Saturday, December 28, 2019
A Guide to Spanishs Future Tense
The conjugation of the future indicative tense in Spanish is easiest of all the conjugations. It is the same for all three types of verbs (-ar, -er and -ir), and the ending is attached to the infinitive instead of a verb stem. Furthermore, there are few verbs that are irregular in the future tense, and those that are are still recognizable. Future Tense Conjugation The following list shows the future tense endings using the example of hablar(to speak). The endings are in boldface: yo hablarà © (I will speak)tà º hablarà ¡s (you will speak)à ©l, ella, usted hablarà ¡ (he, she, you will speak)nosotros, nosotras hablaremos (we will speak)vosotros, vosotras hablarà ©is (you will speak)ellos, ellas, ustedes hablarà ¡n (they, you will speak) Note how the same conjugation is used for an -ir verb: yo dormirà © (I will sleep)tà º dormirà ¡s (you will sleep)à ©l, ella, usted dormirà ¡ (he, she, you will sleep)nosotros, nosotras dormiremos (we will sleep)vosotros, vosotras dormirà ©is (you will sleep)ellos, ellas, ustedes dormirà ¡n (they, you will sleep) Most of the verbs that are irregular in the future tense modify the stem but leave the endings the same as above. For example, the future tense conjugation of decir is dirà ©, dirà ¡s, dirà ¡, diremos, dirà ©is, dirà ¡n. There arent a lot of verbs that are irregular in the future, as even some verbs that are highly irregular (such as ir and ser) stay regular for the future tense. Among the most common irregular verbs and the stems used are caber (cabr-), haber (habr-), hacer (har-), poner (pondr-), poder (podr-), salir (saldr-), tener (tendr-), valer (valdr-) and venir (vendr-). Uses of the Future Tense While the conjugation (except for the few irregular verbs) is easy, what can be confusing is the uses of the future tense. As its name implies, the future tense is often used in discussing things that will happen. As in the above examples, the future tense frequently becomes the equivalent of the English will followed by the verb. ​Tendrà © tres hijos, I will have three children. Nadarà ¡ maà ±ana, she will swim tomorrow. The future tense of Spanish also has two other common uses: The suppositional future  The future tense can be used to indicate likelihood or probability in the present. The translation will depend on the context; in question form, it can indicate uncertainty. Serà ¡n las nueve, its probably 9 oclock. Tendrà ¡s hambre, you must be hungry.  ¿Quà © horas serà ¡n? I wonder what time it is. Estarà ¡ enferma, shes most likely sick. Emphatic command  As in English, the future tense can be used to indicate an intense demand. Comerà ¡s la espinaca, you WILL eat the spinach. Saldrà ¡s a las nueve, you WILL leave at 9.
Friday, December 20, 2019
Customer Value Definition - 609 Words
Customer Value: Definition Customer value is the customers’ perception of a product. Woodruff suggests: â€Å"a customer perceived preference for and evaluation of those products attributes, attribute performances, and consequences arising from use that facilitate (or block) achieving the customer’s goals and purposes in use situations†(Shanker, 2012a). Woodruff goes on to suggest that â€Å" also emotional payoff and achievement of a goal or survival greatly depends on the customer’s experience†(Shanker, 2012a). Therefore your success depends on your customer’s opinion of the quality of your service. Paying attention to negative opinion is just as important as reduplicating a positive experience for the customer. Economist Adrian Swinscoe suggests that we need to focus on is what appear to be minor issues and not only the obvious ones. Some of the things he suggests to avoid are: †¢ Extended wait periods to speak to someone †¢ Unknowledgeable agents †¢ Difficulties in finding contact information †¢ Getting disengaged employees when you contact the company †¢ Better promotions for new clients and nothing for existing clients †¢ Not fulfilling your promise †¢ Obtuse language (Swinscoe, 2014) By avoiding these pit falls as well as doing the obvious things such as providing a great products and offering support, a company can remain competitive. Customers are the lifeline to the organization and should never be ignored. Providing the best customer value can help assure that clientsShow MoreRelatedValue Added Markiting4538 Words  | 19 Pagestasks ABP Level 7. PgDBM Value Added Marketing Assignment 1. Understand market value from different perspectives in an organisation of your choice. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Earth and SKy free essay sample
When I was 15, life seemed easy. My parents, still happily married, sheltered me, andGod blessed me with two sets of healthy grandparents. In my naive way, I believedterminal illness would never affect my family. In the summer of 2000, though, mygrandfathers doctor diagnosed him with brain cancer and gave him only ten monthsto live. Suddenly we all felt the presence of death. My grandfatherpassed away exactly ten months later in a nursing home. He hated nursing homes,but by then he didnt even know he was in one. His calling hours were thefirst I had ever attended. My mother and I clasped hands tightly as I looked atthe open casket surrounded with flowers. The baskets of flowers had ribbons, eachinscribed for my grandfather: Bompa (his grandchildrens nickname for him), Dad,Husband, Friend. As we approached the casket, my stomach tightened and tearswelled. My mother squeezed my hand tighter and kept me by her side. We will write a custom essay sample on Earth and SKy or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I hesitantlylooked in the casket. Bompa appeared just as he had before illness struck. Eventhough his eyes were closed, I could still imagine their twinkle, his wide smileand the jokes that made everyone laugh. I remembered his big round belly and hisdouble chin. And I realized that he would never again make us laugh.Tears ran down my cheeks as my mother hugged me, rubbing my back as I sobbed intoher shoulder. The next day, I didnt want to go to the funeral. My throatwas dry, my voice hoarse, but the time came to go to the funeral home and say mylast good-bye to Bompa. As I approached his casket again, I bowed my head andmore tears came. The world stopped as I searched the depths of my heart for theright words. I kissed his cheek and said, I love you, Bompa, and alwayswill. At that moment I knew I would have to bury my dead many times. Thehurt, the disbelief and the terrible moment when it seems the world has stoppedwill happen again and again. In a flash, I grew up. I looked at my familyand friends and knew that I could always turn to them while theyre on thisearth. They are my guardians on earth, and Bompa is my guardian in the sky.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Distractions free essay sample
Life is full of choices.George Strait once said â€Å"Life’s not the breaths you take, but the moments that take your breath away.†I believe this is one thing that people have forgotten about.Everyone is so self-centered and doesn’t think about what matters anymore.Jim Denomie does a wonderful job in the painting â€Å"The Vatican Cafe†illustrating how the world is busy.This painting made me stop and think about what matters and what doesn’t matter in my life. When I look into this painting I see the world today and a few things that have shaped it.There are seven people sitting at a counter and one waitress serving them.The two people on the far left look very homely and are both naked, Adam and Eve.On the table in front of them is a cup and saucer along with a bowl of soup.There is a reverend in his uniform with his pants around his ankles sitting next to, Jesus, who is in the middle of the table wearing a robe. We will write a custom essay sample on Distractions or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The reverend has 3 bananas in front of him.There is a fish on the table in front of Jesus, the Holy Grail in one hand, and a fork in the other.On the right side of Jesus is the Lone Ranger in a cowboy hat and his side-kick Tonto who also appears naked.The Lone Ranger is playing three cards of bingo and the Indian is asking what he should eat.Lastly, sitting on the far right of the table is Elvis Presley in his white performing outfit; he is looking into a cell phone and taking a picture of himself, he has a doughnut and a gun on the table in front of him.There is also an owl sitting next to Elvis on the window sill, looking for food like an eagle.Nobody is looking at Jesus with awe, they are all focused on things that don’t matter.Instead of having their breath taken away by something amazing, they are focused on themselves. The door of the cafe says â€Å"Vatican Cafe†on the outside.Inside the cafe is an array of beautiful colors that shout out at you.The floor is made of colorful tiles.The cafe has two large windows in the back and a door in-between them.Looking through the windows I can see a few things that have impacted the world throughout the last few hundred years.In the left window there is a witch being burned at the stake with people watching, an observatory looking at Saturn, and there is a tornado in the very back.In the right window the KKK is looking at the cross of Jesus Christ, an atom bomb going off in the back, and a tank representing the wars on Earth.The sky is purple and pink all the way across the horizon in both windows. The world has changed dramatically since Jesus was walking around in sandals.Back then I don’t think God believed everybody would one day be walking around with computers in their pockets and have countries with weapons of mass destruction.Things like these are what distract everyone from religion, family, and love.The painting was as busy as a freeway during rush hour. When I first looked at it, I saw Jesus sitting at a table with accidental things surrounding him.It felt as though the artist knew he wanted to include Jesus and then didn’t know where to go from there.But as I continued to look at it, I began to see things in a different way.It looked like an abstract painting that needs deciphering.The painting shows how the world today is so self-centered.Jesus died on the cross forgiving my sins, but how many times do I thank him for it?The world has wars, natural disasters, and people being murdered but most of the time I don’t pray for peace, I just hope it happens.If Jesus walked into a restaurant and sat down to eat, would I even notice it was him?Would I offer to buy his meal for him?I like thinking I would, but I know the truth, I probably wouldn’t.The picture was blurry at first but became more clear as time raced by. Somehow we got confused and thought God wanted us to conquer other people in the name of Christianity.But that’s not what it is about, it’s about appreciating the things we have and enjoying every day of life.There’s another country song by Thomas Rhett called â€Å"Beer with Jesus†.It’s about sitting down with Jesus and asking him why he does some things and how we can be better.If I ever got that opportunity, I would do it for sure.Everybody in this picture is given the chance to do so, but not a single one of them does it.They are all too distracted to ask or even notice just like our world today.But if we all just take a few minutes out of each day and appreciate the littlest blessings then we can go back to the way God wants us to live.The way humans are suppose to live.Everyone in this painting would be looking at Jesus and listening to him instead of focusing on themselves.
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