercial sales when products are shipped or when services are performed. Revenue on production contracts are recorded when specific contract terms are fulfilled. These amounts are determined either by the units of production or delivery methods. Revenues from cost reimbursement contracts are recorded as costs are incurred, plus fees earned. Revenue under long-term contracts in which the previous two methods are inappropriate, the percentage-of-completion method is used. Revenue under engineering contracts are generally recognized as certain â€Å"milestones†are attained. The percentage-of-completion method recognizes a portion of the estimated gross profit for each period based on progress to date. Progress to date is based on three factors. These three factors are the costs incurred to date, the most recent estimate of the project’s total cost, and the most recent gross profit percentage. Progress to date is assumed to ... ...s these items as sales. Like Esco, Aerosonic follows the percentage-of completion method to account for long-term engineering contracts. Revisions in costs and revenue estimates are reflected in the periods in which the revisions are made. Provisions for estimated losses are determined without regard to the percentage-of-completion. Like Esco, Aerosonic’s financial statements are based heavily on management’s estimates. To auditors, this raises a red flag. Auditors must be careful when conducting the audits of these particular companies. It is rather easy, and conceivable for management to manipulate earnings to meet projected totals. Another important area is that a company like Aerosonic has one major customer, and that is U.S. government. Another important factor is that Aerosonic recognizes revenue when title transfers to the government. Since the two parties are closely related in a business sense, Aerosonic may have the incentive to push titles of products to the government to meet target revenues. Auditors should take care in determining whether or not the financial statements conform generally accepted accounting principles.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Living in a large city or small town Essay
Certain advantages of living in a large city City life and rural life are absolutely the different sides of the coin, so choosing whether to live in a big city or a small town requires serious consideration. Each city has its unique aspects and qualities that distinguish itself from others. Each person has his or her own opinion about where to live based on his or her life style. However, according to me, living in a large city has certain advantages over living in a small town: convenient public transportation, greater entertainment facility and higher employment. To begin with, a metropolitan city has its obvious advantage when it comes to the public transportation. It is wildly known that a big city has extremely convenient transportation which can be best illustrated by the example of New York, where the subway runs twenty-four hours for seven days a week and there are tremendous cabs and buses everywhere. Not to mention that the transport system is always fast, safe, clean and a ffordable. For the poor, who can only rely on the public transportation, such a convenient and efficient system makes it much easier for them to seek work opportunities far from their living houses and also gives them greater access to education, healthcare and recreation. In addition to public transportation, what makes people pour into big city is its wonderful entertainment facility. Many small towns often offer less social amenities than expected due to its demographic and geographic factors. Whereas, countless facilities of entertainment and cultural activities such as cinemas, theatres, concerts, museums can be found in a large city like Shanghai with the least effort and time. Such facilities not only offer people a place where they can be relaxed after a week’s hard work, but also can nurture the soul and cultivate the mind to some extent, which is particularly beneficial to children who are willing to visit some historical museums during their spare time. Finally, higher employment is another reason why people prefer urban areas. On the one hand, there are a lot of headquarters for large companies in major cities as well as large factories, so the average employed person is a step higher on the ladder than they will be in smaller cities. And it is likely that people will find something that specifically matches their skills. For instance, a friend of mine who majors in software engineering can easily find a related job in big cities while he may find the different line of work if he is in rural areas. On the other hand, statistics show that people in large cities are more likely to have a Bachelor’s degree or better, which contributes to the high employment and better payment. Taken all of the above reasons into consideration, small towns cannot be compared with big cities in public transportation, entertainment facilities and job opportunities. Although, small towns are more tranquil and peaceful, if a person pursues a fast -pace and colorful life, major cities are his or her best choice.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Cultural Anthropology/Marriage, Reproduction, and Kinship Essay
Despite being illegalise both by law and mainstream Mormon doctrine, the practice is non only if comfortable in heavily Mormon universal time and an other(a)(prenominal) parts of the U.S. West entirely appears to be growing. Underage marriage, incest, emotional and somatic sophisticate towards the wives, and child neglect atomic number 18 most of the few things that ar kind of common within heteroicous communities. peerless simple way to help hold these things is to keep marriage a fastening amidst two people, not integrity and only(a) valet de chambre and ten wives or wiz wo humanity with ten keep ups, by enforcing the laws inhibition polygamy.Firstly, prosecutions of polygamists in modern times confuse been r ar and tend to be curb to cases where only minor marriage is in force(p) and loot or child hatred is suspected. Some of the brides are also constrained into marriages with a close relative. (Polygamy) In 2007 rabbit warren Jeffs, then the leader o f the dissident 10,000-member fundamentalistic Church of Jesus Christ of latter(prenominal) Day Saints (FLDS), was impris hotshotd in do after he was convicted of having been an accomplice to rape for his role in arranging marriages between adult male followers and underage girls. In April 2008, more(prenominal) than 460 children from an FLDS compound in Texas were removed by authorities from the cargo deck of their parents after an anonymous tip to an aversion hotline. (The Perils of Polygamy) Another issue that had burst into the bold with the high-profile trials of two brothers, David and ass Daniel Kingston. One of John Daniels daughters, then 16, told police he had forced her to marry her uncle Davidwho already had 14 wives. When the girl fled home after iv sexual encounters with her uncle, she testified, her father beat her with a belt. Amid a blaze of media attention, John Daniel pleaded no contest to child hatred charges in April, and is now serving a 28-week sent ence. On July 9, David was sentenced to up to 10 years in prison for incest and unlawful sexual demeanour with a minor.Also, in polygynous fami deceits, the man of the home plateholds all of the power, creating an environment prone to physiologic and emotional abuse. (The Perils of Polygamy) Carmen Thompson, now 41, spent 13 years as one of a common salt Lake City Mormon mans eight wives, a hareem that she says included the mans sister and 14-year-old niece. She finally left him, taking their fiver children, after what she describes as years of beatings, poorness and emotional neglect. Last year, Thompson helped found arras of Polygamy, the showtime-ever aver group for women and children leaving bigamous marriages. Since the beginning of the year, the group has fielded over ccc calls from people seeking help. In polygamous families, the patriarch has all the power, says Thompson. When theres that kind of imbalance, abuse comes naturally. Even supporters tolerate polygam y has its downsides. The jealousy was very hard to take, admits Elaine, Harmstons first wife, with whom he had been married over 30 years before taking his consequent wives. Thompson, the anti-polygamy activist, says the result is a kind of brainwashing. Its incredibly emotionally degrading to lie in bed and hear your husband having sex with another woman on the other side of the wall, she says. But youre taught that jealousy is a sin against perfection that you should fight. You learn to deny your emotions. (Canadian motor hotel Rules That Polygamy Ban Is Constitutional) Women in polygamous relationships face higher rates of domestic, somatic and sexual abuse, died younger and are more prone to mental illnesses when being compared to monogynous marriages.Finally, besides underage marriages and abusive environment, the children in polygamous marriages suffer from different types of neglect. (The Perils of Polygamy) Lillian Bowles was low-pitched growing up as one of 40 childre n in a withdrawn polygamous community near Salt Lake City. Her father had eight wives and she saw him only once a week, on Saturday nights when it was her drives turn. He had very trivial interaction with our lives, but an incredible make sense of control, says Bowles, 26. We couldnt even play at a friends house without getting his permission. You can talk approximately consenting adults, but the kids have no choice. Finances are often a problem, too. It is hard to find, let alone afford, living accommodations for a family that includes third or quadruple wives and a dozen or more children. Wed go dig nourishment out of the dumpster behind the grocery butt in every week, says Bowles. There were lots of other families who did the same. Most families in polygamous situations are on welfare or food for thought stamps. The men in these families cannot financially support all the women and children, and the women are generally not permitted the freedom to choose a charge and work outside the family compound.On the other hand, as consenting adults, they should have the right on to live however they want as long as theyre not breaking any other situate or federal laws. (The Perils of Polygamy) We abhor abuse of any kind,, says Mary Potter, formerly one of a policemans three wives and recent founder of a pro-polygamy womens group, the Womens Religious Liberties Union. But abuse is also rampant in monogynous marriages. Why blame our religion?Lastly, underage marriage, neglect, and abuse can happen in any familys household and some polygamous families may not acquit to any of those things, but there are too many families that do learn that its the patriarchs closing of who marries who and who does what.
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