Monday, September 30, 2019
How Does Same Sex Marriage Affects in Decreasing Population Growth Essay
First, what is MARRIAGE? Marriage is a socially or ritually recognized union or legal contract between spouses that establishes rights and obligations between them, between them and their children. (From that statement, the word children are the most important thing in marriage, WHY? Because we all know having same sex marriage CANNOT produce a child) What is SAME SEX MARRIAGE? â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Decrease of population growth caused by SAME SEX MARRIAGE Extending the benefits and status of â€Å"marriage†to couples who are intrinsically incapable of natural procreation (two men or two women) would dramatically change the social meaning of the institution. It would become impossible to argue that â€Å"marriage†is about encouraging the formation of life-long, potentially procreative (opposite-sex) relationships. The likely long-term result would be that fewer such relationships would be formed, fewer such couples would choose to procreate, and fewer babies would be born. Long term consequences are not worth the risk. The first and most obvious consequence to allowing gay marriage would be the drastic decrease in population. What if everyone decided that they were a homosexual? It may sound a little extreme, but if that happen the human race as we know it would cease to exist. Facts of decreasing population growth caused by same sex marriage: The effect on the population would be that there would be no children born of that union. Since it takes a male and a female to produce offspring, and since, by definition, a same-sex marriage would contain 2 persons of the same sex, they would contribute 0% to the population growth. Disadvantage of legalizing same sex marriage: 1. The negative side of same-sex marriage is that some see it as godless. 2. It is not acceptable by some religious orders. 3. Some societies ostracise those involved. 4. They can’t have kids w/o outside help. 5. Many countries do not recognise it and any rights associated with ‘normal’ marriage are not given. 6. TOP 10 HARM EFFECTS OF LEGALIZING SAME SEX MARRIAGE: 1. Taxpayers, consumers, and businesses would be forced to subsidize homosexual relationships. If same-sex marriage were legalized, all employers, public and private, large or small, would be required to offer spousal benefits to homosexual couples. You, as a taxpayer, consumer, or small business owner, would be forced to bear the expense of subsidizing homosexual relationships-including their higher health care costs. 2. Schools would teach that homosexual relationships are identical to heterosexual ones. A lesbian who teaches 8th grade sex education in Massachusetts told NPR that she teaches her children how lesbians use â€Å"a sex toy†to have intercourse. If anyone objects, she says, â€Å"Give me a break. It’s legal now.†One father was jailed after protesting because his son-a kindergarten student-was given a book about same-sex couples. 3. Freedom of conscience and religious liberty would be threatened. Churches and non-profit organizations could be stripped of their tax exemptions and religious psychologists, social workers, and marriage counselors could be denied licensing if they â€Å"discriminate†against homosexuals. Individual believers who disapprove of homosexual relationships may face a choice at work between forfeiting their freedom of speech and being fired. 4. Fewer people would marry. In Massachusetts, where same-sex â€Å"marriages†began in May 2004, only 52% of same-sex couples who live together had even bothered to â€Å"marry†by the end of 2006. Among opposite-sex couples, the comparable figure is 91%. In the Netherlands, the figures are even lower, with only 12% of homosexual couples having entered legal civil â€Å"marriages.†Giving the option of same-sex â€Å"marriage†would tell society that marriage in general is â€Å"optional,†not normative, and fewer people would marry. 5. Fewer people would remain monogamous and sexually faithful. Among homosexual men, sex with multiple partners is tolerated and often expected. One study in the Netherlands showed that homosexual men with a steady partner had an average of eight sexual partners per year. If these behaviours are incorporated into what society affirms as â€Å"marriage,†then fidelity among heterosexuals would likely decline as well. 6. Fewer people would remain married for a lifetime. Even a homosexual psychologist has acknowledged that â€Å"gay and lesbian couples dissolve their relationships more frequently than heterosexual couples.†The same Dutch study that showed the high rate of homosexual promiscuity also showed that the average homosexual male â€Å"partnership†lasts only 1.5 years. As the transience of homosexual relationships is incorporated in society’s image of â€Å"marriage,†we can expect that fewer heterosexuals would maintain a lifelong commitment. 7. Fewer children would be raised by a married mother and father. Social science has clearly proven clearly that children do best when raised by their own married biological mother and father. Yet legalizing same-sex â€Å"marriage†would put an official stamp of approval on the deliberate creation of permanently motherless or fatherless families. As scholar Stanley Kurtz says, this â€Å"would likely speed us on the way towards more frequent out-of-wedlock birth, and skyrocketing family dissolution.†8. More children would grow up fatherless. Most children who live with only one biological parent will live with their mothers, and lesbian couples are more likely to be raising children than homosexual male couples. Therefore, with same-sex â€Å"marriage,†more children would suffer the specific negative consequences of fatherlessness, which include higher rates of youth incarceration among males and adolescent pregnancy among females. Research also shows negative outcomes for the children of sperm donors, who are used by some lesbian couples. 9. Birth rates would fall. Same-sex â€Å"marriage†would eliminate the incentive for procreation that is implicit in defining marriage as a male-female union. There is already evidence of at least a correlation between same-sex â€Å"marriage†and low birth and fertility rates, both in the U.S. and abroad. While some people still harbour outdated fears about â€Å"over-population,†demographers now understand that declining birth rates harm society. 10. Demands for legalization of polygamy would grow. If a person’s choice of spouse cannot be limited based on the sex of one’s partner, it is hard to see how it could be limited based on the number of spouses either. This argument is already being pressed in the courts. ADDITIONAL IDEA About same sex marriage The first laws in modern times enabling same-sex marriage were enacted during the first decade of the 21st century. As of 19 August 2013, fifteen countries (Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, South Africa, Sweden, Uruguay), and several sub-national jurisdictions (parts of Mexico and the United States), allow same-sex couples to marry. A law has been passed by the United Kingdom, effective in England and Wales, which is expected to be fully in force in 2014. Polls in various countries show that there is rising support for legally recognizing same-sex marriage across race, ethnicity, age, religion, political affiliation, and socioeconomic status. Introduction of same-sex marriage laws has varied by jurisdiction, being variously accomplished through a legislative change to marriage laws, a court ruling based on constitutional guarantees of equality, or by direct popular vote (via a ballot initiative or a refer endum). The recognition of same-sex marriage is a political, social, human rights and civil rights issue, as well as a religious issue in many nations and around the world, and debates continue to arise over whether same-sex couples should be allowed marriage, be required to hold a different status (a civil union), or be denied recognition of such rights. Some analysts state that financial, psychological and physical well-being are enhanced by marriage, and that children of same-sex couples benefit from being raised by two parents within a legally recognized union supported by society’s institutions. Court documents filed by American scientific associations also state that singling out gay men and women as ineligible for marriage both stigmatizes and invites public discrimination against them. The American Anthropological Association avers that social science research does not support the view
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Psychoanalytic, Jungian and Individual Psychology Theories Essay
The counseling roadmap for this learner essentially begins on an angle, with a number of major theories of degree. Some of the major counseling theories the learner will study, in this course, include: classical psychoanalysis, individual psychology, analytical theory, person-centered therapy, rational emotive behavior therapy, existential therapy, solution focused therapy, behavior therapy, gestalt therapy, cognitive therapy, reality therapy, interpersonal approaches to psychotherapy, feminist therapy, and family systems therapy. The learner believes that there will be periods of time with clients, in which one theory will work more effectively than another, or even where eclectic combinations of two or more theories are most appropriate used. Because of times like these, the learner supposes, it is imperative she be well-versed in the foundational elements of a number of major counseling theories, in order to provide the greatest assistance to her future clients, regardless of if she finds herself currently aligned with only one or two of said theories. So, whether you turn out to be an eclectic or a single-theory proponent, knowing the major approaches to counseling and psychotherapy is essential. Even eclectics need to know the approaches from which they borrow. †(Murdock 2009) â€Å"According to Maddi (1996), theories are meant â€Å"to foster understanding of something hitherto not understood†(Murdock 2009). The learner is also of the opinion that counseling theories should elucidate and even forecast, to some degree, the client’s behavior in hopes of contributing to the therapeutic end. The learner accepts as true that utilizing one or more recognized counseling theories makes the forecast unambiguous and more open to assessment. The client’s hopes, goals, perceptions, actions, personality, individuality, creative opinion/s about oneself and his or her problems and attitudes towards treatment will contribute greatly to the theory or theories used. In order to utilize the client’s theory of change and to effectively guide the choice of technique or integration of various therapy models best, the learner must be cognizant of the client’s uniquely personal presentation, in theoretical terms. The client is actually the single, most potent contributor to outcome in psychotherapy – through the resources they bring into the therapy room and what influences their lives outside it. †(Andrews 2007) One of the primary reasons clients theoretically attend and seek out counseling is to reach a therapeutic goal, tangible result, or change that they were unable to accomplish on their own. â€Å"All of these theories attempt to explain the process of helping clients change; they all offer some sort of prescription for what one person, the therapist, can do to help the other person, the client, who has sought assistance. (Murdock 2009) As the learner finds the connection between learning theory and its’ application in professional practice, with regards to client therapy, theory must in time, take on a real human experience, a life of its’ own, so to speak. Counseling theory and professional practice should work for her as ideally complimentary partners, changing, growing and adapting, as needed, and over time. The learner recognizes the benefit and reality that one or more of the counseling theories she adopts will likely be amended or change at least once during her profession career. As her client base grows and changes and as she personally and professionally develops, so will her theoretical models, structures, assumptions and predictions. â€Å"Theory should be applied in a critical way, with the recognition that other approaches exist (and are apparently valid, too) and that theories contain biases that can be dangerous to clients. Also, starting with one good theory does not mean you will stay with that theory forever. †(Murdock 2009) For any counseling theory to be effectively applied, the learner believes, a positive alliance with one’s client is foundationally vital. In order to effectively utilize studied counseling theories and apply one or more of them successfully, the client must be on-board. â€Å"We now consider our clients’ worldview, their map of the territory, as the determining ‘theory’ for therapy (Duncan et al. , 1992), directing both the destination desired and the routes of restoration, and all but ensuring the experience of a positive alliance. (Duncan, Miller, Sparks 2007) The learner understands that an open and meaningful association with her clients is so essential for any counseling theory or theories she adopts to be effectively utilized, in professional counseling treatment. The learner is obliged, as a future counselor, to form a close and sincerely, authentic connection with her clients, through various measures such as active listening, evoking empathy, compassion, and conveying an almost absolute sense of acceptance of her clients; These measures are in essence crucial in creating a positive alliance with her clients. In summary, the learner has determined she must study quite a few major counseling theories to create her foundational map from which to work from. The learner will begin the application of the fundamentals of one or more of these theories and superlatively navigate her way on the roadmap towards a degree of diminished psychological symptoms in her future clients. â€Å"Good psychotherapy results in increased self-understanding and, ultimately, can produce changes in lives that increase happiness. â€
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Apple-Merging Technology, Business and Entertainment Essay
1. Explain how Apple achieved business success through the use of: a. Information I think, the chief point is market information. In 2000, Steve Jobs found the reality in society that millions of people were using computers and burners to make audio CDs and to download digital songs from illegal online services like Napster. And then, Jobs was worried that he was looking in the wrong direction and he had missed the Mp3 bandwagon. b.information technology Firstly, after Jobs found the market information firstly, he bought the SoundStep from Jeff Robbin, moreover, Robbin and a couple of other programmers began writing code from scratch and developed the first version of ITunes. Secondly, Jobs make iTunes portable. Thirdly, after the ipod was born, Jobs noticed the last key element was missing, online store for buying downloadable songs, and then he achieve it. c.people person’s sensitivity, expert and initiative, for example: No.1 is Steve Jobs, the market information founder, he is a sensitivity man. No.2 are Steve Jobs and other programmers, they are all expert in information technology. No.3 is Join Lin, an initiative man. 2.Describe the types of information employees at an Apple store might require. The consumer’s want , the competitors’ technology and the personal income . 3.Describe the types of information the executives at Apple’s corporate headquarters require. Market information, current trends, product’s benefit and company’s capitalization. 4.How are the two groups above going to obtain the information†¦i.e. what types of systems, IT components, software, etc are needed. â‘ I think, the employees can obtain information from what the consumer or colleague’s say, the local area network in the company and the system of company’s information delivery. They need computer, the software of company’s information delivery and other’s necessary IT components. â‘ ¡The executive at corporate headquarters can obtain information from the various information platform, for example, financial system, market early warning system and ERP etc. They need computer and correlative software. 5.When you think of the Apple brand, what images come to mind? There is no doubt, up to date, Apple is success, in the diversification market, Apple found his own product different from others, and then Apple continue innovating and combining, achieved great success. 6.What kind of Business Culture do you believe exists at Apple? The first one is innovating and creating spirit; the second is combining, I believe. 7.Use your â€Å"Crystal Ball†, to predict what new innovative ideas you believe will come from Apple in the future. It is possible that Apple will make more products in the digital information system, they do not only create music software, but also they can make videotex product, because videotext product is the new trends in current society. 8.From an investment perspective, what do you think of Apple’s future? If Apple continue innovating and creating base on the new trends, I think of Apple’s future is better, maybe Apple will become the biggest sof tware cooperation just as Microsoft and IBM in the world.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Engineering Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Engineering Ethics - Essay Example Electric shock, jumping off from high structures and hanging are among the top 10 methods of committing suicides and these methods involve the use of technology, thus modification in the engineering designs and incorporation of suicide prevention devices can help in reducing the number of deaths. The most important issue associated with the inclusion of suicide prevention devices in the various engineering designs is the high cost associated with it, without any financial benefit for the investor. Engineers can play an effective role in this regard by convincing the investors and clients about the importance of the incorporation of suicide prevention devices in the engineering designs. Safety codes and standards should also deal with the suicide prevention devices and there should be a legal binding to incorporate the suicide prevention devices in the engineering designs of various buildings and products. Jumping off from high structures can cause serious problems to the structure of the building as well because when a human body falls off on the deck of some lower floors while falling off from higher floors, the impact load is so high that it can damage the building permanently. In such a situation, suicide prevention devices can be considered as a financially suitable solution because the future cost of repair of the damage caused by the impact load of falling bodies can be much higher than the cost of initially incorporating suicide prevention devices in the buildings.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Research Paper -Internet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Research Paper -Internet - Essay Example The introduction as well as the implementation of the medium of internet not only have changed the daily lives of the people or the users but also have led towards the advancements of their profession as well as private lives by a significant level. The significance of internet can be better understood by taking into concern its broad usage in different segments that include education, business, and entertainment among others. In this similar context, it has been viewed that the medium of the internet has imposed considerable impact upon the education sector. In relation to the education segment, the internet is extensively utilized by the students for the purpose of collecting valuable information in relation to different subject matters. Moreover, the teachers also use the medium of the internet in order to develop their understandings and most importantly to raise their skills to a greater extent. Apart from the teachers as well as the students relating to education segment, the b usiness professionals along with the other professionals such as the lawyers and the doctors among others also use internet with the intention of acquiring valuable information that would ultimately aid in developing their skills or competencies. With regard to the business segment, most of the organizations intend to introduce and develop their respective online channels or websites in order to raise their productivity, augment customer level and accomplish superior competitive position over their chief business market competitors. In relation to entertainment segment, it has been observed that the medium of internet has served the users or the general public in
Music in Twentieth Century Wales Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Music in Twentieth Century Wales - Essay Example Through education and the support of patrons, Welsh music has set into a vigorous motion that encompasses other musical horizons that has led to a significant transformation of music that is performed in Wales.2 This has included instrumental music, chamber music plus symphonic output music.3 The creation of ensembles at Welsh universities and the establishment of a national orchestra coupled with the British Broadcasting Corporation national Orchestra of Wales has given rise to an unrivalled interest in instrumental music either orchestral or chamber. Composers of the twentieth century have also added an impetus towards the interaction of Welsh classical music and music from other parts of the world. Prominent artists to have come from Wales include Mansen Thomas, Daniel Jones, Alun Hoddinott and others form the current crop of musicians. Wales has a different kind of music as compared to music from other parts of the world, that has given it the title â€Å"the land of song†, and the music is normally associated with deep male voice exemplified in bands and choirs such as the Treorchy Male Voice Choir. In the twentieth century, an upsurge of national and international acts such as the Manic Street Preachers that sang a new crop of music quite distinct from the usual Welsh tunes. The Welsh songs in the twentieth century and beyond have been characterized by narratives done in dramatic fashion, contrasts and climaxes that may be thrilling in nature. These are performed by bands composed of people who appreciate brass bands and their percussive effect. In the twentieth century, the importance of music and its performance in the Welsh society especially in the education sector has been emphasized through different media and performances. Different researchers have shown that the music is developed with a deep focus on festivals, brass bands, choirs composed of males and emergence of mixed choirs. Other modes include the development of music competitions co vering Welsh music and their performance at all stages in the society. At the beginning of the twentieth century and beyond, Wales has seen an upsurge music groups playing rock and pop through groupings, ensembles, bands or individuals.4 Individuals include such persons as Dave Edmunds, Shakin Stevens and Shirley Bassey who have revolutionized the music society in Wales. Groups of singers include john cale of the Velvet Underground while popular bands in Wales include the Amen Corner, The Alarm and many other groups. The Welsh National Eisteddfod5 is a major festival that provides an opportunity for the Welsh to celebrate their culture especially their music. It is normally held every year and in different venues and every or most members of the Welsh community gather to watch harpists and bards perform songs whereby the singers are accompanied by harps and the performance is competitive.6 In Wales, most of the choirs are male dominated that have been known to belt good tunes around the world. One of the best-known male choir bands of the twentieth century that has promoted the virtue of Welsh music is the Treorchy and the Morriston Orpheus male voice choirs that have toured the whole world with great performances. Recently, other choirs have come up and grown popular, for example the
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Biomes and Diversity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Biomes and Diversity - Essay Example The plants and animals of the earth are also important because of the recreational pleasure they provide us with. More people in America spend time watching wildlife than they do watching movies or sports†. In a way, people would benefit more in practical ways from the preservation of biodiversity. â€Å"At its heart, rewilding is based on living with the monster under the bed, since the big, scary animals that frightened us in childhood, and still do, are the fierce guardians of biodiversity. Without wolves, wolverines, grizzlies, black bears, mountain lions and jaguars, wild populations shift toward the herbivores, who proceed to eat plants into extinction, taking birds, bees, reptiles, amphibians and rodents with them. A tenet of ecology states that the world is green because carnivores eat herbivores. Yet the big carnivores continue to die out because we fear and hunt them and because they need more room than we preserve and connect.† Re-wilding is then done so that biodiversity survives and can expand to make produce more environmentally healthy habitats. If life a healthy habitat and ecosystem could be developed, the re-growth of natural environments for wildlife can help make a cleaner and healthier world to live in as long as human activities that negate biodiversity are lessened as well. Ganly, S. (2007) The Impact of Wildlife Extinction and the Importance of Biodiversity. Retrieved from
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Trademark Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Trademark Assignment - Essay Example The definition and nature of the tort of passing off as well as the protection accorded the registration of a trademarks will best illustrate the significance of passing off since the introduction of the registered trademark system. This paper is therefore divided into two parts. The first part of this paper is committed to the definition and nature of the tort of passing off. The second part of this paper will examine the trademark registration system and will analyse how it runs parallel to the tort of passing off. I. The Tort of Passing Off A. Definition and Essential Elements of Passing Off Passing off is a common law concept created by judges. Lord Parker’s definition of passing off in Spalding v Gammage (1915) sets out the general significance of an action for passing off. Lord Parker defined passing off as a prohibition against the representation of one’s goods as those of another.3 A more detailed definition of passing off is provided in the Advocaat case in whi ch Lord Diplock’s definition encapsulates the essential elements of passing off. In this regard, passing off is required to be made by virtue of a misrepresentation. This misrepresentation must be made by a business trader operating in the course of his business dealings. The misrepresentation must also be made to consumers with respect to the goods and services provided by the trader. The misrepresentation must be such that it is designed to bring about harm to the goodwill or the business of a comparative business. The misrepresentation must bring about actual damages to the goodwill of business or must be likely to bring about damages.4 The essential elements of passing off which ultimately defines the tort of passing off are more particularly delineated in the House of Lords decision in Reckitt and Colman Ltd. v Borden (1990). In this case, the House of Lords described what has come to be known as the classic trinity. The classic trinity sets out the three essential eleme nts that the claimant relying on the tort of passing off must prove. First the claimant must demonstrate that the claimants services or goods have established a reputation or goodwill that separates those goods or services from comparable goods or services. Secondly, there must be evidence that the defendant misrepresented his/her goods or services with the result that it creates confusion in that the goods or services offered by the defendant are mistaken for those of the claimant. Finally, there must be evidence that the claimant is likely to incur damages as a result of the misrepresentation.5 It therefore follows that that definition and the essential elements of passing off was trimmed down by the House of Lords in the Reckitt case to encapsulate three factors. What can be gleaned from the definition and essential elements of passing off is that it aimed at protecting the reputation attached to a trade mark rather than the mark itself. This aspect of the tort of passing off is demonstrative of its significance since the introduction of the trade mark registration system. Essentially, registration protects the mark whereas a parallel right of action exists in protection of the reputation and goodwill attached to the trademark. Therefore an unregistered trademark remains
Monday, September 23, 2019
Disaster Recovery Plan (Information Systems) Term Paper
Disaster Recovery Plan (Information Systems) - Term Paper Example Troubleshooting Plan’ hardly needs any over emphasis; particularly, when confronted with serious I T system problems which have the potential of bringing the entire operations to a grinding halt – a virtual disaster, which any organization can ill afford. The ultimate aim of this project is to protect the principal business functions and assets, and suggest a back up strategy to successfully bail out AU in the event of disasters. The project shall attempt to examine all the relevant issues connected with identifying all the assets of AU and the risks associated with them, together with their linkages in relation to a wide variety of likely disasters, concluding with the assembling of a disaster recovery team. This effort at compilation of a dynamic Disaster Recovery Plan is to address the pertinent issues by utilizing the famed â€Å"5 W’s & H ïÆ' What, Where, Which, When, Who and How†approach, by providing convincing answers to the six core questions spread out in the six sections that follow! In an ever changing world, organizations should be wary of natural or manmade disasters that could disrupt business processes. Loss of customers apart, millions of dollars could go down the drain and never recovered if business processes are disrupted and IT systems do not recover fast enough to normalcy within the optimum response time. The Business Continuity Plan is intended to resume business processes whereas the restoration of the IT systems is by the Disaster Recovery Plan. The objective of the latter is to restore the operability of systems that support mission-critical and critical business processes to normal operation in the quickest time possible. Business continuity plan is an amalgam of the business resumption plan, incumbent emergency plan, incident management plan, continuity of operations plan, and disaster recovery plan, all rolled into one. The following treatise presents an overview of a disaster management recovery exercise. An asset is
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Gravimetric Analysis Essay Example for Free
Gravimetric Analysis Essay The purpose of experiment 1, also named Gravimetric Analysis, is to study the use of analytical chemistry. Analytical chemistry is a branch of chemistry that involves determining what matter is and how much of it exists. It is the science of separating, identifying, and determining the components that make up a compound and determining a specific amount of that compound. There are two types of analytical chemistry: qualitative and quantitative. This experiment uses quantitative analysis to determine the amount of a substance, or several species, and measure it in numerical terms. More specifically, this experiment uses gravimetric analysis, a form of quantitative analysis that uses an analytical balance, an instrument that yields accurate and precise data, to measure the masses of several substances. Experiment 1 involves the precipitation of a complex compound called aluminum 8-hydroxyquinilinate, also called Alq3. In order for this precipitation to occur, an organic precipitating agent, 8-hydroxyquinilinate (abbreviated OxH) is used to react with aluminum ions to form this complex compound. For this reaction to take place, OxH must be deprotonated, so that its anion, Ox-, will bond with the aluminum ions (the OxH molecule itself will not react with aluminum ions). As a result, the pH of the solution has a major effect on the precipitation in this experiment. If the pH is too low and there is an excess of hydrogen ions, then by Le Chatelier’s principle, the equilibrium will shift to the left, creating more OxH molecules. Ox- will no longer be available and a precipitation will not occur. If the pH is too high and there is an excess of hydroxide ions, the aluminum ions will react with the hydroxide ions. There will be no aluminum to react in the precipitation. If the pH is neutral, OxH is not very soluble and may cause it to precipitate out itself. So in order for this precipitation in this experiment to take place, it is vital that a buffer solution of ammonium acetate is used to control the pH of the solution. Also, the less aluminum ions in the solution, the more it will precipitate. In order to do this, an excess of OxH is added to shift the reaction towards the precipitate form. However, OxH has a limited solubility in water, so too much of an excess cannot be added. In order for the precipitate to work best in this experiment, we would have to allow it to digest. This lets use filter the precipitate completely. We do this by drying the precipitate in an oven and letting it age overnight. This promotes the formation of fewer, larger, and more pure particles of the precipitate. In the end, we are trying to find the concentration of aluminum in the solution (millimole of aluminum per mililiter of solution). We do this by converting the mass of the precipitate into moles and using mole-to-mole ratio and stoichiometry; we find the moles of aluminum ions. We then divide this by the volume of the solution to find the molarity, or concentration, of the aluminum ions.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Visiting Lake Manyara, Tanzania: History and wildlife
Visiting Lake Manyara, Tanzania: History and wildlife Introduction Lake Manyara is a sparkling body of water that glitters in its glory. And indeed, Lake Manyara National Park has often been described as a gem amongst the Tanzania’s northern tourism circuit. The Park forms a vital part of the larger Tarangire – ecosystem and serves as a dry season refuge for migratory animals. The park is safely nestled between the lake on the eastern side and the Gregory Rift Escarpment on the West, offering dramatic scenery that change with the seasons. During the rainy season the lake fills up and the surroundings become lush and green. During the dry season the lake partly dries up leaving a broad rim of bright white salt residue, making equally beautiful scenery. The park includes a unique forest that is fed by underground streams, rivers and springs. The forest is located on the South – Western part of the park in Mbulu plateaus. It is an important evergreen catchment forest, a source of important permanent rivers of which some of them pou r their water in Lake Manyara thus bringing life to the park and the surrounding areas. The Park is home to the rare blue monkey and numerous bird species. It is quite simply, a MUST DO for bird-lovers and keen wildlife photographers. History The name Manyara is derived from the maasai word â€Å"emanyara†referring to the Finger Euphorbia plant (Euphorbia tirucalli) meaning a plant which is a succulent. The park was first declared as a Game Reserve in 1957 mainly to protect its rhino and elephant populations. Sadly, rhino does not exist anymore because of poaching. In 1960 it was officially declared a National Park covering only 100km2. It was later on extended to the southern part towards Magara River. Between 1972 and 1990, two farm units were acquired and added to the park thus bringing its size to 330km2. Currently the park is 648.7km2 in size following the annexation of the Marang’ Forest Reserve in 2009. Dry land is 428 km2 and 220km2 is the lake- the wetland area. At its full size the lake covers about 470km2. Location Lake Manyara National Park lies between 3020’S, 35050’E and 3049’S, 35044’E as well as 3035’S, 35053’E and 3033’S, 35032’E (South) and between E3533 and E3532 (East).Park is located approximately 111.5km (from clock tower to the main gate) south- west of Arusha city. The park has two gates; one is Iyambi in the southern part of the park connecting it with Tarangire, and the other is the main gate which is close to Mto wa Mbu town. Mto wa Mbu is a small densely populated busy town which is multi ethnic with different cultural values of interest for tourists while on their way to Manyara, Ngorongoro and Serengeti. The town is the continuation of the main road to Ngorongoro and the Serengeti. Elevation The altitude varies from 960m above the sea level at the edge of the lake to 1,600m above the sea level along the valley walls of the Gregory Rift. Rainfall Like other areas in Northern Tanzania, annual rainfall pattern consists of short rains between October and December, followed by a dry season in January and thereafter long rains from February to June with the highest rainfall in April. However, Manyara has an erratic and unreliable rainfall patterns, ranging from 250mm to 1600mm per annum. Lake Manyara is highly alkaline and shallow, without any outgoing rivers. Even in rainiest months the depth doesn’t reach more than 1.5m, almost dropping to zero in the dry season. The reason why the ground water forest can survive years of extreme drought is because of springs that emerge at the escarpment base. Temperature Temperature in Lake Manyara is fairly mild, being at its highest from December to February with a mean maximum of 340C. Temperatures are lower from June to July with a minimum of 110C. It can become a bit cold when it rains. Humidity Humidity in lake ranges from 45% to 85% Attractions Attractions of Lake Manyara National Park include a unique ground water forest that is fed by underground streams and the Great Rift Valley Escarpment. The park also lesser and greater pinkish flamingos, hot water springs, wild animals like rare blue monkey, buffalo, wildebeest, zebra, giraffe, elephant, lion, baboon, leopard, antelope, cheetah, dik-dik and many more. The park is endowed with about 400 species of birds and varieties of insects. On inland of the floodplain there is a narrow belt of acacia woodland. The park is favored by the legendary tree-climbing lions and impressively tusked elephants. Pairs of klipspringer are often seen silhouetted on the rocks above a field of searing hot springs that steams and bubbles adjacent to the lakeshore in the far south of the park. Tourism Activities Visitors can engage themselves in the following activities: Day Game Drive Night Game Drive Canoeing when the water level is sufficiently high Wilderness walking safaris Bird watching ( November-June) Bush meal Cultural tour or cultural program at Mto wa Mbu village ( outside the park) Accessibility By air Fly to Lake Manyara Airstrip, which is at the top of the escarpment. Your ground operator will pick you at the airstrip and drive to the park main gate which is about 3km. It is possible to arrange connection flights to the other game parks from there. If your time is limited, this is the ideal option. By road Lake Manyara National Park lies on the main road to and from Ngorongoro. The park may be accessed on way from Arusha, Ngorongoro or Babati. From Arusha, drive West on the main Dodoma road for 84km until you get to Makuyuni village and if you are from Babati drive Makuyuni as well. From here turn right [west] drive on the main road leading to Ngorongoro gate for 26.5km until you get to the town of Mto -wa- mbu. About 1km from the village centre you will see a well marked park entrance gate on your left. The four wheel vehicle is feasible for park game drive. Shopping Mto wa Mbu town is a good place to buy various souvenirs. Also there are various small restaurants which offer typical Tanzanian food and beverages. It is important to fill up your vehicle at one of the filling stations at Mto wa Mbu as there are no fuel stations in the park. Accommodation-Inside the park The park has facilities for accommodation which include public tourist houses (bandas), and campsites ideal for budget visitors (prior booking is required). However there is one luxury tree lodge and one tented camp which are privately owned. Accommodation-Outside the park Luxury tented camps and lodges are available on the rift wall overlooking the Lake. In addition, guest houses and campsites are available in the nearby Mto wa Mbu town. Best time The park can be visited all-year round, however the dry season (July- October) is good for watching large mammals. On the other hand, the wet season (November-June) is good for bird watching and canoeing. Bird life is outstanding all year round; however it is probably better from September to April when migratory birds arrive. Park rules and regulations Game drive is allowed between 0600h and 1800h. Conservation fee to be paid at the entrance gates. Fees are for 24hrs single entry. Foreign visitors pay in foreign currency (USD) Payment is made through credit or debit cards( Visa card, Master card TANAPA cards-Exim CRDB banks) Camping is only allowed at authorized sites Speed Limit is 50kph (30mph) on all roads Off road driving is strictly prohibited Harassment of animals is strictly prohibited Loud music and noise are not permitted Littering is strictly prohibited. Getting out of your vehicle is not allowed except at designated picnic sites, view points and campsites It is strictly prohibited to introduce or remove any natural objects, plants or archeological artifacts. Domestic pets are strictly not allowed. Fires are only allowed at designated camping sites â€Å"Put fire out after use†. You enter the park at your own risk. Park management will not be held responsible for loss of property, life or damage of the same under any circumstances. Weapons, traps, poison and items of similar nature are strictly not allowed into the park. All accidents must be reported immediately to park officials. Adhere to instructions from park officials. Park contacts: Email address- [emailprotected] Hotlines. +255 689062294, +255 767536137
Friday, September 20, 2019
Similarities Between Dick Diver and Abe North in Tender is the Night Es
Similarities Between Dick Diver and Abe North in Tender is the Night      Dick Diver and Abe North are characters in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel, Tender is the Night. As presented in the beginning of the novel, Dick Diver and Abe North did not seem to have much in common. As the character of Dick Diver developed, the reader found the characters to be parallel to each other. There were numerous unexpected similarities as the novel progressed. The presentation of Abe North's character â€Å"served as a preview to the fate of Dick Diver†(Stern, 117). The characters' deterioration, relationships with their wives, and their effects on the other characters were some of the main similarities between Dick Diver and Abe North.  At the start of the novel the characters of Dick Diver and Abe North seemed to contrast. Dick was hospitable and admired by many. Meanwhile, Abe had already deteriorated in character. The first thing that was said about Abe was negative. When Abe first appeared Mrs. McKisco conveyed her opinion of him to Rosemary, "Well, he's a rotten musician." (Fitzgerald, 8). This statement was related to the lack of progress in Abe's profession as clarified by Brady, "he was a musician who after a brilliant and precocious start had composed nothing for seven years." (Fitzgerald, 33). Proceeding from these descriptions, Abe character was reduced to a pitiful drunkard. However, Abe was not always the "loser" as Nicole pointed out, "Abe used to be so nice... So nice. Long ago-when Dick and I were first married. If only you had known him then." (Fitzgerald, 99).  At this point of the novel it seems that Dick has control of his life in comparison to Abe North. Yet, Dick's own career was stagnant. Unlike Abe howe... ...gradation were parallel. A comment made by Nicole in the beginning of the novel now appears to be a forecast on the fate of Dick and Abe, "So many smart men go to pieces nowadays." (Fitzgerald, 99).  Works Cited and Consulted: Bruccoli, Matthew J. The Composition of Tender Is the Night. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1963. Fitzgerald, F. Scott. Tender is the Night. New York: Collier Books. 1982. Grenberg, Bruce L. "Fitzgerald's 'Figured Curtain': Personality and History in Tender Is the Night." In Critical Essays on F. Scott Fitzgerald's Tender Is the Night, ed. Milton R. Stern. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1986. LaHood, Marvin J., ed. Tender Is the Night: Essays in Criticism. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1969. Stern, Milton R., ed. Critical Essays on F. Scott Fitzgerald's Tender Is the Night. Boston: Hall, 1986.  Â
Thursday, September 19, 2019
My Personal Philosophy of Education Essays -- Philosophy of Teaching S
Philosophy of Education As a child, when asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I always said that I wanted to do something to help other people. I realized that even though teachers do not get a lot of respect, or money, they have the greatest job anyone could ever hope for. They help children become adults. All children are inspired by someone to be what they will become in the future. Teachers inspire those of all professions; police officers, firefighters, secretaries, carpenters, bankers, trash collectors, actors, truck drivers, fast food workers, scientists, inventors, doctors, lawyers, even the president. Imagine how it would feel to know that you are the reason someone developed something to benefit mankind, saved a life, or became the first female president of the United States of America. Hopefully, as a teacher I can inspire a child to fulfill all of their dreams. As a teacher I hope to help my students set and achieve goals. Another goal of mine is to get my students to feel good about themselves. These are things they can take with them and use in the future. I will teach students about other cultures and races in an attempt to produce students more accepting, compassionate, and understanding of situations encountered in life. My students will understand that just because someone is not like you, does not mean that there is something wrong with them. Everyone is different in his or her own special way. The purpose of education is not to pre...
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Media :: essays research papers fc
Media Awareness The case that I decided to focus on is an older abuse case, but it has recently been resolved in the courts. It is a child abuse case involving James and Bonnie Zeleski. They were both charged with abusing their infant daughter. The child was brought to the hospital with a fracture in each leg, a fracture in each arm, a thigh fracture, three broken ribs, a ripped esophagus, pneumonia, malnourished and several other cuts and bruises. The girl was transferred to an Omaha hospital. The father, James, was charged on June 3, 1998 with Class 4 Felony Child Abuse. His wife, Bonnie, was later charged and convicted of a Class 3 Felony. James was sentenced to three years probation and six months in jail. His wife was sentenced to 15 to 18 months in prison. I think that this case was fairly portrayed by the media. I know at the time, there were several letters to the editor and opinion printed on the subject, but the Grand Island Independent seemed to be fair and stick to the fa cts. It was a horrible crime and I think they did a good job being unbiased. I think that it is a good idea to publicize crimes like this. From my other studies, I have learned that the informal sanctions, public humiliation and shame, are far more effective than the formal sanctions in preventing crime. When people who are having a hard time dealing with being a parent see something like this in the media, they may stop to think about their actions. A good idea would be to run several articles on where parents can go to for help. The combination of the two, may help prevent this from happening to another child. As a mother I have a definite interest in this crime. I cannot even begin to understand how anyone could do something like that to someone so helpless. I am also interested in this case from the legal perspective and how the case was resolved in the court system. I personally think that the sentencing was very lenient. I think this is a good activity. I studied journalism fo r a while and I am very aware of how the media can distort a situation.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Fundamental Rights of Education
1. Purpose of the Report The purpose of this report is to describe and then provide an evaluation of each stage of the programme in order to give recommendations for follow up activities and further professional development for Master Trainers and teachers. 2. Introduction 2. 1. Three organisations, The British Council (BC), UNICEF and Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) Tamil Nadu collaborated on an ambitious programme to develop the skills of English language teachers in government primary schools. The project aimed to improve the English language teaching methodology of over 40,000 Class 5 teachers across the state. To this end, 600 Block Resource Teacher Educators (BRTEs), 60 District Institution of Education and Training (DIET) Teacher Trainers and 240 standard V teachers were to be trained and they would in turn cascade training to the standard V teachers at district and block levels. 2. 2. Following a needs analysis carried out in November 2008 by two British Council Senior Training Consultants (STCs) a proposal was made to SSA Tamil Nadu. The proposal detailed the results of the needs analysis and took into account discussions made between the three partner organisations regarding the needs of the primary school teachers working across the state. . 3. The British Council was invited by Tamil Nadu SSA to provide the following outputs: †¢ diagnostic assessment of up to 450 teachers with the purpose of determining the level of spoken English amongst teachers in primary schools in Tamil Nadu. †¢ needs assessment for development of training materials, a bench mark in order to measure p rogress and used as a selection tool for entry onto the programme. †¢ design and deliver 2 x 30 hour courses for 900 Master Trainers, which would be cascaded to 40,000 standard V primary English teachers in Tamil Nadu. organise monitoring and evaluation of the Master Trainer programme and subsequent cascade programmes. 2. 4. The cascade training model is generally applied in large scale training programmes where sheer numbers and geographical reach prohibit direct training. In India, where a single state may have as many as 150,000 teachers, it enables large numbers of teachers to be trained. We recognize that the model has limitations, critics have pointed out that as training flows through the layers a certain amount of quality andeducation is must
Monday, September 16, 2019
Classroom Analysis Essay
1.Why is a classroom a miniature of a greater society? A classroom is a miniature of a greater society because it is where all basic and formal learning begins; where all the proper and acquisition of knowledge takes place. It is a part of the society that engages in promoting and preparing learners for more and broader task, role and obligation.The teacher or professor plays the role of the leader/monarch, while the students are the citizens. The citizens are supposed to follow the rules and laws of the society (class) that the leaders (teachers) set. In every classroom, there are different kinds of people: Those who work hard, those who play hard, those who do both, those who do neither. In society, you also get these kinds of people. There will also probably be little cliques, in this case, representative of small groups in society. Then there are the high class, those who fly past everything without hitches, the middle class who get by, and the lower class who are really struggling to keep up with the coursework. The teacher may offe r remedial sessions, which can be compared to any welfare packages that the government decides to hand out. 2.What are found in the classrooms that are similar to what can be observed in society? It can found there the leader that serves as the teacher and the people serves as the students. All they do are similar with what can we see in the society. The teacher led the students to know about a certain thing that builds them to become a better individual; the same within a society a president, mayor, or a Brgy. Chairman leads its people to build a harmonious relationship among others. The Discussion and interaction among the learners and the teachers in promoting knowledge; unity, cooperation and creativeness in accomplishing given task and responsibilities; having a harmonious relationship on each and every member of the class and the facilities and equipment for learning and development.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Diversity in American Education Before 1960 Essay
The diversity in terms of the student population in American education before 1960 was largely dependent upon the issue of racial equality. The push for racial equality in the United States got a boost from the demands placed on all facets of society during World War II. The mobilization effort relied on the black race to win the war and once it was over, there was no turning back. Furthermore, the ideals of freedom and equality, which were the backbone of the Allied war cry and the foundation for the anti-communist Western movement, did not sit well alongside Jim Crow laws and public acts of racial discrimination. The Jim Crow System is also called â€Å"segregation†. It is a process in and through which Southerners may be said to legitimize their racial supremacy over the Blacks or Negroes. It is a system in and through which the central idea is â€Å"differentiation†. The aforementioned differentiation is done on the basis of ethnicity or race. It is therefore not difficult to see that such a system will encounter numerous criticisms due to the implications that result from it. Differentiation entails the recognition that races are different and as such, it creates a political setting that â€Å"separates†races such as the Whites from the Blacks. In addition to this, it also separates and ultimately, limits or confines races such as the Blacks to a social sphere with corresponding social functions that are imposed on them. In line with this, this paper will focus on the manifestations and effects of racial segregation on the American public educational system before 1960. It will do so since the end of racial segregation within the American public school system was largely determined by the effects of the Civil Rights movement as can be seen in the discussion of the Supreme Court Cases on educational and racial equality before 1960. The following cases will show the effects of racial inequality on the diversity of the population in the American public educational system prior to the aforementioned period. In 1954, the United States of America’s Supreme Court decided a landmark case concerning educational and racial equality. In Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, 347 U. S. 483 (1954), the Court’s ruling is grounded on the principle that the doctrine of â€Å"separate but equal†[this doctrine is referring to the segregation policy, more specifically, the segregation policy in the schools in the U. S. ] will not and cannot provide Black Americans with the same standards and quality of education available for White Americans. The court thus, outlawed the â€Å"racial segregation of public education facilities†for the aforementioned reason. On May 17, 1954 the Warren Court handed down a 9-0 decision which stated, in clear and certain terms, that â€Å"separate educational facilities are inherently unequal†. Chief Justice Warren writes: Today, education is perhaps the most important function of state and local governments. Compulsory school attendance laws and the great expenditures for education both demonstrate our recognition of the importance of education to our democratic society. It is required in the performance of our most basic public responsibilities, even service in the armed forces. It is the very foundation of good citizenship. Today it is a principal instrument in awakening the child to cultural values, in preparing him for later professional training, and in helping him to adjust normally to his environment. In these days, it is doubtful that any child may reasonably be expected to succeed in life if he is denied the opportunity of an education. Such an opportunity, where the state has undertaken to provide it, is a right which must be made available to all on equal terms. (1954, np) Moreover, racial segregation, as the court sees it, is against the pronouncements of the Constitution; the segregation of students on the basis of race or ethnicity and the legalization of a segregated public school education through the enactment of certain statutes serving to legitimize the creation and operation of schools that are exclusively for Whites or for Blacks, is clearly, not justified. The Supreme Court’s ruling in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka remains and is still considered as a turning point in the determination of racial diversity in the educational institutions within the United States. The second case involves an implication of the Brown Cases [Brown Cases since there are Brown I, II and III cases]. Due to the Supreme Court’s verdict that segregation is â€Å"unconstitutional†and of course, due to the increasing rallies, boycotts and protests conducted by the advocates of the Civil Rights Movement, issues regarding â€Å"busing†as an appropriate means by which school administrators may comply with the then seemingly constitutional requirement of â€Å"desegregation†. Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education, 402 U. S. 1 (1971) was an important United States Supreme Court case which deals with the busing of students to promote integration in the public school system. After the first trial’s decision in favor of the Board of Education, the Court held that â€Å"busing†was the appropriate solution to address the existing racial imbalance among schools at the time, even where the imbalance resulted from the selection of students based on geographic proximity to the school rather than from deliberate assignment based on race. Busing was done as in the cases of two Northern cities; Boston and New York to ensure that schools would be properly integrated and that all students would receive equal educational opportunities regardless of their ethnicity or race Milliken vs. Bradley 418 U. S. 717 (1974), just like the Swann n. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education case is also another case concerning â€Å"busing†. Specifically, the Milliken vs. Bradley case deals with the â€Å"planned forced busing†of public school students across district lines among 53 school districts in Detroit. Hence, the case is also a consequence of the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka case. The Court held that â€Å"[w]ith no showing of significant violation by the 53 outlying school districts and no evidence of any interdistrict violation or effect†, the district court’s remedy was â€Å"wholly impermissible†and not justified by Brown v. Board of Education (Milliken vs. Bradley 418 U. S. 717, 1974, np). The following statement by Friedman echoes the ramifications of the Milliken v. Bradley case The world was made safe for white flight. White suburbs were secure in their grassy enclaves†¦. Official, legal segregation indeed was dead; but what replaced it was a deeper, more profound segregation †¦ Tens of thousands of black children attend schools that are all black, schools where they never see a white face; and they live massed in ghettos which are also entirely black. (Friedman, 2004, p. 296) Another case set during 1974 shows the conditions of diversity in the American public school system prior to 1960. Morgan v. Hennigan is a class action suit on behalf of fifteen Black parents and 43 children which found the Boston School Committee guilty of maintaining a dual, that is, segregated school system. In a court order issued by Garrity, imposed or forced busing will be done on the city of Boston in order to achieve racial balance in public schools. The aforementioned court order was based on a complex system of racial parity and ignored previous busing solutions. The Boston School Committee, according to the ruling of the court, through various means and capacities violated the constitutional rights of the plaintiffs by imposing segregation in terms assigning students to other areas, segregating residential patterns, transportation and grade system policies, to name a few. The School Committee thus, violated the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution because instead of ensuring that Black children be given equal protection under the law, the segregation policies instead placed the Black children in an unfair disadvantage. The proper course of action that schools should take according to the court is to enact policies that will eliminate racial discrimination and not its converse. We will now discuss Boston Busing in the light of Ronald Formisano’s Boston Against Busing: Race, Class, and Ethnicity in the 1960s and 1970s. Formisano’s conclusion regarding busing was that it is a failure. The main aims of desegregation are supposedly, educational equality and racial equality. Both aims however, were never achieved. The desegregation and affirmative action policies were results of the Civil Rights Movement and the Supreme Court rulings on the cases discussed earlier. History reveals that the expedited implementation of these policies was not beneficial to the American society since it involves an overhaul of large areas of American civil society and political culture. This construal may be strengthened by the â€Å"White Backlash Movements†in Boston. Formisano sees the White Backlash [as in the case of Boston] as a reaction to the implemented â€Å"forced busing†. He further defines the White’s reaction as a â€Å"reactionary populism†involving the middle, working class moved by a sense of â€Å"threat†regarding the policies implemented during the time and the escalating number of White v. Black incidents in the community and schools. It is also interesting to note that the White Backlash, like the Civil Rights Movement of the Blacks lacked a unified reaction and stand on the issue. Whites responded differently, so to speak, on the issue of forced busing. Formisano’s analysis that the White Backlash is moved by a sense of threat is indeed a plausible idea. Other Whites actually support the anti-racial discrimination campaigns but the expedited implementation of desegregation, forced busing and affirmative action threatened their sense of security and their sense of community. In other words, it went too far. Given the aforementioned cases, diversity in American public education before 1960 was largely determined by racial stratification. This however was largely affected by the Civil Rights movement since the movement questioned the main assumption regarding the treatment of individuals with different racial backgrounds. References Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, 347 U. S. 483 (1954). Friedman, L. (2002). American Law in the Twentieth Century. New Haven: Yale University Press. Formisano, R. (2004). Boston Against Busing: Race, Class, and Ethnicity in the 1960s and 1970s. Carolina: University of Carolina Press. Milliken vs. Bradley 418 U. S. 717 (1974). Morgan v. Hennigan, 379 F. Supp. 410 (1974). Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education, 402 U. S. 1 (1971). Warren in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, 347 U. S. 483 (1954).
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Howard Zinn and the Us Constitution
The late Howard Zinn is a much respected historian. His views are known to be bold and nonetheless controversial. In his book, â€Å"A People’s History of the United States,†Zinn touches on topics such as indentured servants, angry civilians, and the United States Constitution. Indentured servants were people of a lower economic class who worked for people of a higher economic background. These servants worked for a given amount of time, usually between five and seven years and either worked for money, food, shelter, or freedom.Indentured servants were originally made up of mostly young white males who were trading their time in prison or their poverty for time working as a servant. The number of indentured servants began to decrease and soon after English colonists looked for other potential people to enslave. The Virginia colony needed labor. They needed to grow corn for subsistence, and needed to grow tobacco for export because they had just learned to grow tobacco. Virginia couldn’t make the Indians work for them like Christopher Columbus had done in the past. The colonists would be outnumbered if they decided to try to take over the Indians even though they were equipped with firearms. The Indians were resourceful, defiant, tough, and practically fearless. The colony needed an alternate choice. African slaves were the answer to Virginia’s labor problem. Blacks had already been imported as slaves to South America and the Caribbean to Spanish and Portuguese colonies.The blacks made enslavement easier because of how hopeless they were. They were robbed of their homeland and culture and in most cases they were separated from their families. Zinn referred to the slavery against the blacks to be the cruelest form of slavery in history. The British were taxing the colonial population to pay for the French war. Many colonists did not agree with the Stamp Act and wanted it repealed.That summer, Ebenezer Macintosh, a shoemaker, led a mob in destroying the house of a rich Boston merchants like Andrew Oliver and Thomas Hutchinson. Rioters smashed up their houses with axes, drank all the wine in the cellars, and looted the houses of the furniture and other objects. English officers reported these acts to be a part of a larger scheme in which the houses of 15 rich people were to be destroyed. The riots against the Stamp Act swept Boston in 1767.It took the Stamp Act crisis to make the leadership aware of its dilemma. After the riots a town meeting was arranged and mainly upper and middle class citizens were allowed to attend. Zinn argues the Founding Fathers, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, John Jay, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton, may have had ulterior economic and class preservation motivations that were hidden by the universal language of the constitution document.Zinn also argues that the rich, in order to secure their own interests and economic status, must either control the government directly or control the laws by which government operates. Zinn often refers to the views and writings of historian Charles Beard. Beard studied the economic backgrounds and political ideas of the fifty-five men who gathered in Philadelphia in 1787 to draw up the constitution. In his findings a majority of them were lawyers by profession, most of them were wealthy due to land, slaves, manufacturing, or shipping.Half of them had money loaned out at interest, and that forty out of fifty held government bonds according to the records of the treasury department. Beard also found that most of the makers of the constitution had some direct economic interest in establishing a strong federal government. Beard did not think the constitution as written to benefit the Founding Fathers personally. The problem of democracy in the post- revolutionary society was not however the constitutional limitations on voting.It lay much deeper beyond the constitution in the division of societ y into rich and poor. The constitution then illustrates the complexity of the American system: that it serves the interests of wealthy elite, but also does enough for small owners, for middle-income farmers and mechanics to build a broad base of support. Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of Treasury and one of the Founding Fathers, believed that the government must ally itself with the richest elements of society to make itself strong.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Country Analysis (Libya) for International Business Class Essay
Country Analysis (Libya) for International Business Class - Essay Example The Encyclopedia of Nations (2010) delves deeper to reveal the details; the maximum hours of work per week are 48, the minimum age for employment is 18, the average monthly wage is 270 dinars (converting to US$100). Foreign workers do not enjoy all the rights as Libyans and there exists restrictions on income repatriation. Other considerations to make about employment in Libya include the fact that Gaddafi regime made a great deal of effort in preventing the growth of a viable private sector. On a socio-cultural aspect, language is of particular importance to business planners in Libya. Economy Watch (2011) indicates that the major languages spoken in Libya are Arabic, Italian and English, all of which are widely used in the major cities in Libya. Arabic is however the official language in Libya (CIA World Factbook, 2011). This indicates that diversity of languages in Libya is not huge and business planners can therefore undertake activities focused on the three major languages. The fact that the three are largely understood makes it even easier to interact with Libyans while doing business. The ethnic population in Libya is predominantly Berber and Arab who make up 97% of the Libyan population. The remaining 3% consists of Italians, Greeks, Indians, Pakistani, Egyptians, Turks, Tunisians and Maltese among other nationalities in no particular order (Economy Watch, 2010; CIA World Factbook, 2011). According to the US State Department (2011) there are small Tebou and Tuareg ethnic communities in Southern Libya that are mainly nomadic or semi-nomadic. Besides North Africans, West Africa and sub-Saharan nationalities contribute the major portion of the non-Libyan population in the country. Whereas news of ethnic tensions is not common in Libya, the recent uprising was initially observed to follow ethnic patterns unlike the wave of uprisings that characterized the North African and Muslim World in general (Bancroft-Hinchey, 2011). The implications of this to the bus iness planners involves planning to win over the majority and targeting the smaller ethnic populations besides the fact that absence of ethnic tensions means that under a stable regime Libya is an attractive place for business. Gender considerations especially in the labor market in Libya are an extension of the position of the woman in the rest of the society. Encyclopedia of Nations (2010) observes that although Libyan labor law provides for equal opportunities for men and women in the labor market, traditional societal restrictions of women in terms of out-of-home activities ensure that this law is not practical. SIGI (2007) indicates that efforts to address such issues of inequality have been hampered by the fact that it is illegal to form rights groups independent of the Libyan state. Therefore, business planners need to ensure they strike the perfect balance that will adhere to Libyan labor law while at the same time not upsetting the Libyan society in terms of gender issues. The next issue of consideration with regard to socio-cultural factors in Libya is religion in terms of diversity and the extent to which it is influential to culture. A general view of the religious outlook of Libya is provided by Economy Watch (2010), which gives the figures as 97% Muslim and 3% for the rest. Nation Master (2011) provides more comprehensive information indicating that the 97% of Muslims are actually
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Article Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 6
Review - Article Example The main purpose of this article is, therefore, to provide information regarding integrity and reliability measures within healthcare institutions. It further looks at how they apply in a clinical setup. It will further outline the approaches used to collect relevant integrity and reliability data. Based on the Scientific Merit Rating Scale, this study has a rating of four. This rating is attributed to a single subject design that has more than three participants. Four people are part of the study research. The type of measurement is continuous with no calibration data of any kind; it has a reliability of over 80%. Several evaluators who were part of the research by using psychometrically sufficient instruments further confirmed the diagnosis. To collect the data, direct behavioral observation to show the reaction of various patients based on the types of treatments that they received was conducted. The responses showed that the patients could easily maintain their composure and record their conditions before commencing treatment; however, after the treatment their conditions changed, and they were no longer in a position to maintain their composure. The rate of this response was over 90%. The criterion for the various tasks was outlined using several specific details. The study showed an average procedural integrity score of 75%. This was determined using a checklist of various sessions. An SMRS rating of three can be given to the author if this article sessions. The three participants in this study had various conditions, and the nurses gave them distinct treatments to establish their independent reactions. Each change in the treatment process resulted in a different reaction in each patient. There were some common factors among the patients; all of them were ill and had the ability to fill in their reports at the beginning of the exercise. This study can be termed as being generalized.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Global Impacts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words
Global Impacts - Essay Example Louis Vuitton is a luxury fashion and leather goods company headquartered in Paris and France. (Louis Vuitton) India is fast becoming an international fashion destination, coordinating efforts with international designers so that Indian designers are exposed internationally and foreign designs are exposed in India. (Business Desk, 2009) However, there are a number of internal and external environmental factors with respect to marketing strategies that Louis Vuitton will be required to take into account for the purpose of adapting to and entering the India market. Each of these factors will be examined in this essay. In order to facilitate a smooth transition into the Indian business environment Louis Vuitton will be required to understand the cultural differences. The Hofstede Model of Cultural Dimensions can act as a useful guideline for determining the cultural differences in India and what can be done in the business organization to accommodate those differences. Hofstede identified five cultural dimensions that are relevant for global marketing strategies. The first cultural dimension on Hofstede's cultural dimension scale is Power Distance Index (PDI). PDI draws on the level of equity and inequity among the population in a nation's society. High Power Distance Index will mean that power and wealth is distributed at a high rate of inequality in that society. In this regard citizens are generally denied upward growth. Low Power Distance typically means that the society is driven by equal opportunities ambitions.(Hofstede, 2001) According to Hofstede's Power Distance Index, India ranks 77 which is high. However, it is not that far ahead of France's PDI which is at 68 (Hofstede's Dimension of Culture Scale) The average PDI around the globe is 56. (Hofstede's Dimension of Culture Scale) The difficulty with countries showing high PDI rankings for businesses is that the individual from that culture will typically defer to higher authority for a decision even if they are aware that something is terribly wrong and what measures are required to correct it. The Korean Air crash in Guam is one example of the consequences of a high PDI ranking. In this scenario, the pilot made an error which the co-pilot was aware of, but deferred to the pilot's decision who was his superior.(Gladwell, 2008) For the purposes of internal organization of the business office in India, Indian employees are likely to adhere to the power structure within the organization. Even so, a high PDI is also indicative of fear of and ambivalence toward anything foreign.(Chan and Cheung, 2008) The second of Hofstede's cultural dimension is Individualism (IDV). IDV emphasises the level with which the particular society focuses on either individual or collective relationships and achievements. A country with a high IDV ranking is generally one in which the emphasis is on individuality and individual rights. Persons within in high IDV countries gravitate toward more relaxed relationships. Conversely, low IDV rankings are typically characterised by collectivism and more tightly woven relationships between persons. Low ranking IDV countries typically focus on families and a collective approach toward looking out for the members within in their tightly woven circle.(Hofstede, 2001) India's IDV ranking is 48 and relatively low when compared to France which is at 71.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
The Kite Runner Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Kite Runner - Essay Example The relationship that is first going to be explored is the one between Amir and his father (Baba). In the first half of the movie, they are shown to possess different characteristics. Baba is brave and powerful, while Amir is a coward. Unlike them, the relationship between their Hazara servant, Ali, and his son, Hassan, is very similar. Ali is defined by his modesty and is very loyal to his master, catering to his needs diligently. His son has the same personality and will do literally anything for Amir, as is seen in various incidents in the movie. However, when I got to know that Hassan was Baba’s illegitimate son further on in the movie, I realized how similar Baba really is to Amir. He acted out of impulse and consequently made a blunder in their lives and never disclosed what he had done. Moreover, he tried to atone for his action in other ways to clear his guilty conscience. Amir had a lot more to atone for. Somehow, the guilt of not being able to stop what happened to Hassan transformed into anger. This was further fuelled when Hassan remained impassive when Amir insulted him repeatedly. Not only had he abandoned his friend at the time when he most needed him, but he also tried to get rid of him later; he planted false evidence to ‘prove’ that Hassan stole Baba’s watch. However, not once does Hassan betray Amir; he ‘admits’ to the ‘crime’ in order to make Amir happy. ... It could also be because Hassan was a Hazara, which was termed as a lower cultural class in Afghanistan, due to which Amir only ‘used’ him by letting him stand up to Amir’s bullies alone. However, their bond must have been pretty strong, owing to how burdened Amir became with the guilt of what he had done. Moreover, after finding out that Hassan’s son, Sohrab, was taken by Assef (the bully who had raped Hassan in his youth), Amir courageously steps forward and receives a beating from Assef for the sake of Sohrab’s freedom. In addition, he took Sohrab to safety and later adopted him. These acts of his prove that he did indeed redeem himself (indirectly, through Sohrab) in front of Hassan. This also shows that this is a buildungsroman story; Amir developed from being a selfish boy to a selfless adult. On the other hand, Assef has an extremely selfish and remorseless character, as he never even thinks of redemption for the sins he committed to Hassan an d Sohrab. Sacrifice has been a major recurring motif in The Kite Runner; Hassan, knowing how important the blue kite was for Amir, refused to give it up even if it caused himself to get sexually abused. He also sacrificed his honesty for Amir by owning up to a crime he did not commit (stealing Baba’s watch). However, even Amir later selflessly put himself in danger’s mouth to save Sohrab. Kites symbolize the difference between Amir and Hassan’s social class and status in their friendship; the kite flyer (Amir) is important and controlling, while the kite runner (Hassan) is minor and ever-available. This movie also showed me that if there is hope for a better future for Sohrab-who has suffered in the hands of Assef-then there is hope for Afghanistan-which has suffered in the hands of the Taliban-as
The Problem Of Planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The Problem Of Planning - Essay Example In statistical terms, random sample means the set of items that are drawn from a large set of items (population) and it is the subset of the population. The method of sample satisfies the criterion of randomness, that is, each item has equal chance to be drawn or selected. The only factor an item to be selected is mere chance. But in order to ensure the equal chance to all items, once an item is selected, it should be replaced by the population. If the population consists of heterogeneous subgroups or different strata, it would be advisable to sample each subpopulation (stratum) separately. Stratification is the process of grouping members into relatively homogenous groups. The random sampling is applied within each stratum. This method of random sampling from different strata improves the representative nature of the sample by reducing the sampling error. The sample size is the number of observations that constitute the sample and it is normally represented by an integer (positive number). The sample size is determined by a number of factors like convenience, time, money and the purpose of the study. But in many cases, the decision of sample size becomes confusing. Though the published literature on this issue is not very much rich in comparison to its importance, there are articles and books which are concerning the sample size determination. Some of them are Kraemer and Thiemann (1987), Cohen (1988), Lipsey (1990), Shuster (1990), and Odeh and Fox (1991). Determining Sample Size is such an important issue that the reliability of the results mainly depends on this. The decision of how large would be a sample is so important that it enables the statistical judgments would be accurate and reliable. For this, the sample size should not be too small or too large.
Monday, September 9, 2019
Human Resource Development studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1
Human Resource Development studies - Essay Example This essay will discuss how boundaries between organisations are increasingly becoming fluid across a diverse range of networks and the implications that these network forms have on the maintenance and development of skills for individuals and organisations. Reasons for diversification of networks The thinning of the boundaries between organisations has to a large extent been caused by the diversification of organisations, this has seen most of the organisations increase their product diversity to minimise risks and increase their capability to take advantage of opportunities in the market (Johnson, 2010, p65). In addition, organisations have also diversified their markets in several regions in order to reach a larger client base. These processes of diversification have caused major shifts in the way the companies conduct their operations (Hill & Jones, 2007, p85). In the case of concentric diversification where organisations are concerned with increasing the scope of their products through the adding related goods and services, integration of different skills has been a necessity; this is to increase the strategic fit in the running of the organisations (Gu?Nther, 2007, p152). The related products that an organisation includes in its operation depends on the field that it operates in, for instance, organisations that offer services in the service industries are likely to add to their products other services that compliment their operations or those that add value to the initially existing services. For instance, a company that has a conservancy for wild animals or that is manages a game reserve is more likely to diversify its operation to include offering travelling packages for tourists who visit their facility. In addition, it may wish to own a hotel within the conservancy where the tourists can stay when they are visiting the region, this would encourage more tourists to visit the conservancy or the game reserve. Still to increase the visibility of the orga nisation to possible tourists, the organisation is likely to acquire an advertising firm. This diversification in operations of a service company would require that the workers especially in the management levels to acquire new skills to enable them run the organisation efficiently and effectively. Diversification in organisations that deal in goods is more likely to be extensive and complex than for the organisations that are in the service industry, this makes the workers in the goods producing organisations more affected by the organisation’s operations in different networks (Toxvaerd, 2010, p72). Most of the organisations that have their final products in form of goods require a lot of technological and management expertise, this is because in the production of goods, there are a lot of stages that are involved before the goods are ready to be taken to the market (Gregory & Cooper, 2009, p111). These stages include; procurement and transportation of raw materials, the pro cessing of raw materials that may involve several stages, quality assurance checks, packaging and branding of the product, warehousing search and transportation
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Personal statment to get accepted into LIU. topic can be on anything Statement
Statment to get accepted into LIU. topic can be on anything perferabbly about their nursing program - Personal Statement Example As a nurse I believe I will be able to work with and help people from different walks of life. Having done a thorough research, now I am convinced that LIU is the place to fulfil my academic aspirations from. LIU’s mission of opening world gates for men and women from all the different ethnic, social and economic backgrounds wishing to render themselves to the service of humanity particularly captures my interest. The goal of awakening, enlightening and expanding the mental faculties of its graduates says just everything. The institutionalization and appreciation of diversity as a strength just matches my personal value of interacting with different world cultures. I personally have always wished to be part of an educational system that permits intellectual freedom, independent scholarship and application of knowledge to the service of community. I will be honoured greatly to be selected as a student in the LIU nursing program. My interest in nursing is largely the result of a passion for serving in the medical field and be in a career that allows me to positively change lives. I am very passionate about helping others, it is most fulfilling & valuable thing for me and I believe as a nurse I will be better placed to do what I like every day. LIU’s nursing program aims at preparing graduates who will combine science, compassion and care to serve. The college’s goal of churning out graduate nurses who are competent, effective in leading change through compassionate care, management and nurse education responds to the requirements of the changing role played by nurses in the entire medical continuum. By studying for my nursing program at the university therefore, I will come our as an effective leader, well prepared and ready for the challenges of today’s society. Apart from academics, I am one very outgoing individual who actively takes part in games & sports, club activities and academic forums. I
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Israeli and Arab conflict Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Israeli and Arab conflict - Essay Example It starts with the Biblical story of Abraham who moved from the land of Ur in present-day Iraq/Iran to the land of Canaan as it was then called. According to Biblical traditions, Abraham was promised the whole land adjacent to the Red Sea and within the west of the Jordan river. However, there were some native Canaanites on the land. Abraham's grandson, Jacob (Israel) moved to Egypt with his children and grandchildren. They lived in Egypt for a few hundreds of years and became a great and populous nation. They then returned to the land of Canaan a few generations after Abraham. The descendants of Abraham became known as the Israelite community. They lived side-by-side with the natives of the land of Canaan. This include the Philistines, the Jebusites, the Hittites and many other native tribes. After a few centuries, the Israelite community became more numerous in the land and with the rise of David as king and leader of the community, it was transformed to a state and its capital was established in Jerusalem. The State of Israel was however divided into two: Judah in the South and the Northern Kingdom. The northern Kingdom was destroyed and the people were sold into nations around the world. The people from Judah however remained a united state around the capital Jerusalem. Eventually, the Roman defeated Judah in AD63 and the remnants of Judah were sold as slave in the Diaspora (Safrai 1). In the Diaspora, the people of Judah continued to maintain their traditional practices and maintained their identity. They became known as the Jews. Meanwhile, the Romans renamed the State of Israel Palaestina which became known as Palestine (Safrai 1). As the Roman power faded, the land of Palestine was inhabited by people from other Middle Eastern origins and this include the Canaanites, Philistines and others who lived in the land before Abraham moved onto it. After the Romans, the land came under the control of the founder of Islam and his successors. As a result of that, they converted to Islam and assimilated to the main sphere of Arab communities. However, the land of Canaan/Israel became known as the Holy Lands and it changed hands for generations before the Crusaders contested over the land for generations. Eventually, it became part of the Ottoman Empire in the 1500s and it remained under Ottoman rule until 1918. British Rule & Palestine The Ottomans were Muslims, however, they never considered themselves Arabs (Willner et al 487). There was therefore a clear distinction between Ottomans or Turkish Muslims and Arabs of the Middle East and North America. During the era of the Ottoman domination of the Middle East and North America, the Arabs were ruled by Ottoman governors. Hence, the British defeat of the Ottoman Empire came with a promise of liberating the Arabs after the war (Willner et al 489). Britain used a complicated system of forming alliances and diplomatic ties with different peoples around the world during the First World War period which was fought between 1913 and 1917. The defeat of the Ottoman Empire was part of the â€Å"Asian Theater†of a larger war that was fought in Europe and other parts of the world. Britain had used the help of the Americans, Monarchical Russia and many others to defeat the Germans in the European War. They had also promised the Jewish Group seeking a homeland for the Jewish people known as the Zionists in Europe and around the world that they will help
Friday, September 6, 2019
German Expressionism Essay Example for Free
German Expressionism Essay German expressionism is one of the most fundamental movements of early cinema. With its basic foundation stemming from the creation of the Universum Film AG in 1917 by the German government, expressionism found a happy home in Germany until, arguably the late 1920s (Wolf). Expressionism changed the canvas of cinema with its technical innovations as well as its impact on Hollywood, not only with its borrowing of ideas, but with the emigration of German actors, writers, and directors to Hollywood, such as Murnau and his creation of Sunrise (Welsh, 98). American films at the same time as this movement in Germany were based in realism, with very distinct ideas of good and bad, comedy, and aesthetics. German film was seen as highly compound, with thick, perplexing stories that were more solicitous instead of being superficial. The notable works from this movement have been time tested references to the rise of cinema, and have been looked upon for reference in film genres in later years not only because of the innovation and place in history, but also for the overt artistic styling that has been difficult to match since. It seems as though German cinema, almost all together must be discussed in its own category. Just as French cinema, historically speaking, Germany has seemed to keep at least a somewhat independent cinema culture from that of Hollywood and its beginnings are either independent from Hollywood or influencing for the most part. Although its beginnings were earlier, â€Å"†¦the period roughly between 1897 and 1908, motion pictures in Germany had graduated from a side-show novelty to a fast developing form, if not of art, then certainly of popular entertainment†(Figge, 308). By 1909, however, hundreds of new cinemas were offering longer and more cohesive programs†, which laid the groundwork for the progressive technical explosion that was the Expressionist movement (Figgins, 308). Germany reached a height in silent cinema in the 1920s, the time after World War I (Wexman 38). This was a national time of crisis with most of the culpability of the Great War being put on Germany not only politically, but more enduringly and impactfully, economically; this created discord in the sociopolitical environment. Due to such social upheaval, film as seen as an expression of â€Å"counter activity†to the state of affairs in Germany (Wexman, 38). German expressionism is one of the more major film movements which helped mold the face of early cinema, and has had enduring impacts on the horror genre, film noir and is even seen trickling into modern day cinema. The innovations that came along with this movement are astounding, especially given the modicum of improvement in physical film itself, which one could argue, were brought about by the mass creative and artistic movement expressionism fundamentally is. Some of these technical aspects include a highly subjective and dynamic camera, design innovations including staging and set designs, and being the first movement to actually implement scripting of films (Dilman). Telltale signs of expressionism are the use of backlighting to create a sense of dimensionality and montage, and splicing the film together to make the story be more seamless and continuous, which was also a style used by the Soviet film movement (Figge, 313). Some of the indications of expressionism seem to be the anti-heroism, the complex philosophical and psychological plots and primarily urban settings. The scenes are intentionally shot to look staged, creating an alternate reality on screen with its highly geometric scapes, tilted stages, clashing vertical and horizontal lines and overshadowing. Indeed as Warm said, Expressionist film is art come to life (Wexman). Historical and mythological themes are very telling of this movement, as are abstract story lines that seem philosophically or psychologically provoking, fantastic ideas, and â€Å"careful visual patterns†(Wexman 40). Mythology obviously had an influence on Metropolis, as the machine in the film turns from robot into a pagan god, demanding the sacrifice of the workers. This constructs the notion that the machine is more important than the lives of the machinists, the way urban culture existed in the moment, machine is more important than man; progress is the most important idea in society, replacing a sense of community and order of nature. This idea of a crisis of modernity influenced many films in Germany throughout the 1920s. The idea of urban life being pitted against rural life is the subject of Sunrise, giving the audience the choice between the naive and desirable maternal figure in opposition to the fast, dark, evil â€Å"Vamp†woman from the city, embodying urban culture and its certain destruction of current livelihood. This again reiterates the theme of the unavoidable but unwanted nature of modern, urban life in opposition to the much-desired rural, complacently comfortable setting that was more trusting. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari is seen as the height of expressionism (Welsh, 98). Without exaggerating, it is impossible to discuss expressionism without discussing Caligari, not just for the film advancements, but because it seems to be one of the most artistically set films of the time as well as being one of the truly first expressionist films to be made (although it is not the first), Caligari was, in an important sense, a blind alley for German films of this period, because it sought its identity outside the inherent possibilities of the film medium. In spite of the use of irises, medium shots, and crosscutting, it remains essentially theatrical†¦The point is significant, because at this time the question was being asked, ‘What can the movies do that the theatre can not do? ’ Caligari provided no clear answer to this challenge. (Figgins, 310-311) All of the characters are highly psychological, some being downright neurotic. This can be evidenced by the blurring of the lines of good and evil, the questioning of sanity and the feeling of helplessness of the main characters in the film, most notably, the Somnambulist who has absolutely no control over his doing. By being out of control, he can be seen as evading all of his worldly responsibilities, one can excuse his behavior (read: murdering of innocent townspeople) because it is not he who has the intention, but rather is being compelled into this anti-social behavior. With this in mind, it is easy to see expressionism being a symptomatic artistic release, emerging out of a post-war world turned upside down, where one must question their morals due to justification of war (especially because Germany was involved with unrestricted submarine warfare during World War I), and coming to terms with shouldering the majority of the responsibility for the casualties. Themes of expressionism carried over into Hollywood’s birth of the American horror genre of the 1930s, with it’s expressionist camera angles, movements, overly dramatic makeup and lighting, fantastic subjects and the feeling of chaos, a sense that the world in spinning out of control. Many of these themes have seemed to have lasting impacts, and were characteristic of many Alfred Hitchcock films. While Hitchcock favored tight scenes, he still preferred to give the audience a sense of unease with his camera movements, creatures, and most definitely, chaos. However, it is certain that Hitchcock is more characteristically modernist, with his angles and restoration of the disharmony of his films. Film Noir is another genre that seemingly stemmed out of expressionism. The use of stark contrasts of shadows and the obscurity of faces and landscapes is showing of expressionist qualities. The disorientation brought on by the camera direction style also echoes the disorientation, which was popular in the movement. The protagonists seem to be flawed, which is also a mirrored quality, exemplified by the main character in Sunrise, who has no issue initially with his infidelity or thoughts of murdering his wife to be able to be with the Vamp from the city. The urban settings of Noir films also seem to be reminiscent of German film themes of the 1920s (Naremore 12, 26). In fact, one might argue that Film Noir is basically expressionism revisited, keeping in line with most of the expressionist qualities, save the more stark landscapes and police themed-ness of the melodramas. Modern day directors still use themes and techniques associated with the Expressionist movement. Most notably and obviously would be the ever famous Tim Burton, where commonalities and homage exist heavily. For instance, it can be argued that Gotham City in Burton’s creation of Batman was modeled after the city in Metropolis, and his theme of the corrupt city is reminiscent of Sunrise. It is hard not to see the similarities of the character Edward from Edward Scissorhands and the somnambulist from The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari from the inception of the character on the screen, in the major aspects. Most likely, expressionism will seep into cinema either subtly or overtly for many years to come. German expressionism can be seen as being the influencer of genres, groundbreaking creator of overly artistic production, and arguably the art of horror film. This movement itself has helped spawn the rise of other genres and movements, and has been looked upon for stylistic and creative (admittedly sometimes hyper-creative) reference in film genres in later years due to the innovation and canvas that was created in service of the period. Indeed, German expressionism is a major film movement which helped mold the face of early cinema, but one cannot contain the ideas and art that came from this movement into the years of the 1920s and 1930s as the impact it left is seen in many later genres and generations, the horror genre, film noir and modern day cinema.
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